Here you have an easy way to write and execute COS code from your unix scripts. This way one does not need to write routines or even open Studio or Atelier. It can be an option for simple and small actions for instance things like installation tasks or compiling.

See sample bash script ( to compile classes:

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0 872
· Nov 22, 2016
Cache Syntax - Directory Exists

I am trying to write some code to check to see if a directory exists before creating a new directory.

When I do the following I am not getting a response, but the directory exists..

do ##class(%File).DirectoryExists("/ensemble/")

am I missing something?

0 5
0 865
· Jul 15, 2016 5m read
Zinsert and friends: Coding in terminal

While Studio and Atelier are useful development interfaces, there are occasionally situations where a quick edit needs to be made to code and only terminal access is available. A useful set of tools to do this are the zload, zprint, zinsert, zremove, and zsave commands. These are abbreviated to zl, zp, zi, zr, and zs respectively. While each of these commands has its own page in documentation, this article will synthesize that information with examples to provide instruction for their combined use.

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1 695

Environment: Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2015.2.2 (Build 811U) Thu Mar 3 2016 12:55:48 EST [HealthShare Modules:Core:14.01.351

When try the following to send back SOAP Fault, is the following correct way?

Set fault=##class(%SOAP.Fault).%New()
Set fault.faultcode=$$$FAULTServer
Set fault.faultstring="Processing Error"
Set fault.detail= "Error on server"
Do ..ReturnFault(fault)

0 1
0 684
· Nov 3, 2016
Simple Arithmetics

Can somebody explain this behaviour of Cache (and many other calculating machine as well) :

WRITE 1/3*12


WRITE 1/3*5


W 1/3*18


W 1/3*21


W 1/3*24


How can we make more occurate caculations in Cache ?

1 2
0 644



In this presentation, developer oriented, we will cover this tool, how it works, how you can use it/administer it, etc. Duration 30 minutes.

The topics will include:

  • a short presentation of Caché Quality and SonarQube (which this plugin uses),
  • a demonstration of the rules and how to tailor them to your need.

Questions will be more than welcome! Hope to see you there!

And a big thanks to Evgeny Shvarov who made this possible!

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0 613
· Jun 13, 2016 1m read
Debug: using locks for breakpoints

Hi, Community!

Want to share with you one debugging approach from the Russian forum.

Suppose I want to debug the application and I want it to stop the execution on a particular line.

I add in code this line:

l +d,-d

When I want to start debugging in this line I block d in terminal

USER> l +d

And execute the app.

The app stops on this line and lets me connect to it with Studio debugger.

0 8
1 605

Wir suchen für ein Unternehmen unserer Firmengruppe

eine/n ERP System Developer / Programmierer/ Software Entwickler

Unser Partnerunternehmen ist ein international agierendes Handelsunternehmen mit Sitz in der Nähe von Wien.

Der zukunftsorientierte IT Bereich entwickelt intelligente innovative Lösungen für die Vielfalt der Herausforderungen, die sich täglich stellen. Die Fülle der abwechslungsreichen Aufgaben und Projekte, sowie die Art und Weise wie zusammengearbeitet wird, bietet hervorragende Wachstums- und Entwicklungschancen.

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0 592
· May 9, 2016
Production Monitor

At the Global Summit several folks had mention that they developed their own production monitor. I am looking to create a monitor similar to eGate that we only display those Services/Processes/Operations that are in trouble, and those Errors that are showing up in the Event Log. Does anyone have any examples of this?


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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1 585


It is time for me to eat my own dog's food and start implementing unit test running with coverage :) I will be inundating IRC with questions at this point, but I have a more general question first.

In this tutorial, it is supposed that your unit tests are exported as XML first... But that's not very practical. Is there a way, instead, to run all tests from a given project without having this export?

My first thought on how to do this would be to:

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0 578

Is there any way that I can check the native type of an object script variable? (similar to the typeof check in javascript)

I see that the DynamicArray class uses the type of the variable for its output, I would like to do something similar when I receive a value as an argument to my method.

USER>s var1 = 123 //No quotes, number type

USER>s var2 = "123" //quotes, string type

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0 571


I am still a beginner with COS and am struggling with these concepts. While digging through the official documentation will eventually tell you everything you need to know, getting started is nevertheless not an easy feat...

Is it possible to create a "lists/array/multidimensional 101" page for beginners? And, for instance, its interaction with $data, what it means to use "as list of something" or "as array of something", how to walk lists, how to add/remove elements, how to extract sublists etc?

1 12
0 533
· May 13, 2016 1m read
mySQL data importer tool


If you want to import data from a mySQL export file (exported with mysqldump), you will find here a little script that could help.

Only the INSERT commands in the sql file are executed into Caché. Indices are not computed for better performance.
%NOINDEX, %NOCHECK and %NOLOCK are generated on each INSERT line.

Currently, the file can not contain a "),(" pattern inside the values part of the INSERT command. If this is the case, the line is skipped. This feature may be implemented in the extractValuesList method.

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0 520