Discussion (7)2
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Hi, I'm working on this as well but as for now I'm not sure if I'm going the best way: Trying to extract event-logs via SQL on a regular base and feed them to grafana. There I would be able to configure alerts. 
Feeding log to grafana works pretty well with promtail and loki from grafana.
Does anyone have a better solution especially to get the eventlogs out of iris?

Btw: since SAM is deprecated I just use grafana and prometheus without SAM. The monitoring api will still exist.

I'm still working with SAM since I got the okay to continue with my project. I think there should be a better way to do this since the main thing I'm trying to monitor are errors and alerts for messages. I'm trying to use the basic interoperability metrics for messages and hosts to configure an alert in the SAM portal when the queue is too long or host isn't okay but it doesn't recognize the metrics even though they are IRIS metrics.