· Nov 10, 2021
SQL Search index on JSON objects.

Hello there!
I am hoping to get some help with "SQL Search index" and JSON objects.
I am storing a JSON object in a column of type %Stream.GlobalCharacter
Property JSON As %Stream.GlobalCharacter;
I also have a index that looks like below.
Index AnalyticIdx On (JSON) As %iFind.Index.Analytic(INDEXOPTION = 0, LANGUAGE = "en", LOWER = 1);

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I have an incoming data partner who occasionally passes a non-ASCII character in some free text fields which is causing some downstream systems to be unable to accept the message. Ideally I'm looking for some way to just process the entire message as a data transformation applied in the business rule, as we already have a pre-processor transform to remove the PD1 segment.

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EnsLib.HL7.Adapter.TCPInboundAdapter has a Connected property that I assume is set to the state of the connection session with the remote host; i.e. 1 when Connected, 0 when not. I'm assuming this is the property the Production Configuration web page uses to display the state of the service (green for Connected, red for not Connected, etc.).

How can I interrogate the value of that property of an active service, via a method running in separate process?

(It really seems like I should know this, but I'm just not finding the right magical incantation)

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We receive a JSON message containing an element which is larger than the system long string size. We are using Ensemble HealthShare v2017 which prevents us from using the %GET method as it doesn’t allow us to define the output as a Stream. We are instead trying to the read the contents of the JSON message using Readline function, and store the value into an instance of the %Stream.GlobalCharachter class, and then read from the instance of that class and write the contents of that element into a HL7 Message.

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Hello All,

I am receiving this error when attempting to place a file in a local SFTP server.

ERROR <Ens>ErrFTPPutFailed: FTP: Failed to Put file '101320210700.RAW' (msg='Error in SFTP Put('/healthshare/mgr/Temp/VPacx9a1eq0b5g.iostream','/SFTP/unmhsmcsa/OUT/101320210700.RAW') ERROR #7504: Timeout',code=0)

Any help is appreciated.

Below are my settings

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Hundreds of users at TrakCare and HealthShare sites around the world rely on the InterSystems CCR Application (Change Control Record) to track their changes and deploy their configuration. InterSystems is excited to announce that following the launch of the Angular-based Documentation and FAQs this summer, the CCR application is now ready to accept beta testers to try out further expansion of the Angular UIs.

Users at CCR-controlled sites who wish to participate in the beta testing of the new UI can "opt-in" using the following steps:

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· Sep 26, 2021
Modifying %Stream contents

I have a %Stream that I want to insert some text into the middle of. I create a new stream called pNewContentStream from the original stream, then I do a MoveTo in pNewContentStream to get to the byte position I want to insert into but when I do my Write, my pNewContentStream gets obliterated with only the text that I wrote, the original content goes away and all I'm left with is my Write text.

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Hi Community,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Showcasing New X12 Enhancements
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Deploying InterSystems HealthShare code, supporting lookups and artifacts like ssl certs, keys etc is relatively straight forward using Gitlab Runners. Not only does this approach enable managing the code base and deploying with git type workflows, but it also lends to a speedy recovery and repeatable environments for some implementations.

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Hey Developers,

Please welcome the new video by @Ron Sweeney on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Hands Off HealthShare Deployment Workflow with GitLab Runners
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

Gitlab Runners and InterSystems Healthshare Code Deployment and VSCode oh my. More details in this post.

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Hello gentlemen,

I hope you can help me because this is a very serious that I can't wait to resolve... Our back-up is currently taking 3 up to 4 Gb per day and we don't know why. We had 270 Gb yesterday and we are today at 274.3 Gb. We keep a computer history of the messages for only 50 days. Here is a picture of what's currently taking the most data place in our healtshare system:

(don't forget that our DB is also connected to the back-up, maybe it is related, I don't know)

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0 155

Hey everyone.

I was curious if anyone had any success/tips with regards to using a global or a system parameter/property to control the behavior of a transform or process/operation.

Is there a parameter I can currently reference from the system that can be used for an if/else, or am I best off creating a simple Global and setting it according to the environment I am in?

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· Aug 15, 2021
Post Deployment Support


Does anyone know if intersystems has a support document/ support guide on "Healthshare"? We need to share it with our L1 support team.

Any support document with a few known issues with their resolution, that the L1 team can expect and resolve?

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Hello all,

I have a problem where one of our 3rd party systems is only able to accept HL7 messages with UTF-8 encoding but the originating messages have Windows 1252 encoding. Does anyone know a way in which I can change the encoding for the entire message from Windows 1252 to UTF-8? I have only been able to find the CONVERT method to change individual charachters but we would like to change the entire HL7 message encoding.


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Hello everyone

I am new to cache. In an interview i was asked how to optimize a sql query.

I just said I will create index on conditions which are present in where clause. But as per interviewer I should check How query plan is getting executed. This will help in optimizing Sql queries.

I want to know what will be the answer for how to optimize SQL query in cache.

Thanks in advance!!

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