I would like to know any experience working with OPC UA standard in industry sector or IoT. Currently there is no adaptor implemented in IS IRIS for it but it seems to be pushed as the main standard in industry. Did anyone had to implement their own libraries or adaptors to deal with it? Or do you advice to use any already implemented library in Java, Python,...? Any feedback would be appreciated.

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Let's consider you would like to efficiently store your historical data in a similar structure than the one used for your current data, but without sharing the same physical storage (ie : not in the same global). What is the most efficient way to do it ?

Below a simple class of your current data :

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0 416

Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Creating Virtual Models with InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics

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0 217

Hi developers!

As you probably noticed in IRIS 2021 the names of globals are random.

And if you create IRIS classes with DDL and want to be sure what global was created you probably would want to provide a name.

And indeed you can do it.

Use WITH %CLASSPARAMETER DEFAULTGLOBAL='^GLobalName' in CREATE Table to make it work. Documentation. See the example below:

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Hi Community, we continue to gather feedback about Data Loading & Packaging. In particular, we're interested in hearing your impressions on some of the new capabilities added with InterSystems IRIS 2021.2 We'll be using this feedback to improve InterSystems IRIS, so please feel free to share any details and feedback:

>> Link to the survey (14 questions, 5 min) <<

Note: this is the same survey we already published during the contest, on Global Masters and Discord. If you already participated, you don't have to do it again. Thank you for the feedback!

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Hey developers!

Sometimes we need to insert or refer to the data of classes directly in globals.

And maybe a lot of you expect that data structure of global with records is:


And this article is a heads up, that this is not always true, don't expect it as granted!

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0 393

Hi all,

I am trying to use a %Status property on some of my Response classes. If the execution of a service goes wrong, I set the %Status property on Response with the value $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "pre-defined error message").

When I check the visual trace for this message and look for the %Status (property "status_code" on the image), it is displayed like this:

If I select to display the Body of the Response, I get the 'readable' form of %Status:

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UPDATE: Developer Preview 7 has been released.

Update 7 includes a number of stability improvements over previous updates and support for support for all of the planned 2022.1 features. If you notice any problems at all, now's the time to let us know. The docker pull commands below have been updated with the latest build numbers. Enjoy!

Developer Preview releases are now available for the 2022.1 version of InterSystems IRIS, IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect.

As this is InterSystems' first developer preview release, let's take a moment to describe what these are. The developer preview program enhances the previous IRIS preview program with approximately bi-weekly releases that add features as they are ready. This allows us to get feedback on capabilities and enhancements as they're available. You'll see below a list of enhancements that are targeted for 2022.1, which are not included in the first developer preview. Look for those over the coming weeks.

We are eager to learn from your experiences with this new release ahead of its General Availability release. Please share your feedback through the Developer Community so we can build a better product together.

InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2022.1 is an extended maintenance (EM) release. 2022.1 includes the many important new capabilities and enhancements have been added in 2021.2, the continuous delivery (CD) release, since 2021.1, the previous EM release. Please refer to the release notes for 2021.2 for an overview of these enhancements.

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Hey Developers,

In this video, you will learn how to use VS Code with Python:

Using VS Code with Python

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I am not sure if this is the correct place for this question, but I am struggling to setup TLS security for our IRIS Management Portal and etc. through Apache and the Web Gateway. I have a couple of questions when it comes to the setup.

  • if I build a private key and certificate within Red Hat, does that certificate have to be on everyone's pc to connect to the Management Portal?
  • Can I use a self signed Certificate?
  • Can I use the existing CA on the server, or do I need to work with my Data Security team to get a Certificate?
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0 521

Hey Community,

See how cubes are constructed for use in business intelligence, and learn about SQL and MDX query languages. Physical and virtual cubes are used in InterSystems IRIS® Business Intelligence and Adaptive Analytics:

Introduction to Cubes in Business Intelligence

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· Feb 8, 2022 1m read

I have created a package to export a Global into JSON object file and to re-create it by reloading from this file
embeddedPython refers to the new available technologies. It should be understood as a learning exercise of
how to handle the language interfaces. Only Global nodes containing data are presented in the generated JSON file.
Differently from the previous example, this one is using embedded Python only, no ObjectScript. Therefore PURE

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0 553
· Feb 7, 2022 1m read

I have created a package to export a Global into JSON object file and to re-create it by reloading from this file
embeddedPython refers to the new available technologies. It should be understood as a learning exercise of
how to handle the language interfaces. Only Global nodes containing data are presented in the generated JSON file.

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0 373

If anybody could give me some insight on creating the %All Namespace programmatically I would appreciate it. There are quite a few posts I found that reference its creation using the UI, but I cant seem to get passed some validations with any form of the below:

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