How to see complete message in EnsLib.HL7.Message. RawContent is truncated
Hello community,
I am trying to see the complete HL7 message for the class
But it is showing the truncated version only.
I also tried to convert to stream
s newmsg=##class(EnsLib.HL7.Message).ImportFromLibraryStream(streammsg)
Set len = 1000
Set tPrintMessage=newstream.Read(.len)
Write tPrintMessage
But when i print it, its not showing complete message.
Any idea or suggestions?
Thank you in advance.
Jimmy Christian.
Product version: IRIS 2023.3
You can try like Set len=$$$MaxStringLength instead of 1000. The above example reading text upto 1000 characters so message is truncated while printing the message.
I have run into the RawContent truncating in the past. We used the code below to open the message using the Message Body ID. We were then able to write the full message to a text file on the server.
set o = ##class(EnsLib.HL7.Message).%OpenId(qMBId) set tSC = o.OutputToFile(fname)