· Jul 31, 2021
Ensemble learning query

Hi All,

I am new beginner to cache/mumps language. I want to learn Ensemble code but I do not have any application access to Ensemble code.

Is there documentation apart from Intersystems Ensemble documentation that can help me to learn Ensemble. Any notes or documents will be very handful

Please assist!! Thanks in advance.

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This error I am getting when I am updating cache.dat file:

02/13/23-22:38:11:880 (3444) 3 Error: ERROR #5002: Cache error: <FUNCTION>LoadDLLs+27^STU - Shutting down the system.

This error I am getting whenever I am compiling any of my production or compiling Enslib.HL7.Adapter.TCPOutboundAdapter

#5002: Cache error: <SUBSCRIPT>ConstructCompileTree+72^%occInherit ^oddCOM("")

Can anyone help me with this ?

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

You can programmatically retrieve routine dates and sizes using the RoutineList query of the %Library.Routine (or just %Routine) class.

The RoutineList query has an argument, and the routine name to be searched can be specified by prefix match or middle match. (For wildcards, specify * or ?)

In the example below, *.MAC is specified as an argument.

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0 409

Hello Community,

I need advice converting a comma delimited string container with multiple records into some type of recordmap that iterates through all the records.

My string container has several records and I would like to loop through the number of records in the string container and transform each record in the container individually. Number of records will vary but the number of fields per record is static (28 fields). Meaning after every 28 fields, a new record begins. The goal is to convert to individual delimited flat file records.

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I have searched through documentation, etc and see many mentions of using Ensemble / Health Connect along with the Java Gateway to interface with JMS Queues, but see no specific documentation on how to do this.

Does anyone have any information, or a concise example of using the Java Gateway to allow Ensemble / Health Connect to be able to place messages and retrieve messages from a JMS Queue?


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0 770

I have package mapped SYS.History but two classes in the package are giving me problems.

SYS.History.SysData and SYS.History.PerfData has an Include ( Include (%sySite, MONEXT))

When I try to open the corresponding table in SQL I get the following error

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0 745

I'm receiving HL7 message containing the escape sequence \X00D\ indicating a carriage return. In the HL7 documentation I find that this is a valid escape sequence but when I read the intersystems documentation it states that only \X0D\ is valid.

What is the best way to work around this? I think that intersystems should change the UnescapeEx method in the EnsLib.HL7.Segment so that it complies with the standards.

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0 883

I have a process which is passed a .rtf within a GlobalBinaryStream. I am trying to then output just the .rtf to a folder on a server, but not even sure where to start.

Is there a Built in Operation that I can pass the GlobalBinaryStream to which will then write the file to a folder, or do I need to use a custom class for the operation?


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1 1.4K

I want to test automatically that HL7 business operation works correctly in error conditions. One is to test CE acknowledgement. I have planned to implement test production which includes business services for different situations (AA, AE, CA, CE, timeout, late response etc).

How should I implement HL7 business service that always returns CE (commit error)? I have tried but it keeps returning "AA".

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0 327

Good afternoon,

We have a very old version of Ensemble with one of our clients and they have no desire to upgrade anytime soon. We have gotten the all-clear to purge really old messages from the database, changing the days kept from 60 to 30. The option to Compact/Truncate is displayed in this version of Ensemble, but does not execute as it mentions not being actually present in this version.

There is an option in ^d DATABASE that restores unused space, however this does not return nearly as much free space as the refined Compact/Truncate procedure.

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0 382

We would like to know if there are any ramifications swapping out our code database while an Ensemble production is running. We are trying to minimize down time as much as possible and even though stopping and starting the production ideally would be pretty quick, is it possible that we could just restart the business hosts that had the code change?

So this is our setup:
Ensemble 2016.1

global cache.dat
code1 cache.dat
code2 cache.dat

Namespace that we switch to point to either code1 or code2 and is mapped to the globals.

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0 227

I'm having trouble accessing the snapshots EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot in %Library.ListOfObjects that are returned from method ExecuteProcedure in EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter. The Microsoft SQL stored procedure I am executing returns multiple resultsets.

The issue I am having is that my code works fine when executed in the business operation (commented out in the code below) but when it is executed in the business process it errors. Any ideas as to why this happens? The error I get is:

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0 561

I have several Business Services which I need to run once on each trigger.

Trigger can be either:

  • Specific time (so once a day, every day)
  • Specific day (so once a month, every month)

For the time, it would be stable (i.e. 0100), but the second case varies - one month it could be 10th, another month - 12th.

After each run I want the service to turn off, so that all the time the service is not running it would be colored grey in Production Management Page.

I plan to use Task Scheduler, but open to suggestions.

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0 334

Olá pessoal,

Compartilho material de um curso desenvolvido por mim, espero que possa ajudar a comunidade.


Hi folks,

I share material from a course developed by me, I hope it can help the community. The material is in Portuguese.


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· Jan 26, 2021
IMAP Email Adapter


I need to create a Business Service that connects too and processes emails via IMAP.

Has anyone done a similar task and if so, can they provide advice?

There is inbuilt support for POP3 (POP3 adapter) but not for IMAP.


Anthony Breen

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· Sep 8, 2021
Force YYYY format

Hi Guys,

when using $ZD(mydate,4) sometimes it returns year as 4 digits and sometimes two, and the documentation is saying ([YY]YY is a two-digit year if hdate falls within the active window for two-digit years; otherwise it is a four-digit year), what active window for two means and how can I force the year to be always 4 digits ?


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0 202
· May 17, 2022
Create aJSON file

Hi Guys,

How do I create a JSON with the below structure pls:

"field 1": "123",
"field 2": "1.1.1",
"field 3": "4.428",
"Lines": [
[ 0.00523, 0.00952, 0.01626 ],
[ -0.00303, -0.00286, 0.00387 ],
[ 0.00110, 0.00814, 0.00800 ],
[ -0.00991, 0.00952, 0.00800 ]


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0 225
· Mar 8, 2023
Session ending message

Hi Guys,

I'm using session to save some data eg. login details, data I need earlier, and of course if the screen left idol with no activity the session may time out and I would like to display a message waring the user that their session is about to expire (as some web application do) , so how can do that?


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0 211

When making a synchronous request to a custom business process and there's an error and 0 is returned, it seems that the response is not sent back to the custom business service. Rather, a Ens.MessageHeader with IsError=1 is returned without a message body (which would normally be the response object).

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