· Jul 28, 2023
Class Documentation

I like to add documentation to the top of every class I write. Is there a way to modify or create a template that would automatically add the lines below to the top of the class? I primarily use Studio IDE but would like to be able to do this using VS Code as well.

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0 179

Visual Studio Code, like Atelier, connects to IRIS through the Web Server and a web service, unlike Studio that connect to the SuperServer port.

What about the VS Code terminal? Does that open a shell with SSH or does it also use a web service?

In other words, does an IRIS developer using VS Code need direct access to the IRIS instance with SSH or the SuperServer port, in addition to the external or private web server to execute terminal commands?

Is that different with linux vs. Windows?

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0 210

How to import Custom Schemas from VSCode? They look like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Category name="ITK" description="xmlns:hl7='urn:hl7-org:v2xml' xmlns:xsi=''" std="1">
<MessageType name='ACK' structure='ACK' returntype='ACK' description='xsi:schemaLocation="urn:hl7-org:v2xml ACK.xsd"'/>

Instead of wrapped XML export produced by $system.OBJ:

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0 204


I'm trying out VS Code with IRIS for Health 2023.2 (not available in above dropdown) in a local container. I can open read-only files in the Objectscript viewer and have a local folder connected to the correct namespace. However, when I make changes and try the "import and compile" option, I get:

ERROR #16006: Document <filepath> name is invalid

The first four chars of <filepath> appear to have been truncated

Here is my settings.json


"": "open",

0 4
0 269
· Mar 3, 2023
? %QUERY Wizard in VSCode ?

For my recent tutorial, I used %Query Wizard of Studio.

Could any of the VSCode experts please show me how to generate

Query Statement with input parameters, CONTAINID , ROWSPEC
and the required class methods
- <queryname>Execute()
- <queryname>Fetch()
- <queryname>Close()

I was just not able to do it.

3 3
0 170

Is there an easy way to open classes in VS Code?

In studio you go open and just type the class name and it opens up the class.

In VS Code need to know the full path, is there a quick way? It is probably the one thing preventing from using VSCode full time (apart from not seeing the .luts or csp files)

0 15
0 2.7K

Hi all,

In the days when I was still using studio, the indentation character of choice was tab, due to misalignment of code when using non-monospaced fonts.

In VSCode when I create new class files, this defaults to 4 spaces. Where and how do I set the default indentation for ObjectScript class files?

Also, with python it should be spaces. So what is recommended when doing python script inside objectscript classes?

Thank you.

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0 446

I'm attempting to configure VS Code's InterSystems Server Manager to establish a connection to an IRIS for Health server. It has a standalone CSP gateway running on an Apache server with TLS enabled. The port for all IRIS api and browser traffic is 443.

I've configured the webServer section's host, port, and variations on pathPrefix (including no pathPrefix entry), and have the correct user ID set. The password is stored in the server keychain.

The connection simply fails with "Server could not be reached." Nothing in the Output or Problems tabs.

3 5
1 998

Hi guys,

Open question for all of you...

We are getting some warnings in our code of a class definition when switching namespaces in the code, because the classes we use in different namespace wouldn't exist in each other's... an example:

ClassMethod DoSomething() {
     set oldNS=$zutil(5)
     znspace "SECONDNS"
     set ok=##class(MyPackage.MyClass).MyMethod()
     znspace oldNS

In that example, the vscode "Intersystems Language Server" extension would tag "MyPackage.MyClass" as a problem because that class only exists in the second namespace.

0 7
0 669

Hi developers!

Those who code IRIS solutions in VSCode using Docker often use the convenient ObjectScript menu, which contains links to Management Portal, Class Reference, Unittest portal, Productions, etc.

While drilling down to a Dev Container to code Embedded Python there is no such option, at least within my settings:

So I don't know how to connect to it.


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0 251

Context: Ensemble development with ObjectScript in a healthcare context - lots of HL7, and some web service stuff. We've used Studio up till now, alongside a lot of leaning on an external developer, but are expanding our team and doing more in-house. We are wondering about Visual Studio Code - not least because it looks easier to hook up to source management solutions. And we've noticed that the test environments that you get connected to when doing many of the online training courses on give you a Visual Studio Code environment.

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1 225

When using VS Code for Objectscript, is there a way to directly open % classes, like %Library.String, without needing to search for a property of that type and right clicking->"Go to Definition"?

I know it is possible to use "system=1" in the workspace uri definition to see all the % classes, but that tends to clog up the left side viewer with many extra directories. There is also the option in the settings to selectively hide some by defining files.exclude, but it seems fairly complicated to set up a filter for exactly the relevant directories.

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