I'm building a .Net Core Gateway container. Here's the issue.

As a final step I'm building a .Net Core 2.1 library. It has a runnable dependency - .Net Gateway, which I need to start first.

However dotnet publish generates .runtimeconfig.json and .deps.json only for my library and not for my dependency (.Net Gateway).

Is there a way to force dotnet to generate .runtimeconfig.json and .deps.json for a dependency?

I have tried:

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0 8.5K

Hi !

I am getting below error in my .NET MVC project, I am IRIS Entity Framwork, in the database table filed and model having the same datatype int.

The specified cast from a materialized 'System.Int64' type to the 'System.Int32' type is not valid db Table creation Id field is created with [xDBC Type = BIGINT]

Please kindly advice me.

Thank you

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0 3.6K

In .NET Core you have an option to extend a session using a "sliding expiration". This means that if over half the time has passed and the user actively uses their session then the expiry timer gets reset and the user remains logged in. This can lead to the curious situation where you have an active authenticated user with an expired access token being used in data-access requests.

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The .NET Core Identity model has an IPasswordHasher<> interface for for

  • Hashing a password so that it can be stored in a database
  • Verifying a provided plain-text password matches a previously stored hash.

I am getting invalid password errors during the login process when the .NET Core Identity model computes a hash from a plain text input and compares it to a password hash value I've returned from Caché. The default hashing algorithm is PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA256, 128-bit salt, 256-bit subkey, and 10,000 iterations (detailed article on .NET Core Identity PasswordHasher). The algorithm Caché uses is probably different which may be why I am getting errors.

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1 2.7K
· Aug 12, 2020
dotnet core

Is there an InterSystems supported dotnet core library or community contributed repo on the horizon? At this time we are exploring installing the ODBC driver in our containers but would rather use more robust solution.

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0 1.3K

Recently I came across a very strong statement to the effect that InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll library works fast because it does not open a TCP/IP connection, instead it works in the same process as a database. It made me pause for quite some time. Firstly because .Net Managed Provider, which utilises this library, opens TCP/IP connection to the database (and it is stated in the documentation "Using .NET and the ADO.NET Managed Provider with Caché"). And secondly, because as far as I know only eXtreme applications attach themselves to the process.

1 6
0 1.3K

How can I prevent large number truncation when using the DynamicObject and DynamicArray classes to create JSON in objectscript and then parsing the result in javascript. Are there any global settings that configure the output when using these classes?

I am looking at converting to the new DynamicObject and DynamicArray classes to build JSON. Our current (homegrown) JSON library forces string representation of numbers too long because of errors we were seeing with long numbers being truncated on the client, I am hoping to accomplish the same with the new classes.

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0 1.3K
· Nov 4, 2020
Avoid $c(0) in globals

Good Morning,

I have this question for a long time. When I make an insert by SQL from an external application in the fields of type %String, if they are empty, it writes the character $c(0) in the global.

Is there a way so that if an Insert is received in a field of type% String with null value instead of the $ c (0) it leaves it empty?:

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0 1K
· Nov 19, 2018
Copy csv data into a global object

Hi, I have a CSV file with a list of 5000 records in the following format

Name, Acc, division

Eric, 1234, 567

John, 1235, 987

Peter, 3214, 879

I just want to copy the Acc, division to a global so eventually the global would be like the following:

^People("Customers", "Acc.division")

Can you advice on how I can perform this from the terminal? This is a one time task. I want to read all the values from the csv file and insert them into the global



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0 1K

I am developing a viewer for Crystal Reports using the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio (CR13SP26). I have also installed the latest ODBC Drivers for Cache, but when I connect some reports to the Cache database using a connection string, I get an error that I failed to retrieve data from the database, and it reports the Database Vendor Code 30. Has anyone used Crystal Reports connecting via a connection string and received this error? If so, how did you correct it?

Thank you,

Brian Cromwell

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0 863


I'm currently exploring alternatives to CSP/services and ODBC/Sql Maps for access to Caché. I'm not seeing a library which would interest me, so am considering creating one myself.

Does 'CacheConnection' in C# use RPC of some sort, or a defined protocol to communicate with Caché, or does it do so over telnet with scripted commands? I would assume the former. If so, is this a publicly documented protocol that can be implemented by library developers?

Any guidance in this area would be appreciated.

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We are updating a C# module which creates consumes an OdbcConnection from System.Data.Odbc. This module used to create a DSN-less connection through the InterSystems Cache driver, and we are updating it to call the IRIS ODBC35 driver following migration of the target database.

The Cache connection was formed formatted as follows:

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1 808
· Oct 28, 2019
Error SQL Select


I am having a problem with SQL Select, the command in portal is OK, show all items, but when I use a CacheDataAdapter in VB .NET show the message 'Incorrect list format 0>=0'. What could be this message? Because is the same SQL command.

Best Regards.

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0 727

I need to pass an equivalent of .Net Dictionary<string, int> instance from .Net to Caché. In the application, the Caché .Net provider has been used so far, so we came up with passing it as an instance of array of data types. However, the only way to fill the array we are aware of is to use its Add() method which invokes a call to the server instance method of the array for every key-value pair inserted.

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0 704


We have created a dll with .Net that generates a MS Word document with a template. The .Net method works, we have tested it with Visual Studio and it generates the document.

But once we have created the dll and embebed it in Ensemble through the Wizard, when we try to execute the method that generates the document, it doesn't work. It doesn't throw us an error, it simply doesn't open the template.

We have seen that MS Word program is opened, but that's all.

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0 665


I am upgrading our application from dotNet Framework to dotNet Core.

Prior to the upgrade I was able to connect to both my Cache & IRIS instances using the IRIS ADO.NET driver.

However, in dotNet Core, whilst I can connect to IRIS, I get the following error connecting to Cache.

InterSystems IRIS Provider is not compatible with Cache xDBC server

I am using the IRIS driver from the Windows (x86-64) 2022.1 distribution (the one in dev\dotnet\bin\net5.0).

The cache version is Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.2


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0 630

When calling the below stored procedure using the management portal (Run Query) no data is being retrieve, but if it is directly executed management portal data will show.

"IN" does not work changing it to "=", "like" the stored procedure will work. Does any one know how to fix this ?

Pass values to code is 'AB','TS','SK','GM'

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0 585

I'm attempting to use the .NET Entity Framework provider that is provided by InterSystems (see: https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GBMP_eframe). In our environment, the "Support Delimited Identifiers" option is turned off and we are not allowed to turn it on without significant testing effort. When this setting is off, the SQL that is generated by the Entity Framework provider is not considered valid and therefore the provider doesn't work (it DOES work,

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0 567

Does developing a RESTful API in Caché remove the requirement to use the InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll and generate proxy classes using the Caché Object Binding Wizard for .NET web development? If anyone has links to sample applications using .NET with Caché and REST Services, I would be grateful if you could share them.

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