· Jun 16, 2022

Using %request.Data in production

I am trying to pass %request.Data from my rest dispatch class to a production so that I can use it in by business operation.  I have created a message that has a property:

Property urlParameters As %String [multidimensional];

to get the data to the production. I am new to intersystems and multidimensional arrays/globals

dispatch class:

Kill parameters
Merge parameters = %request.Data
Set genericRequest = ##class(Core.API.V1.Msg.GenericRequest).%New()
Set genericRequest.urlParameters = parameters

business operation:

Access data from the multidimensional array that is being passed in the property genericRequest.urlParameters.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.



Product version: IRIS 2022.1
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I was not able to get the code to work.

Kill parameters

Merge parameters = %request.Data

Set genericRequest = ##class(Core.API.V1.Msg.GenericRequest).%New()

Set genericRequest.urlParameters = parameters

I was not able to get the code to work when my class had property

Property urlParameters As %String [multidimensional];

I was able to get it to work with the following.

Property urlParameters As %Library.ArrayOfDataTypes;  //property in generic request class

In Dispatch:

Set genericRequest.urlParameters = ##class(%Library.ArrayOfDataTypes).%New()

Set propName = $Order(%request.Data(""))

While (propName '= "") {

Set param = %request.Data(propName, 1)

do genericRequest.urlParameters.SetAt(propName, param)

Set propName = $Order(%request.Data(propName))
