
Unlike the movie mentioned in the image (for those who don't know, Matrix, 1999), the choice between Dynamic SQL and Embedded SQL is not a choice between truth and fantasy, but it is still a decision to be made. Below, I will try to make your choice easier.

If your need is interactions between the client and the application (and consequently the database), Dynamic SQL may be more appropriate, as it "adapts" very easily to these query changes. However, this dynamism has a cost: with each new query, it is remodeled, which can have a higher cost to execute. Below is a simple example of a Python code snippet.

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Monitoring your IRIS deployment is crucial. With the deprecation of System Alert and Monitoring (SAM), a modern, scalable solution is necessary for real-time insights, early issue detection, and operational efficiency. This guide covers setting up Prometheus and Grafana in Kubernetes to monitor InterSystems IRIS effectively.

This guide assumes you already have an IRIS cluster deployed using the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO), which simplifies deployment, integration and mangement.

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In the world of APIs, REST is very extended. But what happens when you need more flexibility in your data-fetching strategies? For instance letting the client to choose what fields is going to receive. Enter GraphQL, a query language for your APIs that provides a flexible alternative to REST.

In this post, we will:

  • Compare REST and GraphQL.
  • Dive into the basics of GraphQL: Queries, Mutations, and HTTP.
  • Build a simple GraphQL server implementation using Graphene, SQLAlchemy, and Flask over data in InterSystems IRIS.
  • Explore how to deploy your GraphQL server as a WSGI application in IRIS.
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Interoperability of systems ensures smooth workflow and management of data in today's connected digital world. InterSystems IRIS extends interoperability a notch higher with its Embedded Python feature, which lets developers seamlessly integrate Python scripts into the IRIS components, like services, operations, and custom functions.

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A REST API (Representational State Transfer) is an interface that allows different applications to communicate with each other through the HTTP protocol, using standard operations such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. REST APIs are widely used in software development to expose services accessible by other applications, enabling integration between different systems.

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· Jan 22 4m read
JSON Support in IRIS SQL

While working on getting JSON support for some Python libraries, I discovered some capabilities IRIS provided.

  • JSON_OBJECT - A conversion function that returns data as a JSON object.
  • JSON_ARRAY - A conversion function that returns data as a JSON array.
  • IS JSON - Determines if a data value is in JSON format.
  • JSON_TABLE function returns a table that can be used in a SQL query by mapping JSON.
  • JSONPath support - is a query language for querying values in JSON.

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My main goal of this article was to prove the use of InterSystems IRIS for Health for REST FHIR interoperability between multiple applications. In this use case, some initiating application makes a REST call to IRIS for Health (which is merely a passthrough for REST calls) to retrieve FHIR data from an Oracle Health R4 FHIR repository. Ideally, it simplifies the syntax for calling the Oracle Health APIs.

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Learning LLM Magic

The world of Generative AI has been pretty inescapable for a while, commercial models running on paid Cloud instances are everywhere. With your data stored securely on-prem in IRIS, it might seem daunting to start getting the benefit of experimentation with Large Language Models without having to navigate a minefield of Governance and rapidly evolving API documentation. If only there was a way to bring an LLM to IRIS, preferably in a very small code footprint....

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From the previous article, we identified some issues when working with JSON in SQL.

IRIS offers a dedicated feature for handling JSON documents, called DocDB.

InterSystems IRIS® data platform DocDB is a facility for storing and retrieving database data. It is compatible with, but separate from, traditional SQL table and field (class and property) data storage and retrieval. It is based on JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) which provides support for web-based data exchange. InterSystems IRIS provides support for developing DocDB databases and applications in REST and in ObjectScript, as well as providing SQL support for creating or querying DocDB data.

By its nature, InterSystems IRIS Document Database is a schema-less data structure. That means that each document has its own structure, which may differ from other documents in the same database. This has several benefits when compared with SQL, which requires a pre-defined data structure.

The word “document” is used here as a specific industry-wide technical term, as a dynamic data storage structure. “Document”, as used in DocDB, should not be confused with a text document, or with documentation.

Let's explore how DocDB can help store JSON in the database and integrate it into projects that rely solely on xDBC protocols.

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The Istio Service Mesh is commonly used to monitor communication between services in applications. The "battle-tested" sidecar mode is its most common implementation. It will add a sidecar container to each pod you have in your namespace that has Istio sidecar injection enabled.

