Hi Team,
I have a requirement to disable the Production Start/Stop buttons for specific support users. But they should be able to stat/stop Ensemble Hosts.
For that new Role, As per documentation along with other Ens resources, I have added %Ens_ConfigItemRun with RWU access and didnt add %Ens_ProductionRun resource.

This makes the Start/Stop buttons disappear from Production Configuration page ( meeting my requirement). But those users are Unable Start/Stop/Restart Ensemble Business Hosts.

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0 323

I am getting the following error when trying to fect data from DeepSee:

"Error":"ERROR #5002: Cache error: <PROTECT>%Construct+3^%DeepSee.ResultSet.1 ^DeepSee.Cache.LocalResults(\"session\"),e:\\hs-db\\tfoms\\"

However, I cannot find the place this error points me to.

Specifically, it says 'Label %Construct + 3 lines, in the %DeepSee.ResultSet.1', but there does not seem to be such a place. I could only find the %DeepSee.ResultSet class and it does not have a lable named %Construct.

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0 350

During some consulting activity, I found at the client's site CACHEAUDIT database of more than 100 GB size. The reason was simple: several processes produced a great amount of %System/%System/OSCommand audit records due to frequent external calls ($zf(-100,...)). As it is well-known, those events can be easily disabled systemwide, while this can be hardly considered secure enough. Reducing the number of days before audit cleanup from default 62 to some reasonable figure (e.g. 15) seems to be a better solution, but...

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0 273

Hello community,

I would like to report about a security issue, that engages us for some time meanwhile.

We configured a restricted user to read data from a csp page to feed our nagios server with information about configuration items we would like to have an eye upon. The configuration of this user is the same in our production and in our development environment. The called method mainly reads data from lookup tables by sql queries and writes data to a temporary table, which is deleted in the begining.

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0 329

Hi Developers!

Want to raise security discussion today!

Let's discuss how InterSystems security for applications works. In general, the concept is clear: we have Resources (what to protect), Roles which combine a set of privileges and accesses to Resources and Users which can have this or that Role.

But there is also a concept of Application which also could have a Role.

So you either provide a Role for a User or for an Application.

What do you use in production? What is your strategy and why? Pros, cons?

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I've added a REST service which worked fine on our test system but failed on the production environment because UnknownUser does not have %All set and I really don't want it set on production (in fact I've also switched it off on test).

Is there a way to allow a single REST service to have unauthorised access?

I was thinking adding a resource/role to UnknownUser specifically for that service but I've never touched on Users/Roles/Resources so I'm struggling to work out what needs adding where.


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· Jul 16, 2020
Ensemble namespace permission


I am attempting to set up a security role for our support team so they can have read access to the production and messages.

I have given the role RW rights on the resource associated with the database. However, when I log into Management Portal and select "Ensemble", the "Available Ensemble namespaces" list is empty.

What permissions do i need to set to be able to navigate to the production?

Thanks in advance,



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0 741

Hi All,

Actually, I'm developing few restful API's. I want to create a authentication tokens and display it on my login restful API. If I'm using CSP sessionId, how can I validate the session Id's in another or continues restful API's. else, is there any other approach to handle this task.

My Primary goal is, I have to integrate 2 different front end applications. One is Zen framework another one is web pages from Python.

If any lead, it would be appreciated.


Arun Kumar Durairaj.

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· Mar 24, 2020
Cannot type password in Terminal

I just tried to log into our QA server and connect to Terminal (v 2013.1).

I can type in my username but when I attempt to type my password, no characters are typed. When I press ENTER the password is invalid.

I can connect to the management portal and the studio development environment without any problems. Also, I do not have this problem when connecting to the terminal in our production environment (2010).

Does anyone know what can cause this type of problem?


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0 241

I am attempting to pragmatically create a bunch of roles and then assign the appropriate resources to that role.

Currently, the only ways to add resources to a role are to:

1. Do through Management Portal

2. Go through ^SECURITY (add resource one at a time)

My Intention would be to do the following: do ^SECURITY Role Setup Edit Role When prompted for resources to add, be able to use *

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0 222
· Mar 13, 2020
List All Available Resources

Maybe I haven't seen anything about it in the documentation, but why isn't there a way to list all the Resources from the %SYS namespace from a class rather than through ^SECURITY

Thinking maybe something like this:

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0 255

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Advances in Security

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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· Jan 16, 2020
debugging web client

I used the soap wizard to create a web client based on the wsdl. I was able to get a valid response back, and now it looks like the error is in decrypting the soap message response "inbound"

ERROR #6284: Security header error: SecurityTokenUnavailable.

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0 478


I am working on Ensemble 2017.2.1 .
I need to export my security settings into an extern database, in order to make a report.

I've created a Business Operation with an SQL Adapter into a Namespace, but I don't know how to get every security data from "%SYS" Namespace ( SQLPrivileges , Resources , Roles , Services , Users ... ).

I dont't want to use the terminal and the ^SECURITY routine, because i don't want to store a XML file on the server.

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0 275

Cache / Ensemble version 2016.2.2.853.0

I have a need to restrict ODBC access to certain users to prevent unwanted access to our cache database.

We have a limited number of legacy applications that use ODBC to connect to read data and are currently not in a position to have these amended any time soon so in the interim, I am hoping someone will be able to provide me with some assistance.

Any suggestions on where to start?

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0 383

The .NET Core Identity model has an IPasswordHasher<> interface for for

  • Hashing a password so that it can be stored in a database
  • Verifying a provided plain-text password matches a previously stored hash.

I am getting invalid password errors during the login process when the .NET Core Identity model computes a hash from a plain text input and compares it to a password hash value I've returned from Caché. The default hashing algorithm is PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA256, 128-bit salt, 256-bit subkey, and 10,000 iterations (detailed article on .NET Core Identity PasswordHasher). The algorithm Caché uses is probably different which may be why I am getting errors.

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1 2.3K

I would like to allow some departmental user to view the ensemble portal. I want to make sure they are not allowed to do any changes (like stop and start interfaces from portal)

I have created one userbut limited with SQL privilages. But using this account, the portal view is not accessible.

It would be appreciated if anyone can adice me on this. I know this may be a silly question.



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Presenter: Dan Kutac
Task: Use a common login identity and a central mechanism of authentication across environments from multiple entities
Approach: Provide examples and code samples of an application environment using OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0

Description: In this session we will demonstrate an application environment using OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0. Hear how this is done and what options you have; and yes, you get to keep the code.

Problem: How to use a a common login identity (e.g. Facebook credentials) and a central mechanism of authorization cross environments from multiple entities.

Solution: Create awareness and interest in using OAuth 2.0

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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0 708

Hello experts,

I'm new to InterSystems software and still not so familiar with it. Therefore I do apologize in front if this question is irrelevant, not making sense or answer is commonly known.

I've did my best in search for answer, but unfortunately i haven't found anything helpfull. So I decided to ask for help here.

My problem is repetitive error which occure in CSP Gateway event log :

Error Condition: Failed to read posted content from the client (Content-Length: 1404; Data Actually Read: 0; Read Error: 70007)

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0 404


I am trying to create a user role which shall allow users the access to only one specific namespace in an Ensemble system. I´ve startet creating the namespace with a database (with own ressource and no public access). In the second step I´ve created a role by copying it from the predefined role %Developer and assigned the ressource of the created database. After that i´ve created a user and assign him to the created role.

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