Hi Community,

In this article, I will introduce my application iris-VectorLab along with step by step guide to performing vector operations.

IRIS-VectorLab is a web application that demonstrates the functionality of Vector Search with the help of embedded python. It leverages the functionality of the Python framework SentenceTransformers for state-of-the-art sentence embeddings.

Application Features

  • Text to Embeddings Translation.
  • VECTOR-typed Data Insertion.
  • View Vector Data
  • Perform Vector Search by using VECTOR_DOT_PRODUCT and VECTOR_COSINE functions.
  • Demonstrate the difference between normal and vector search
  • HuggingFace Text generation with the help of GPT2 LLM (Large Language Model) model and Hugging Face pipeline

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Hey Community,

We have more exciting news! The new InterSystems online programming contest dedicated to Generative AI, Vector Search and Machine Learning is starting very soon!

🏆 InterSystems Vector Search, GenAI and ML Contest 🏆

Duration: April 22 - May 19, 2024

Prize pool: $14,000

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We are experimenting with IIS, as the PWS will be gone in newer versions.

The code which is executed, takes 15ms to run. If we execute it through PWS (REST), there is some overhead and the total execution time is 40ms, which is acceptable. However, if we go through IIS, it takes 150ms or sometimes even more.

Both PWS and IIS are running on the same server as IRIS in this case. No optimisations have been done on IIS.

Any suggestions on where to look/what to optimize on IIS?

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I am trying to create my first call to our Epic FHIR Repository from Health Connect using Samples-FHIRStarter now that I have OAuth2.0 connection tested/working with our Epic Interconnect URL.

When I take a patient example from our Epic environment and test it through Data.BPL.PatientRecordCollector within the Namespace, I keep getting a 404 - File or directory not found

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Hi Developers,

Join us at the upcoming Developer Roundtable on April 25th at 9 am ET | 3 pm CET. 📍
We will have 2 topics covered by the invited experts and open discussion as always.

Tech Talks:
Practical Usage of Embedded Python - by Stefan Wittmann Product Manager, InterSystems


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I'm trying to learn M programing for an Epic db class prerequisite. They said to download the IRIS Studio software to do the testing. I'm having a very difficult time finding information the language. I'm trying to run some examples that Epic has provided (like in below) but the compiler complains that it isn't valid. Of course, it doesn't tell you why it isn't valid.

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In recent versions of IRIS, a powerful new data loading command has been introduced to SQL: LOAD DATA. This feature has been highly optimized to import data into IRIS extremely fast, allowing hundreds of gigabytes of data to be inserted in seconds instead of hours or days.

This is a very exciting improvement. However, a big problem in the data loading experience still exists. Namely, the time and hassle it takes to:

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I have an angular UI communicating with a iris rest api. Now I need to authenticate (to federated) before accessing the UI, and for a better solution as the users are using the healthshare clinical viewer 2023, find a way to use the clinical viewer authentication / user to go to the UI.

The angular way would be to do an angular guard and have a function 'am I authenticate to federated', but I never found a function like this and how to get my username.

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Hey Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Container Lifecycle - When is Your App Ready to Accept Work @ Global Summit 2023

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I am trying to setup a OAuth2.0 configuration to connect to a server within our Network using OAuth2.0. My previous attempt worked, however forgot to capture the steps before I had whipped the System so please bear with me.

I have an SSL/TLS Client configuration setup as we use the setup for our LDAP configuration.

When I go through the following steps within the Terminal, I am getting the following error...

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· May 4 3m read
Using VECTORs in ObjectScript

Most examples I've seen so far in OEX or DC left the impression that VECTORs
are just something available with SQL with the 3 Functions especially around VECTOR_Search.

There is a very useful summary hidden in iris-vector-search demo package.
From there you find everything you need over several links and corners.

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Accessing Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) buckets programmatically is a common requirement for many applications. However, setting up and managing AWS accounts is daunting and expensive, especially for small-scale projects or local development environments. In this article, we'll explore how to overcome this hurdle by using Localstack to simulate AWS services. Localstack mimics most AWS services, meaning one can develop and test applications without incurring any costs or relying on an internet connection, which can be incredibly useful for rapid development and debugging. We used ObjectScript with embedded Python to communicate with Intersystems IRIS and AWS simultaneously. Before beginning, ensure you have Python and Docker installed on your system. When Localstack is set up and running, the bucket can be created and used.

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· Jan 22 2m read
Getting JSON from SQL

Did you know that you can get JSON data directly from your SQL tables?

Let me introduce you to 2 useful SQL functions that are used to retrieve JSON data from SQL queries - JSON_ARRAY and JSON_OBJECT.
You can use those functions in the SELECT statement with other types of select items, and they can be specified in other locations where an SQL function can be used, such as in a WHERE clause

The JSON_ARRAY function takes a comma-separated list of expressions and returns a JSON array containing those values.

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It's not clear to me, when using the InterSystems Container Repository, which version is the best / most recent non-preview Community Edition version to use.

I see lots of 2023.2.x versions, a single 2023.3 and 2024.1 version, but also a latest-cd and latest-em (with no explanation as to what cd and em mean).

I assume the trick is to use one of the latest-xx ones? If so, which?

Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any explanatory information anywhere about the nomenclature conventions used.

Many thanks

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I am trying to locate a method that would allow me to differentiate between InterSystems preinstalled/system namespaces and "our own" namespaces. I am interested both in Cache and Iris answers if they are different. Yes, I can list what to disregard, like if not HSLIB or if not DOCBOOK but hoping for a more universal and elegant answer.

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In our previous article we presented the general concepts as well as the problem that we wanted to solve by using the task engine integrated in InterSystems IRIS, in today's article we will see how we configure an interoperability production to provide a solution.

Workflow Engine Configuration

First we are going to define the roles of the tasks that we are going to manage, in our example we are going to define two types:

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