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· Feb 3 3m read
SQL Host Variables missing ?

Host Variables are a rather common programming feature in many implementations of SQL.
A recent question in DC made me aware that in IRIS, Caché, Ensemble, ...
host variables just exist within embedded SQL

> You can supply host variables for Embedded SQL queries only. <

Related examples are included in the available Documentation

This is a description for a workaround if you don't / can't use embedded SQL.

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In your Interoperability Production you could always have a Business Operation that is an HTTP client, that uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication, but you had to customize the Operation for this authentication methodology. Since v2024.3, which was lately released, there is a new capability, providing new settings, to handle this more easily.

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Not sure there are many that connect to MS SQL to execute queries, stored procedures, etc, but our Healthsystem has many different MS SQL based databases we use within the Interoperability environment for various reasons.

With the push to moving from on-prem to the Cloud we ran into some difficulties with our SQL Gateway connections and knowing how to config them to use Microsoft Entra for Active Directory Authentication.

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In this article, exceptions are covered.

Working with Exceptions

Instead of returning a %Status response, you can raise and throw an Exception. You are then responsible for catching the exception and validating it. IRIS provides five main classes to handle exceptions effectively. Additionally, you can create custom exception class definition based on your needs.

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· Feb 7 4m read
IRIS %Status and Exceptions

You may encounter errors during any point of program execution, and there are several ways to raise and handle these exceptions. In this article, we'll explore how exceptions are handled efficiently in IRIS.

One of the most commonly used return types is %Status, which is used by methods to indicate success or failure. Let's begin by discussing %Status values.

Working with %Status

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All pods are assigned a Quality of Service (QoS). These are 3 levels of priority pods are assigned within a node.

The levels are as following:

1) Guaranteed: High Priority

2) Burstable: Medium Priority

3) BestEffort: Low Priority

It is a way of telling the kubelet what your priorities are on a certain node if resources need to be reclaimed. This great GIF below by Anvesh Muppeda explains it.

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· Feb 14 5m read



The HTTP protocol allows you to obtain resources, such as HTML documents. It is the basis of any data exchange on the Web and a client-server protocol, meaning that requests are initiated by the recipient, usually a Web browser.

REST APIs take advantage of this protocol to exchange messages between client and server. This makes REST APIs fast, lightweight, and flexible. REST APIs use the HTTP verbs GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and others to indicate the actions they want to perform.

When we make a call to a RESt API, what actually happens is an HTTP call. The API receives this call and according to the requested verb and path, the API performs the desired action. In the case of the Iris implementation we can see this clearly in the URLMap definition area:

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Using Flask, REST API, and IAM with InterSystems IRIS

Part 1 - REST API


In this article we will see the implementation of a REST API to perform the maintenance of a CRUD, using Flask and IAM.

In this first part of the article we will see the construction and publication of the REST API in Iris.

First, let's create our persistent class to store the data. To do this, we go to Iris and create our class:

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Using SQL Gateway with Python, Vector Search, and Interoperability in InterSystems Iris

Part 1 - SQL Gateway


In this article we will look at the use of SQL Gateway in Iris. SQL Gateway allows Iris to have access to tables from other (external) database via ODBC or JDBC. We can access Tables or Views from various databases, such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MySQL and others.

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Hi beloved members of the Community!

It is very common in the daily life of IRIS or Health Connect users that it is necessary to install new instances or update the ones they already have and in many cases it is not these same users who carry out the installation, but rather systems personnel who often do not take into account the particularities of the assignment of permissions necessary for the installation.

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Using Flask, REST API, and IAM with InterSystems IRIS

Part 2 – Flask App

Flask is a web development microframework written in Python. It is known for being simple, flexible, and enabling rapid application development.

Installing Flask is very simple. Once you have python installed correctly on your operating system, we need to install the flask library with the pip command. For REST API consumption, it is advisable to use the requests library. The following link provides a guide to installing flask:

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Using SQL Gateway with Python, Vector Search, and Interoperability in InterSystems Iris

Part 2 – Python and Vector Search

Since we have access to the data from our external table, we can use everything that Iris has to offer with this data. Let's, for example, read the data from our external table and generate a polynomial regression with it.

For more information on using python with Iris, see the documentation available at

Let's now consume the data from the external database to calculate a polynomial regression. To do this, we will use a python code to run a SQL that will read our MySQL table and turn it into a pandas dataframe:

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