will InterSystems fix the Transaction-Handling for the .Net Connection Provider?

Nor the Property IsTransactionAcvtive nor TransactionLevel is set on the Connection when using BeginTransaction.

Latest PreView will give me problem as InterSystems removed removed the TStart() Option to create the Transaction that way which gave back a TransactionObject whith working versions...

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I have an error connecting the InterSystems cache with the odbc driver with the ODBC-2017.2.2.865.0-lnxrhx64.tar version using the ubuntu versions 20.04 and version 18.04 (which works with the .Net Core 3.1 version) with the Net 6.


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we are trying to call a Webservice that is hosted on a Ensemble production from a .net program.

The web application in ensabmle is defined with password authntication

we can't get to set the security header in the .net program (<soapenv:Header> ... <wsse:Security ... <wsse:UsernameToken ... ) in SoapUI we added the Wss usertoken and it worked like a charm.

Doe's anyone have a idea to guide us? (links, ,samples, etc. )



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Our ERP solution runs on different sql databases (such as ms sql and posgre). We are using the same code for all plattforms, doing database-specific changes in the db driver for each type of database.

There is one function in our program, where the user can store long text to discribe something, which is used in print and web. This text is treated/stored as html and can include pictures. The pictures in the html are stored base64 coded inside the html and the html is stored as text in a column. In other database systems, this is treated as TEXT or BLOB, and workings just fine.

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Native API , IRIS 2019 regression vs Cache .Net provider

1. checking the native API, with .net provider, from IS docs, I realize,

that it is not possible to wrap objectSricpt Class with .NET (C# for example) pure Class with it's methods/properties

and make pure instance syntax of: new myNetClass - as wrapper of irisClass.

as I realize, you can run .Net Class , only with .Invoke or iris.ClassMethodVoid("class.name","method")

such syntax, cannot execute event driven on proprety change, let say, with it's build in mechanizm in .Net

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I'm new to cache, come from an oracle and sql server background. In oracle and sql server I could write basically a stored procedure like script and pass it in as text to the command to execute.


Below would be the _sqltext


select id into @Id from something;

if @Id = 9


do something


The _sqltext would work in sql server, what would be the equivalent for cache for it work?

I get a generic error when I try it with cache

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I am using the %Net.HttpRequest class to download a file from the internet .using the following code. When a file is returned in the DOM I am able to read the file content and save it to the desired location but when my response is a download dialog nothing is returned in the HttpResponse. Am I doing something wrong here is where I have gotten to so far any help appreciated.

current code

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· Nov 4, 2020
IRISReference in Native Api

I am trying to use IRIS Native API in .NET code I see following code snippet here https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls...

  IRISReference valueRef = new IRISReference(""); // set inital value to null string
  String myString = valueRef.value;               // get the method result

But IRISReference is not available as a type.

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We are developing a .NET6 application using Iris database. We would like to use ORM for easier code maintenance.

I saw a doc about Entity Framework: https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20231/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=BNET_eframe, but even it's newest Iris version, the Entity Framework is very old .NET Framework (2013) and not supported by Microsoft anymore. Are there any plans to support Entity Framework Core?

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