Using embedded Python while building your InterSystems-based solution can add very powerful and deep capabilities to your toolbox.

I'd like to share one sample use-case I encountered - enabling a CDC (Change Data Capture) for a mongoDB Collection - capturing those changes, digesting them through an Interoperability flow, and eventually updating an EMR via a REST API.

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My main goal of this article was to prove the use of InterSystems IRIS for Health for REST FHIR interoperability between multiple applications. In this use case, some initiating application makes a REST call to IRIS for Health (which is merely a passthrough for REST calls) to retrieve FHIR data from an Oracle Health R4 FHIR repository. Ideally, it simplifies the syntax for calling the Oracle Health APIs.

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InterSystems has corrected a defect that causes invalid database and journal records to be introduced when using a specific $LIST syntax. The likelihood of encountering this defect is very low but the operational impacts can be significant.

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Hi Everyone!

The Certification Team of InterSystems Learning Services is currently developing an InterSystems ObjectScript Specialist certification exam, and we are reaching out to our community for feedback that will help us evaluate and establish the contents of this exam.

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Hello everyone! This is my first post into the developer community and one that I hope is fairly simple to answer. In our environment we currently have 3 different Test environments for testing before migrating code to our Prod environment. Currently we are working on establishing a source control method using Git in house which has been a bit of a struggle. We have also had developers that had used different test and migration methods in the past which has caused some issues with keeping the different test environment in sync.

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Hey Community,

Enjoy the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Integration Production Tools: HealthShare Health Connect & InterSystems IRIS Health @ Global Summit 2024
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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In your Interoperability Production you could always have a Business Operation that is an HTTP client, that uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication, but you had to customize the Operation for this authentication methodology. Since v2024.3, which was lately released, there is a new capability, providing new settings, to handle this more easily.

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I inherited some legacy MUMPS / ObjectScript code. A code review identified an exclusive NEW and that is not allowed per our coding standards.

The original code contains:

S $EC=""
D ; scope variables
.N (DUZ,CALL) ; Protect %response
.S IOF="""""",IOM=80,U="^"

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As part of a migration project from a bunch of java classes to IRIS, we need to maintain a few jar files due to some external dependencies.

The problem I am seeing is that I cannot pass a byte array ( byte[] ) from ObjectScript to the Java Class. I have tried a number of different ways

I have reproduced in a java class and Objectscript class:
Java Class:

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The question I have is if I run an External backup this library rotuine is called:

Is there a command I can run that shows me the Iris system is frozen due to the call to ##Class(Backup.General).ExternalFreeze()?

If the system is frozen I cannot sign into Iris terminal session.

I backup the IRIS server using Veeam. Veeam calls the "freeze" script, snapshots the server in VMWare, then calls the "thaw" script.
Veeam then backs up the VMWare snapshot.

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At the moment we're creating multiple BPLs are using a router (or another BPL) to direct to these based on a unique key modulo the amount of BPLs available, e.g. if we have 3 BPLs created.

Message key = 1 mod 3 + 1 -> BPL02
Message key = 2 mod 3 + 1 -> BPL03
Message key = 3 mod 3 + 1 -> BPL01

FIFO only matters in that each messages for each key is processed in order.

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The Istio Service Mesh is commonly used to monitor communication between services in applications. The "battle-tested" sidecar mode is its most common implementation. It will add a sidecar container to each pod you have in your namespace that has Istio sidecar injection enabled.

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Not sure there are many that connect to MS SQL to execute queries, stored procedures, etc, but our Healthsystem has many different MS SQL based databases we use within the Interoperability environment for various reasons.

With the push to moving from on-prem to the Cloud we ran into some difficulties with our SQL Gateway connections and knowing how to config them to use Microsoft Entra for Active Directory Authentication.

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I am currently experiencing frustration with trying to Authenticate an Active Directory account through JDBC as the Hospital System moves from OnPrem SQL Server to using Azure SQL Server with Microsoft Entra Authentication.

Microsoft cannot give me a straight answer of what is required from a JDBC standpoint to authenticate from a Linux environment.

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· Feb 7 4m read
IRIS %Status and Exceptions

You may encounter errors during any point of program execution, and there are several ways to raise and handle these exceptions. In this article, we'll explore how exceptions are handled efficiently in IRIS.

One of the most commonly used return types is %Status, which is used by methods to indicate success or failure. Let's begin by discussing %Status values.

Working with %Status

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