Interacting with Users in the Terminal: A Guide to Using %Library.Prompt in IRIS

Have you ever wondered how commands like ^DATABASE engage users in the terminal? Or perhaps you're writing an automation routine and want ways to specify options directly from the terminal. Thankfully, the %Library.Prompt class in IRIS offers a straightforward way to do so!

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Hello Community,

SQL language remains the most practical way to retrieve information stored in a database.

The JSON format is very often used in data exchange.

It is therefore common to seek to obtain data in JSON format from SQL queries.

Below you will find simple examples that can help you meet this need using ObjectScript and Python code.

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How can I send a request via a SOCKS5 proxy in IRIS, using, for example, EnsLib.REST.Operation?


I need to access APIs inside my corporate network, to which I don't have direct access from my home office. I've set up a SOCKS5 proxy via SSH on my host machine like this:

ssh -D 9999

I can then make requests with curl to the APIs I need:

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We have a yummy dataset with recipes written by multiple Reddit users, however most of the information is free text as the title or description of a post. Let's find out how we can very easily load the dataset, extract some features and analyze it using features from OpenAI large language model within Embedded Python and the Langchain framework.

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In VS Code using the InterSystems ObjectScript extensions, I'd like the indentation applied to match that of IRIS Studio. Specifically for comments and dot syntax, I'd like pressing enter (carriage return) to preserve the current dot depth and same comment beginning.

In IRIS Studio after changing the indentation settings to custom using " \t.#/;" without quotes (note the leading space), the behaviour looks like this:

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Hello everyone!
I am wondering how I can retrieve multipart form-data from a request that is coming into my REST-service.
I am supposed to retrieve a string and a file. The file is being retrieved without issues, but the "testprofile" string is not being retrieved at all.
It just logs a an empty entry.
The request that is sent to my REST-service has the Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Thanks beforehand for the help! :)

Down below is the code I use right now to retrieve the string and file from Form-data Rest HTTP-request to my service.

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Hi, developers!

Currently, I'm working on a project that requires highly dynamic event management. In the context of the Java programming language, my first instinct should be to opt for the "Observer Pattern", which is an approach to managing interactions between objects by establishing a notification mechanism. It allows multiple observers to react to changes in the state of a subject autonomously, promoting code flexibility and modularity. If you are not familiar with this design pattern, check out Wikipedia to find more information about it.

While it's natural and commonly used in certain programming languages as Java and C++, in ObjectScript, it's quite a different story.

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I have received 2 errors while publishing Patient data to repository. Message viewer displays like below and the Application log found bold content.

Could you please help me on this to resolve the errors.

An error occurred with the web application.
It has been logged to system error log (System Operation>System Logs>Application Error Log).

"<METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>OnPage+42^EnsPortal.MessageContents.1 *%Id,HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.Request : CSP Error"

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I'm wondering what the best practice is for handling %Status values within the terminal.
1. set tSC=...
    do $SYSTEM.Status.DisplayError(tSC)
2. set tSC=...
   zwrite tSC

3. An alternative?

Is there a meaningful difference between the two? Should one be used over the other for any reason? Should something else be used?

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We are running Batch job in scheduled task and the messages are picking in single session and it is not easy to trace the record.

I used the Set ..%SessionId= "" at before sending the message to BP but I see the session Id is '1' created for each message.

Is there anyother way to create new session for each message sending to BP?


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Hi everyone,

Does anyone know how to export projects via VSC?

I opened the project through the "InterSystems Tools" plugin (command is "Edit Code in Project") and I can correctly work on it.

However, when I try using the "ObjectScript" plugin to export the project (right click on the project -> "Export Project Contents")

This message appears and it is not possible to export the project:

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Hi all,

The last time I used CSP was back in 2008, so I am very rusty on it.
This question might have been asked many times, and the answer probably is that it is a matter of preference.

Are there scenarios to which CSP pages is easier/better to use than classes extending from %CSP.Page?
I want to build a little thing and don't want to start at the wrong end.
Doing an API-based, heavy client-side framework is not a requirement, and I would prefer not to do it that way.

Some of the criteria

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HI *,

So last night I was doing a deployment which had a query to select from a large dataset of joined tables, to iterate through and populate data in a new table.

This was done in a classmethod using embedded SQL and the %PARALLEL keyword.
On a testing environment with the same dataset, this worked perfectly a few days earlier.

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Hello Guys,

Our cache application uses REST web services and handles single API request perfectly with response (response status and related data). But sometimes user sends multiple requests to the same API simultaneously ( ie, without waiting for the first to respond ), where one request will succeed (not necessarily the first) and the others will fail.

So, I need to handle the requests one by one after completing and sending the response for first request in the queue then process the next request and so on.

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I got a problem to resolve, to sum it up I need to extract a function body from a JS file with cos.
I already got the JS code in a string and the function name but I'm kinda stuck as to how to get my function body, I already tried a few things (regEx, counter bracket) but there are comment and strings that block them from functioning. Is there a javascript parser or a good way to do it except by creating a javascript parser?

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The system I am working on processes large numbers of records. Inserts, updates and so forth. There are multiple processes that can potentially work on the same table at the same time.

It is an almost impossible task to try and time these processes to not run at the same time, due to volumes, SLAs, etc.

Every now and then there are a few locking issues, Not many considering the volumes. It is just a bit of a nuisance as we need to reprocess these records later.

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Hello everyone!
Sorry for the vague title! But I wonder what would be the best way to easily import a large XML-file into a production, modifying it by deleting elements and nodes depending on what values are in those nodes/elements and later creating whole new XML-file from that?

I have gone through this: Using Caché XML Tools | Caché & Ensemble 2018.1.4 – 2018.1.8 (

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Hello everyone!
I have to build a REST service that receives a POST HTTP-request, collect a file from that request in the Form data and then send it in another HTTP Post request through Form Data. However I can't really seem to send the file, and I do not know where it has gone wrong. All I am getting told is that no file is being received from my HTTP Post request. I am reaching the REST Service I am supposed to send the request to, but nothing is being sent.

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