· Mar 7, 2023 2m read

EMPI installation and customization in Standalone - Installation

Hi community! I would like to show you how to install and configure one of the HealthShare products, the Enterprise Master Patient Index or EMPI.

The EMPI provides to any organization a master patient index to identify each patient of the organization univocally. You can find more information about the EMPI in the following URL:

We are going to start with a HealthShare instance installed in our server, this HealthShare should contains the EMPI functionality available. To configure the Standalone EMPI we should execute the next steps:

  1. Click on Installer Wizard from the Management Portal.
  2. Select "Configure Standalone Patient Index".  
  3. Fulfil the mandatory fields, defining as Local Name our preferred name for the namespace and the database that will be user by our EMPI.  
  4. Once we finish the previous step we will see a table with a new row in the bottom of the screen, we have to click on Activate in order to start the EMPI installation.  
  5. After the EMPI activation we will be able to access to the different configuration options of the EMPI. We can see that a new production is available under the Registry label, this production will allow us to feed our EMPI with data patients.  
  6. Accessing to HSPIDATA we will see all the different options and functionalities availables in ourt EMPI, don't worry about it, we will review some of these configurations in future articles.  
  7. Take a look at the default production, there is a bunch of business components, we will use some of them in our example. We have to start this production if we want to work with it.


Ready! Our EMPI is installed! Easy peasy. In the next article we will see more in detail how to do a basic configuration and we will explain the NICE concept used by our EMPI.

Awfully Good: Stay Tuned (1992) with John Ritter

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