Over the past couple of months, I have been working on the SMART on FHIR EHR Launch to test the capabilities of IRIS for Health using two open-source apps from CSIRO: SMART-EHR-Launcher and SMART Forms App. This journey has been incredibly interesting, and I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to work on this task and explore more of IRIS for Health’s potential.

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My IRIS instance is connected to a Postgres database using SQL Gateway and linked tables.
One of these tables is projected to the Patient class. I want to select a record from this table by ID and convert it to a FHIR resource using the %ExistsId and %OpenId methods.
I noticed that if I call these two methods from the console, the record is always found.

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in the InterSystems management portal, I am in the lookup table viewer (interoperability>lookup Tables, I would like to use import function to convert our existing table from other system to intersystems lookup table.

so I converted our existing one like below and saved it as xxx.xml file locally. when I try to import, it says it is not a valid export file.

my question is " what's the valid format for a file to be valid to use to import for lookup table?"

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Hey everyone, I am implementing version control with git-source-control on our codebase and I ran into a pretty strange issue. I believe I have the set up (mostly) correct as the behavior with .cls files is exactly as expected. However, I noticed that git is not keeping track of any changes to CSP files.

Specifically, if a new CSP file is created and saved, I will get the following output:

exporting new version of /csp/testdb/wrc.csp to C:\InterSystems\IRIS\mgr\repo\TESTDB\csp\testdb\wrc.csp

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The latest "Bringing Ideas to Reality" InterSystems competition saw me trawling through the ideas portal for UI problems to have a go at.

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An extension “extends” or enhances a FHIR resource or a data element in a custom way. The extension can be added to the root of a resource, such as “Patient.ethnicity” in US Core profile, and they can be added to individual elements such as HumanName, Address or Identifier.

Did you know that you can also add an extension to a primitive data type?

Primitives usually store a single item and are the most basic element in FHIR. For example: "Keren", false, 1234, 12/08/2024 etc.

For example, the patient resources might look like this:

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One of the challenges of creating a DICOM message is how to implement putting data in the correct place. Part of it is by inserting the data in the specific DICOM tags, while the other is to insert binary data such as a picture - In this article I will explain both.

To create a DICOM message, you can either use the EnsLib.DICOM.File class (to create a DICOM file) or the EnsLib.DICOM.Document class (to create a message that can be sent to PACS directly). In either case, the SetValueAt method will allow you to add your data to the DICOM tags.

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Like many others probably find themselves, we were stuck doing live data mapping in our Interface Engine that we really didn't want to do, but had no good alternative choice. We want to only keep mappings for as long as possibly needed and then purge expired rows based upon a TTL value. We actually had 4 use cases for it ourselves before we built this. Use cases:

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I am developing locally on my IRIS instance using VSCode and client-side editing approach. How can I automatically export a single .cls file/a whole package to a remote TEST/PREPROD server using a script or command line and recompile the unit remotely? Are there any more simple and straightforward ways than CI/CD explained in the series of articles by Eduard?

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We have error - ERROR #5821: Cannot instantiate query: 'SQLCODE = -146, %msg = Error: '' is an invalid DISPLAY Date value' not able to see what is causing:

CASE When P.PatReltoGuar->Name = 'SELF' then P.Lnm Else Substring(P.GuarNmIfNotPat, 1,Charindex(',',P.GuarNmIfNotPat)-1) End as DemoGuarLastName,

CASE When P.PatReltoGuar->Name = 'SELF' then P.Fnm Else Substring(P.GuarNmIfNotPat,Charindex(',',P.GuarNmIfNotPat)+1,LEN(P.GuarNmIfNotPat)) End AS DemoGUARFIRSTNAME,

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The Istio Service Mesh is commonly used to monitor communication between services in applications. The "battle-tested" sidecar mode is its most common implementation. It will add a sidecar container to each pod you have in your namespace that has Istio sidecar injection enabled.

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· Dec 6, 2024
Foreign Servers - Visibility?

First time trying to use Foreign Tables/Servers instead of Linked Tables...

Within the SQL Editor inside of the Managment Portal, or connecting through DBeaver JDBC how we can see what Foreign Servers have been defined? Is there a way to query and verify structure of the Foreign Server connection to know that we are building the correct Foreign Tables?

I attempted to create my first Foreign table but it failed when I tried to query the tables because it said the table could not be found. But when I sign into the Database via SQL Management Studio, I can see the table.

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· Nov 26, 2024
HL7 Encoding issue

Dear All,

I have been sent an HL7 message as a file with the MSH segment as follows....


I try picking up the file with a "EnsLib.HL7.Service.FileService" business service using a EnsLib.File.InboundAdapter adaptor. The Character set is set to "Native" and the Default Char Encoding to latin 1.

I am seeing the following error:

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I want to integrate IRIS with Keycloak OAuth2 provider to use delegated authentication everywhere and to secure everything - sys*/Portal applications, REST services, FHIR server and so on. If an unathenticated user tries to access any IRIS URL - he or she should be redirected to Keycloak. After the user has successfully authenticated, i would like to access his requistes (username, email, roles, scopes) extracted from the JWT token, programmatically. What should be done to achieve that?

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I'm trying to call a SOAP web service which is implemented in .NET Classic and requires NTLM authentication. The client class was generated by %SOAP.WSDL.Reader. The problem is that neither NTLM authentication works nor can I handle the exception since VSCode debugger says that all meaningful fields and properties are empty (the same request works fine in Postman):

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InterSystems announces General Availability of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect 2024.3

The 2024.3 release of InterSystems IRIS® data platform, InterSystems IRIS® for Health, and HealthShare® Health Connect is now Generally Available (GA).

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The rise of Big Data projects, real-time self-service analytics, online query services, and social networks, among others, have enabled scenarios for massive and high-performance data queries. In response to this challenge, MPP (massively parallel processing database) technology was created, and it quickly established itself. Among the open-source MPP options, Presto (https://prestodb.io/) is the best-known option. It originated in Facebook and was utilized for data analytics, but later became open-sourced.

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What settings do I need to just passthrough an X12 messages from a BS to BO and out the BO without modifying the message?

Currently, we are receiving the X12 messages but, it seems Iris is modifying it by "hiding" some segments like the ISA segment. The message goes out the BO modified and it doesn't reach its destination. Since I just want to pass it through, there is no BP, DTL, or Rule processing the message. Message is received by the BS and sent directly to the BO.

My current settings:

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Since .Net has a unified package manager system (Nuget.org) why doesn't Intersystems create and add a nuget package (.nupkg) containing the InterSystems.Data.IRISClient.dll file.

This would make it easier for external .net developers to obtain the package for creating tools and/or applications that utilize Iris/Iris4Health

Can Intersystems create a nuget package?

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Greetings dear community members!

I have recently been deploying an IRIS for Health image on a Docker with a preconfigured Webgateway image and I have come across the problem of the SSL configurations that allow us to connect to the IRIS instance using HTTPS and going through our Webgateway.

Until now I had always deployed IRIS for Health with a Community license, which still has the Private Web Server installed, so I only needed to configure the Webgateway connection with the deployed IRIS instance:

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