Recently I was asked by a customer with this question. In MS SQL Server, there is a function called host_name() that will return the work station name.

Here is how I would do it in Caché :

With default SQL schema name, in my case SQLUser in SQL (which is equivalent as User in Caché class definition), I have a class called User.dummy, I added a classmethod called hostname and expose it as SQL function host_name:

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This is a bit weird. I'm trying to use `DATEDIFF()` to calculate the time since the last message on an interface. For some reason, when no messages are received, the number steadily decreases. This is the opposite of what should happen. Here is my current query and a few sequential result sets:

SELECT getDate() as now, max(TimeCreated) as latest, DATEDIFF (s,getdate(), max(TimeCreated)) as difference
FROM EnsLib_HL7.Message
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I have two servers in our TEST environment. One with HSBUS and one with HSREGISTRY. Let's call them "HSBUS01" and "HSDB01" respectively.

Now, I can access HSBUS with my SQL client by using the JDBC driver pointed to and port 1972 and specifying a namespace of "HSBUS". I am, however, unable to access the HSREGISTRY instance via SQL with a similar combination of information.

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I have to disect thousands upon thousands of strings like this:


I've been able to pull out the first, second and final segments as separated by hyphens, but now I have a predicament where I need to use the second segment, the 2 shown in the example above, in a join to another table. Problem is Cache apparently doesn't like doing that. Just the same, I have to find a way.

Here's the code I'm using to pull that segment out into as separate field in the query results:

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In my project, I am calling a store proc on third party database. I am using SQL Gateway and ODBC. Everything is working fine until the store proc changed. In store proc they have changed the return alias name for a column. In Ensemble Snapshot I am not seeing the modified alias name until I restarted the whole Healthshare instance.

Here is my question, is there any other way? We do not want to take the instance down if it happens after we go live.



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· Apr 19, 2016
SQL Sequence

Does Caché support SQL CREATE SEQUENCE as in PostgreSQL?

If not, what would be the best alternative? Create my own sequence logic as the example bellow?

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Presenter: Andreas Dieckow
Task: Apply SQL security to multiple servers in a distributed system
Approach: Provide code samples for using new API calls to apply SQL security statements to multiple instances of our products

Description: The requirement that started at all. See examples on how to use this new feature and integrate it into your application by discuss code examples.

Problem: SQL Security is local to the instance and most of time driven by customer application code. That it is only local to the instance and is not automatically going to other instances requires a solution.

Solution: With application code use new API calls to issue SQL security statements that is applied to multiple instances.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Is there any simple way to query data about processed messages in all Ensemble productions?
What I ultimately would like to do is to periodically export that data to another system and run statistics on it.

I've been digging around in the SQL tables view and Ens.MessageHeader seems to contain most of what I'm after.
Using ODBC I could access that table view and query data, but only for one namespace per DSN it seems.

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Customers who switch to Caché from relational databases report that their average performance is up to 20 time faster, running on the same hardware, with no changes to the application. What is it about Caché that lets applications run so fast?

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With the maturation and wide acceptance of Java, object-oriented programming has moved to the foreground of the application development landscape. Because of their rich data models and support for productivity-enhancing concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, object technologies like Java, C++, and COM, are favored by today's application developers.

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