I am trying to age based on a given date and current date here is my code:

Property DOB As %Date
Method GetAge() As %Integer
   if (..DOB="")
  set today=0 
  set today=$ZDate($HOROLOG,2)-$ZDate(..DOB)
  write "Today's==="_$ZDate($HOROLOG),!
  write today
  return today
0 4
0 2.3K
First-class functionwiki

In computer science, a programming language is said to have first-class functions if it treats functions as first-class citizens. This means the language supports passing functions as arguments to other functions, returning them as the values from other functions, and assigning them to variables or storing them in data structures. Some programming language theorists require support for anonymous functions (function literals) as well. In languages with first-class functions, the names of functions do not have any special status; they are treated like ordinary variables with a function type.

This post continues the article “Declarative development in Caché”.

[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17].forEach(function(i) {

How to do something like this in Caché using COS?

Below are some exercises on this topic.

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0 399

I have a process that I am trying to duplicate from SQL Integration Services (SSIS) into Ensemble so that the rest of my team can help support any issues that may happen.

This particular job creates multiple dictionary files, but for each one of the dictionary files it creates, it also creates a control file that tells the vendor what to process.

0 1
0 443

Hi Guys,
Can you please guide me to get rid of this issue. Please find the image files with this post.

Please let me know, before we are developing an API what are all the setup/Configuration(Apache/web server) need to do in my machine.

If any lead would be appreciated.

I don't know, in XMLNamespace parameter which URL need to use.



0 3
0 487

You probably have a similar experience.
The more I use Atelier the more I miss INSPECTOR that I had in Studio!

First for PROPERTIES that can inherit a variable number of Parameters beyond imagination.
take %XML.Adapter as the most obvious.
Where to find all inherited methods that I eventually want to overload? Take %Persistent as example.

Or where or how can %OnBeforeAddToSaveSet() (the correct camel case) be overloaded ?

15 5
0 613

Hi, folks!

Suppose you have a Caché class with %String property which contains relatively large text (from 10 to 2000 symbols).

The class:

Class Test.Duplicates Extends %Persistent 


Property Text As %String (MAXLEN = 2000);


And you have thousands of entries.

What are the best options to find entries which are duplicates on this property?

0 26
1 1.3K
· Nov 27, 2017
"Contains" operation for bitstring


Is there a handy function to test wether one bit string is covered by another one bitstring? For example, "bb" is covered by "aa".

I currently implement this by one AND operation and then do a bitcount, I just want to know any default function is already out there.


0 3
0 337

Hello, this is going to be a stupid question, yea I know, there are no stupid questions.

Say, I have an Object Property, Name or Count or Title, or whatever.

How can I get a list, or find out all the different ways it can be expressed?


-Property Name As %Name;

-Property Name As %String="me"

-Property Name As %String [ Required];

But what other parameters, keywords, restrictions, lists, etc. that I can apply to this Property?

0 5
0 503

Hi I've created a word macro in order to convert doc to txt via the command line, this works fine via the command line by myself or another user but when I try as an the intersystems user which runs under LocalSystem it doesn't work.

So can I change the user, or set the $ZF to run as a different user?

Or do I have to try another way to convert doc to txt - it's looking like libreOffice?

I just wanted to stick with word because I could be guaranteed on the result being accurate.




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0 1.1K

If you want to dynamically serve images as a property of JSON then there is no perfect encoding solution. One method used frequently is to Base64 encode the image. Whilst there are some negatives to doing this, such as data inflation, there are some positives to working with Base64 images inside the browser.

Let's say you have an image placeholder on a web page...

6 4
1 1.8K
· Nov 6, 2017

Hello, evrybody, I'm writing one project using CSP("OnPreHTTP"), and also REST angular. At the beginning I wrote purely on csp, then I decided to use angular for the flexibility of the client part. Now I can not design logging, I created a table App.Log with properties

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