Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

How to Migrate Your Instance to Apache - Linux Unix

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The IKO will dynamically provision storage in the form of persistent volumes and pods will claim them via persistent volume claims.

But storage can come in different shapes and sizes. The blueprint to the details about the persistent volumes comes in the form of the storage class.

This raises the question: we've deployed the IrisCluster, and haven't specified a storage class yet. So what's going on?

You'll notice that with a simple

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

You can use the %IndexBuilder class to perform index rebuilding using multiple processes.

Here is an example for the purpose of defining the standard index HomeStateIdx for the Home_State (state information of contact address) column of Sample.Person.

The steps are as follows:

1. Hide the index name to be added/rebuilt from the query optimizer.

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In the WRC, we often see customers contact us because they are having been provided a .PPK file for use with SFTP connections, but they don’t know how to use that key within InterSystems IRIS. This article will explain why this represents such a problem, and explain how to use the .PPK key to generate a Private / Public Key pair in a format recognized by InterSystems IRIS.

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Killer presentations are essential for opening doors, doing business and delighting customers. These types of presentations move away from the traditional and tiring topics and portions of texts, or even pictures of happy people to get closer to the interests of their audience.The best presentations materialize what customers are looking for into something they can see working. Instead of promises, examples in execution and the ability to be very close to what you want to do.

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As the health interoperability landscape expands to include data exchange across on-premise as well as hosted solutions, we are seeing an increased need to integrate with services such as cloud storage. One of the most prolifically used and well supported tools is the NoSQL database DynamoDB (Dynamo), provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

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The IKO allows for sidecars. The idea behind them is to have direct access to a specific instance of IRIS. If we have mirrored data nodes, the web gateway will (correctly) only give us access to the primary node. But perhaps we need access to a specific instance. The sidecar is the solution.

Building on the example from the previous article, we introduce the sidecar by using a mirrored data node and of course arbiter.

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Below is the job description for your reference

Position: Integration Engineer/SME (US only)

Location: Remote

Contract: 12 months

Job Description:


Looking for IRIS experience must have

Lead the implementation of FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) standards within the data warehouse, ensuring accuracy and efficient data exchange across the ecosystem of partner APIs

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We have JSON type data in a Dynamic Object. Is there a simple way to export / dump that data to a delimited string or file?


Results={"ClassA":{"ClassName":"ClassA","ACount":367191880,"BCount":367191880,"CurrentDiff":0,"PreviousDiff":0,"ReportDate":"2024-03-02 00:00:00"}
"ClassB":{"ClassName":"ClassB","ACount":5352149227,"BCount":5352149227,"CurrentDiff":0,"PreviousDiff":0,"ReportDate":"2024-03-02 00:00:00"}}

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  • The idea of this package is to compare the performance of columnar storage inside IRIS without wrapping it to some foreign platform that is not my world
  • In addition, I do not want to measure network performance between 2 containers, but inside a closed IRIS environment that I have fully under my control
  • Even the use of SMP or some other browser-based presentation has some influence that I want to avoid.
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Work Queue Manager (WQM) is a feature of InterSystems IRIS that enables you to improve performance by distributing work to multiple concurrent processes programmatically. The idea is that you split the work into chunks, and WQM distributes the chunks across worker processes and can provide the info that the work is done.

However, recently, I got an interesting question: there's a large logical transaction composed of ~1,000,000 individual objects and SQL inserts and updates. Some updates are CPU-intensive, so the original idea was to use WQM to split an update into chunks to speed things up.

But, here's a catch: if one of the individual 1,000,000 changes fails (there's a variety of application-level checks so that it can fail, and that's not even that abnormal a behavior), the entire transaction must be rolled back. That creates a problem: each chunk must report success before committing their individual transactions, and someone must get all these reports and decide if we are committing or not.

Unfortunately, it looks like WQM does not have a bidirectional communication between workers and manager, so I suggested an approach using events:

  1. Start jobs.
  2. Wait for all jobs to report success using $System.Event.WaitMsg().
  3. Send Commit or Rollback using the $System.Event.Signal().
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If you are a customer of the new InterSystems IRIS® Cloud SQL and InterSystems IRIS® Cloud IntegratedML® cloud offerings and want access to the metrics of your deployments and send them to your own Observability platform, here is a quick and dirty way to get it done by sending the metrics to Google Cloud Platform Monitoring (formerly StackDriver).

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We now get to make use of the IKO.

Below we define the environment we will be creating via a Custom Resource Definition (CRD). It lets us define something outside the realm of what the Kubernetes standard knows (this is objects such as your pods, services, persistent volumes (and claims), configmaps, secrets, and lots more). We are building a new kind of object, an IrisCluster object.

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How to send the HL7 Batch messages over a SOAP webservice which takes 3 credentials(Username, Password& Org.ID) using IRIS Management Portal V 2019.1?

WSDL xsd : element - 1.Username , 2.Password ,3.Org.ID ,4.HL7 Message.

Info I had -

Source is CSV File will be translated to HL7 using data Transformations. All the transformed messages need to be sent to destination System through SOAP request as a single Batch File.

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Hi community,

The aim of this article is to explain how to create messaging between IRIS and Microsoft Teams.

In my company, we wanted to monitor error messages, and we used the Ens.Alert class to redirect those error messages through a Business Operation that sent an email.
The problem was that we sent those error messages to a support account where there were many emails. We wanted something specific for a specific team.

So we investigated how to make these messages reach the development team directly and they could have, in real time, a notification of an error in our production.
In our company we use Microsoft Teams as a corporate tool, so we asked ourselves: How could we make these messages reach the IRIS development team?

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Hi all,

Does anybody have the same issue?

$ZF(-100) to run python script not work when directly execute in studio or in storedproc called by TrakCare, but can work when do in iris session.

The python script imports a "barcode" package. It seems that when directly execute in studio or in storedproc called by TrakCare, the package can not be imported.

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The IKO documentation is robust. A single web page, that consists of about 50 actual pages of documentation. For beginners that can be a bit overwhelming. As the saying goes: how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Let's start with the first bite: helm.

What is Helm?

Helm is to Kubernetes what the InterSystems Package Manager (IPM, formerly ObjectScript Package Manager - ZPM) is to IRIS.

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Job Title: Software Engineer- IRIS InterSystems

Work Location: Remote


Main Demand is that we need someone with technical familiarity of IRIS, Familiar with Integration, software development, maintenance, designing, configuration and so on. FHIR good to have. Do not go 100% by the Job description, lets have a discussion and get to know whats exact demand is.

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Hi All,

On February 8, 2024, we asked for input from the IRIS community regarding exam topics for our InterSystems IRIS Developer Specialist exam. We will close the window for providing feedback on the exam topics on Friday, March 8, 2024. If you would like to have your say in what topics are covered on the exam, this is your last chance!

How can I access the survey? You can access it here

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Hi Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

How to Migrate a Mirror Configuration to Apache - Linux Unix

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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