Hi Community,

We got requirement to Migrate whole interfaces from prod instance (cache2017.1 ) to new instance iris2020.1.

Currently around 100+ integrations (health share and health connect) up and running in prod instance (cache2017.1 ) , we need to migrate this live server to brand new server with iris2020.1.

Could you please suggest me guidelines and best practises while doing this migration.

Please ping me any document reference for this kind of Lift and Shift Migration.

After migration done, we will use new Live (iris2020.1 )instance only.

2 6
0 374

Hi, Developers!

I wonder if it is possible to use class parameters in DTL XData?

E.g. in an example below of the DTL I'd prefer to setup ChatGPT prompts in parameters (GPTPrompt1) of DTL rather than quotes inside the XData XML:

If possible, how can I refer to a class parameter from XData?

Thanks in advance!

2 2
1 285

Hello Everyone,

I'm want to know, what is more common for your company to use, the abbreviation syntax or the complety name of commands, and why?


S VAR=10 / D FUNC^ROUTINE F 1:1:1000

Set VAR=10 / Do Func^Routine / For 1:1:1000

set var=10 / do func^routine / for 1:1:1000

Here in my company, we are familiar with the abbreviation syntax, because to spell is more faster.

2 35
0 1K

IRIS use MIRROR to ensure the continuous operation of the hospital business, but MIRROR synchronization data does not contain (web application configuration information, task plans, sql gateway, etc.), about the synchronization of such information do we have a better solution to solve this problem?

2 8
0 372

Hi all.

I want to insert my dataframe into InterSystems IRIS. So, I tried to do this:

df = spark.read.load("/home/imported-openssh-key/zeppelin-0.8.0-bin-all/bin/resultData3/DF.json", format="json")
option("url", "IRIS://localhost:51773/DEDUPL").\
option("user", "********").option("password", "********").\
option("dbtable", "try.test1").save()

And got this error:

1 3
0 2K

We have a data transformation where source is object collection (populated from a json file) and target is EnsLib.EDI.XML.Document.

If source file is large enough, transformation fails and we get <store> error and I quickly found this:

https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=EBPLR_DTL_foreach which at the bottom in "Avoiding <STORE> Errors with Large Messages" section tells to:

1 1
0 430
· Feb 9, 2022
Change UI Locale Code

What is the best way to add an en-uk.json or an en-za.json file to the custum folder, since the default is en-us.json?


Where can I get the json files for UK and Za ?

1 4
0 217

The Complex Recordmapper specify a map for headers, body, and trailers, but it expects all three to have fixed Leading Data to identify the record type. But what if the Header and Trailer have Leading Data, but not the body records? I can't seem to find a way to do this. For example:



1 2
0 275

Hi everyone,

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time with Visual Studio Code (VSC), and I've been wondering if there's a terminal or a panel within VSC that acts like the Intersystems Studio Output panel, which serves both as an input and output window and allows the execution of ObjectScript commands.

Could anyone help? Thanks :)

1 11
1 350

Hi everyone,

today I'm asking your help with an issue related to the response messages sent from my production to a client software, such as Postman or SoapUI.


In the last few days I've been unable to view the responses received from my production in Postman, even if I was able to do so earlier. I'm sending the request to a remote server reachable via a Putty tunnel.

Postman Test

I'm currently testing this simple POST message:

1 1
0 665
· Nov 23, 2023
Python Object Not Found

I'm in a very early phase of an project where some of the methods should be written in python. Occasionally, projects also have byproducts, I call them utility methods, because some of the methods the project uses can also be used in other applications too. I tend to put such methods in percent classes, so they can be used everywhere, independent of the namespace, where an application runs. I try to do the same in my current project too, merely with python it doesn't works! Why?

1 5
0 386

We recently went through an Audit of our Security Policies and Procedures when it comes to IRIS. As a result of that Audit, we need to make adjustments to the way that Security is setup within IRIS. I have already done my changes on our TEST and DEVELOPMENT environments, but now I am trying to plan out how do we make these changes in Production.

These changes include moving away from the PWS, setting up Apache/Web Gateway, moving to LDAP instead of using Delegated Authentication, updating Web Applications, updating Resources, updating Services, etc...

1 4
0 138

My VS Code plugin "InterSystems Objectscript" upgraded to version 0.8.7 but the server settings no longer visible in extension settings and can no longer connect to our InterSystems server.

What has chnaged and how do we set the server connectio up? I checked the JSON file and it still has the settings as it was before but it is not connecting.

1 2
0 348

Is "time" a reserved word in the %CONTAINS function?

When I run the following SQL query, I get 0 matching results

FROM Test.Sentence
WHERE text %CONTAINS('time') OR text %CONTAINS('time ') OR text %CONTAINS(' time')

However, when I run a query where the search string contains words other than "time" alone, it returns the expected matching results

1 7
1 331