· Mar 16, 2017
Articles' Views Analytics

Hi, Community!

I hope you know the option to use DeepSee analytics portal for Developer Community stats. You can find it in Community-Analytics menu.

Let me introduce the beta of new analytical dashboard 'Articles' Views', which is available in Authors folder.

It consists of two dashboards, first shows the running total of the views for the articles (to see the impressive growing curve).

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Hi Community!

We want to invite you to join the InterSystems Gamification Platform called Global Masters Advocate Hub!

The Global Masters Advocacy Hub is our customer engagement platform where you will be invited to have some fun completing entertaining challenges, earning badges for the contribution to Developer Community, communicating with other advocates, and accumulating points which you can redeem for a variety of rewards and special honors.

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3 4.8K


Consider I have a class Package.Data with Property UniqueStringValue as %String.

I introduced the Index for this property:

 Index ValueIndex on UniqueStringValue [Unique];

It works well. But if I try to check if there is an object with the certain value in code like this:

if ##class(Package.Data).ValueIndexExists(value)  

this expression fails, if value="value", even if there is an instance with instance.UniqueStingValue="Value"

How can I set the index to prevent saving case sensitive values in this class?

0 6
0 556

Hi, Community!

We have a new release here!

What has been introduced:

1. Better notifications

With this release I hope you will turn on back the email notifications because every new notification today in the beginning of itself will tell first, why did you get it describing the exact reason you got this particular notification. And if you don't want this type of notification to be delivered anymore click unsubscribe link in the notification and it will lead to the settings of this very type to alter.

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Hi Community!

We are launching the new channel of InterSystems Technology content for you. Please welcome InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel!

What the content you will find there:

See how it looks:

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0 323
· Jan 18, 2017
Top 10 Authors in 2016

Hi, Community!

Over 600 different authors posted anything on Developer Community in 2016.

Developer Community contains some brilliant pieces of content because of you. Thank you!

With one of the latest DC releases we introduced "Member Follow" functionality, so you can open any members' page, follow him and be subscribed to all his new posts and comments.

Just to give you ideas who to follow in 2017 here is top 10 authors in 2016 for several nominations ;)

All the nominations do not include postings within Developer Community tag or group.

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0 329

Hi, Community!

We are fixing groups, tags and message types for the several last year's postings.

So that's why you are getting "strange" notifications now with no any new comment.

As a result, you'll get better tagging and for the DC articles and questions.

Anyway, you can turn off the "OnUpdate" notifications as it is described here.

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Hi Community!

In this release we turned off the digest mode for all the members (until it would be fixed) and fixed the Update notifications: now this settings can be found in the same place for all the members: Subscriptions/Content types tab.

Meet in this small release the new very valuable feature: marking answers as "true" answers.

If you are an author of the question now you can choose the right answer if there are more than one and mark it with the green checkbox. Like it is shown here:

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0 655


Today DC supports the notifications for the posts' updates. It means if someone changes the post text, title, group or tag you can be notified about that.

But this notifications just inform that there were updates, but do not show what exactly was changed in the post.

So through this, you can get the notifications for the posts from previous years without any reason what's happened.

I would suggest to turn off this types of notifications until we'll implement the details in notifications, what exactly was changed in the post and why did you get it.

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