Is it possible to use one IIS server to configure Webgateway and external Webserver for management portal when implementing synchronous mirroring with VIP i.e Is it necessary to have two mirror servers(primary and Backup) , one Arbiter server, one Webserver for Webgateway and a sperate webserver for management portal?

If anyone can please point to any documentation on Mirroring with Webgateway and external webserver for management portal will be really helpful.

Thank you for your help

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· Aug 2, 2024
Search in all namespaces

Hi Team,

Is there a way to search for a string or use of a function in all namespaces in one go.

Studio option "Search in files"/Ctrl+shift+F search all files in the current namespace. We have 13 namespaces and wanted to know if there is an easy way to search in all namespaces in one go.

Thank you for your help

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0 264

Hi Team,

Is there any way to disable all operation ( or services) in a production entirely?

For example when restoring from one HealthShare environment to another we may need to get the configs (IP, port, ssl etc ) updated before staring the operation. We set the production autostart to disabled but still need to disable the operation one by one if we want to start production without operations enabled.

Thank you for your help.

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0 240

Hi Community,

We are trying to filter message created using custom xml class in a business rule.

HL7 ORU Result messages are converted to custom xml messages with a list properties .Result ORU converted to OrderResultMsg , which contains property Orders as list of Order which contains ResultStatus . Please see below the class extract. We are trying to access the ResultStatus property to filter non-final results via business rule.

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0 282
· Nov 13, 2023
Message data global


We noticed from the integrity logs that some of the namespaces in our integration engine are using large amount of space ( ~380GB ) for the global ^EnsHL7.Segment.

We have culling implemented for large globals like MessageHeader and MessageBody.

Is it a standard process to implement culling for ^EnsHL7.Segment global and any idea about what will be the impact of adding culling to this global?

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0 370
· Sep 20, 2023
Size limit for Base64Decode

Hi Community,

Can I please check what the size limit for the parameter in $SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Decode() method ?

I have a 12 page base64 encoded PDF document, which is failing when decoded. I am getting the error below:

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <ILLEGAL VALUE>zXSDToLogical+1^%Library.Binary.1 -- logged as '-' number - @''

OBX:5 size=4233781

I tried the below from terminal, but it is not able copy the whole string for the parameter so couldn't execute it.

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0 467

Hi Team ,

Can I please check if anyone has encountered SOAP authentication error when trying to submit a certificate signing request or when trying to get certificate .

I configured a local CA server without SMTP configuration and I configured a local CA client. These steps worked okay.

Then I tried to Submit Certificate Signing Request to Certificate Authority server and I am getting the following error :

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0 310


I am trying to configure OAuth2 server to connect to Cerner Auth server to get FHIR API access token but I am getting the error "Discovery response not valid".

I can get the access token back okay from Cerner endpoint used in the OAuth configuration below via Postman and Manually sending the request via HTTP Operation from HealthShare, so the URLs I am using looks correct but the OAuth configuration is not working.

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0 496
· Jul 20, 2022
Default Database Resource

Can I please check if anyone know why the data base resource is created differently when creating a namespace after specifically selecting it to use the default resource %DB_%DEFAULT?

I created a namespace and when creating the DB I selected the option to use the default resource

When the namespace creation was complete , database is using a new resource instead of the default.

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0 366

Does anyone know how to disable the auto-refresh in Healthshare, especially for Message viewer , Business process designer, DTL editor pages?

These pages in management portal refresh every 15min( i.e. as per the session time out setting) . I tried to set the following two configs to disable the auto refresh but both had no impact.

set ^EnsPortal("DisableInactivityTimeout","Portal") = 1
set ^%SYS("Portal","EnableAutoRefresh") = 1

Thank you for your help.


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0 764

What is the best way to create an HL7 message from JSON input file?

We have JSON file available with data required for building the HL7 message . I am trying to use a standard file/FTP Business service to pick up the file and convert the input %FileCharacterStream into a dynamic Object and use the stand JSON features to read /process the data and build the HL7 message.

Is there any other better way to do this? or any standard built-in functionality available in HealthShare?

Thanks you for your help


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