Hi Developers!

Recently we released the updated version 0.1.3 of ObjectScript Package Manager (ZPM) which comes with the support of simplified ObjectScript sources folder structure.

What 'simplified' does mean?

Before 0.1.3 ZPM expected the following structure:


---/cls  - for ObjectScript classes



---/mac - or Mac ObjectScript routines



---/inc - for ObjectScript macro include files.


6 3
1 820

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video recorded by @Robert Cemper on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

IRIS easy ECP workbench

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0 237

Hi Developers!

Many of you publish your InterSystems ObjectScript libraries on Open Exchange and Github.

But what do you do to ease the usage and collaboration to your project for developers?

In this article, I want to introduce the way how to introduce an easy way to launch and contribute to any ObjectScript project just by copying a standard set of files to your repository.

Let's go!

10 21
6 2.1K

Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the InterSystems Developer Tools Contest that will give you extra points in the voting.

Docker container usage - 2 points

The application gets a 'Docker container' bonus if it uses InterSystems IRIS running in a docker container. Here is the simplest template to start from.

ZPM Package deployment - 2 points

You can collect the bonus if you build and publish the ZPM(ObjectScript Package Manager) package for your Full-Stack application so it could be deployed with:

zpm "install your-multi-model-solution"

command on IRIS with ZPM client installed.

ZPM client. Documentation.

Unit Testing - 2 points

Applications that have Unit Testing for the InterSystems IRIS code will collect the bonus.

Learn more about ObjectScript Unit Testing in Documentation and on Developer Community.

Online Demo of your project - 3 points
Collect 3 more bonus points if you provision your project to the cloud as an online demo. You can use this template or any other deployment option. Example. Learn more on deployment in Monday's Kick-Off webinar.

Code quality analysis with zero bugs - 2 points

Include the code quality Github action for code static control and make it show 0 bugs for ObjectScript. Learn more in Monday's Kick-Off webinar.

Article on Developer Community - 2 points

Post an article on Developer Community that describes features of your project. Collect 2 points for each article. Translations to different languages work too.

Video on YouTube - 3 points

Make the Youtube video that demonstrates your product in action and collect 3 bonus points per each. Example.

The list of bonuses is subject to change. Stay tuned!

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0 284
· May 21, 2018 10m read
Adding your own provider to MFT

Managed File Transfer (MFT) feature of InterSystems IRIS enables easy inclusion of a third-party file transfer service directly into an InterSystems IRIS production. Currently, DropBox, Box, and Kiteworks cloud disks are available.

In this article, I'd like to describe how to add more cloud storage platforms.

Here's what we're going to talk about:

  • What is MFT
  • Reference: Dropbox
    • Connection
    • Interoperability
    • Direct access
  • Interfaces you need to implement
    • Connection
    • Logic
  • Installation
2 5
0 646


I am creating an import tool to convert a client's JSON data into IRIS classes. The sample file is over half a gig. I am copying the data into an instance of %Stream.FileCharacter;. My first few attempts worked fine. However I started getting an error thrown when I try to create a DynamicAbstractObject using the %FromJSON method. See the code below. The error code given is not in the documentation, at least not the doc that I was searching.

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0 323

Hi All,
I am implementing REST API's in IRIS using the below link as a guide.
I chose this approach so i could have a single entry point for requests regardless of namespace


a sample form the HIHLib.REST.Server class i am using is below. my question is does IRIS and CSP cache responses for requests to the CSP.REST class?
and if so what parameters or properties do i need to enable?

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0 446

Routing acks from one operation to another:

I was working on a scenario in which I wanted the acks and/nacks received from one downstream system to another interface which is not the source of the original message. Is there a way to achieve this scenario?

The reason being there's a separate interface handling the acks and will be used to manage the errors.

Thank you for the help!

0 2
0 610


InterSystems has recently completed a performance and scalability benchmark of IRIS for Health 2020.1, focusing on HL7 version 2 interoperability. This article describes the observed throughput for various workloads, and also provides general configuration and sizing guidelines for systems where IRIS for Health is used as an interoperability engine for HL7v2 messaging.

6 3
3 1.6K

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Deploying InterSystems IRIS Solutions into Kubernetes Google Cloud

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0 245


Im wondering if its possible to pass a SQL query through to the Power BI IRIS Connector? I can't currently see an option - and have tried through advance editor to use M Query syntax to attempt this with no luck.

Has anyone else in the community had any luck or know if this is supported?


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0 320

IRIS use MIRROR to ensure the continuous operation of the hospital business, but MIRROR synchronization data does not contain (web application configuration information, task plans, sql gateway, etc.), about the synchronization of such information do we have a better solution to solve this problem?

2 8
0 364

Hey everyone.

I have a process where I create a new %Stream.FileCharacter object, specify the filename (including it's path), write data to the stream, and then save. However for some reason, if the user account does not have write access to the directory, the %Save method is still returning true even though it was unable to actually write the file to the folder.

The location is a UNC path, and I'm wondering if this is tripping me up?

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0 320


I have a class in several namespaces. This class is what I call a common component in that it is a class that performs a certain set of functions that are common to a number of Interfaces. In this example the class is essentially a Message Queue. When a Data Event is created in my source database I want to invoke the CreateMessage() class method in all of Interface namespaces.

1 5
0 1.6K

Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite you to the online meetup with the winners of the InterSystems Grand Prix Contest!

Date & Time: Friday, March 12, 2021 – 10:00 EDT

What awaits you at this virtual Meetup?

  • Our winners' bios.
  • Short demos on their applications.
  • An open discussion about technologies being used, bonuses, questions. Plans for the next contests.

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0 281

In my previous article, we reviewed possible use-cases for macros, so let’s now proceed to a more comprehensive example of macros usability. In this article we will design and build a logging system.

Logging system

Logging system is a useful tool for monitoring the work of an application that saves a lot of time during debugging and monitoring. Our system would consist of two parts:

  • Storage class (for log records)
  • Set of macros that automatically add a new record to the log

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10 3K