go to post Mary George · Dec 8, 2023 @Christine Nyamu Are you trying to find the index in DTL ? A Loop with a counter variable and check for DRG.1.3 = "PMP" could provide you the index.
go to post Mary George · Dec 6, 2023 Hi @Nimisha Joseph , Try this code : Set HL7Msg = #class(EnsLib.HL7.Message).ImportFromString(RawHL7,.tSC)
go to post Mary George · Nov 24, 2023 @Colin Brough , Documentation sys (https://docs.intersystems.com/healthconnect20211/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI....) - "When it is time to start, if the item is enabled, the scheduler starts it; when it is time to stop, if the item is running, the scheduler stops it." Production item will active between start and end time but it is can be controlled (to some extent) by the production component implementation. We have a service that process files from a folder using the file adapter and it is using the schedule functionality. Schedule is set to start at 22:00 and stop at 23:00. Everyday service start at 22:00 and once it finish processing all files from the folder it remain inactive until next day 22:00. In our case since the file copy to the folder from external system only happens during the day time, when the service is started it is same as running service just once between 22:00 and 23:00. Hope that helps.
go to post Mary George · Nov 22, 2023 We are using the Schedule feature from Business Service in our integration engine to run the service at specified times only , would this be an option for your requirement? I noticed your product version is Ensemble 2018, not sure if this option is available in 2018 version.
go to post Mary George · Sep 26, 2023 Hi Subramani, Try the code below: set s=##class(%Net.SMTP).%New() set s.smtpserver="relay.abc.com" set s.port = <<portNumber>>//depending on your smtp server set s.UseSTARTTLS = 1//The name of the TLS/SSL configuration to use for smpts requests set s.SSLConfiguration = "nameofSSLToUse"
go to post Mary George · Feb 7, 2023 This issue is resolved now. Problem was missing Unauthenucated access configuration. /isc/pki weba pplication should have unauthenticated access enabled to get the certificate information to diaply in the tab above.
go to post Mary George · Feb 1, 2023 May be you could try simply passing message to the required namespace: Create two operations in the current namespace Configure one of the operation as TCP connection to a business service in the second namespace where you have the required operation(see sample config) Configure the business service in the second namespace as pass-through to the required operation in that namespace
go to post Mary George · Aug 25, 2022 If you are trying to alter a persistent class you may need to check if the DDL statements are allowed for the class (DdlAllowed keyword) https://docs.intersystems.com/healthconnect20211/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cl...
go to post Mary George · Sep 16, 2020 WRC confirmed it as a bug in Healthshare . Fixed in version 2019.2 and above.
go to post Mary George · Jun 11, 2019 Please check the Global "^Ens.DocClassMap" in the Management portal. If the data is looking not correct you can try rebuild option as mentioned in the documentation. Please see below from documentation:Hope this helps.