· May 6, 2016
Load a dll at run time

I am using java gateway imported/proxy classes and JG business service. I need to load a dll at run time.

I use System.loadLibrary/System.load when in java. I’ve tried $ZF(-3,” C:\Windows\System32\pteidlibj.dll”) and $ZF(-4,1,"C:\Windows\System32\pteidlibj.dll") but I’m getting <DYNAMIC LIBRARY LOAD> error.

How can I load a dll at run time using COS?

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· Jul 17, 2018
Create studio project file

Hello guys,

I have been playing around with the deployment tools from Ensemble (mostly based on this article , but so far the one thing I still couldn't figure out is how to group files into a single "Studio project file".

By using the deployment tool UI, supposing that I want to add a bunch of custom files to my deployment file (XML), it's practically impossible because I need to add one by one.

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Hi All,

I have created custom TCP service and custom TCP Operation in ensemble.

The custom TCP operation sending some data to Cutom TCP service and received ACK from TCP service.

My Custom TCP Opeartion :

Method OnMessage(pRequest As CUSTOM.RECORD, Output pResponse As Ens.StringContainer) As %Status
Do ..Adapter.SendMessageString("Testing string",.pResponse)
Set ^RESPONSE=pResponse
Quit $$$OK

My Custom TCP Service :

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I am working in Ensemble (Health Connect) and doing an HL7 translation

I have what I hope is a simple coding question (but for the life of me, I am struggling). I have a requirement where I need to extract the last 5 characters of a variable length string. The return value should be those last 5 characters. For example - String = CE325ACCT98765 where the return value of the function needs to be 98765. I am just drawing a blank.

thank you,


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· Jun 18, 2018
MessageBank Helper Class


I was wondering if some one have an example code of the MessageBank Helper Class? , im currently using the MessageBank ok to store all message/events, but i need to be able to search for messages using the bodyclass properties.

I've read that using MessageBank Helper Class you can do that, but i just cant find anything , documentation only says use the OnBankMSG() method and thats it.

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I have a CSP REST web application where I'm using delegated authentication via basic authentication in the REST calls. When I do a call to the web app with correct user credentials, I get a CSPSESSIONID cookie back representing the CSP session, which has started for the user I'm logged in with.

And when I want to log out/end the CSP session with the "CacheLogout=end" query parameter, I get a 401 Unauthorized code back. But the csp session itself does get terminated, which means the logout call was successful.

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I'm receiving HL7 message containing the escape sequence \X00D\ indicating a carriage return. In the HL7 documentation I find that this is a valid escape sequence but when I read the intersystems documentation it states that only \X0D\ is valid.

What is the best way to work around this? I think that intersystems should change the UnescapeEx method in the EnsLib.HL7.Segment so that it complies with the standards.

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· Jun 29, 2018
DICOM Operation

I'm trying to add an Operation to store DICOM files but each time I add a Operation using the class EnsLib.DICOM.Operation.TCP it reverts into Services and I cannot work out why this is happening. I've tried following the guide online (link at the bottom) but the Operation still reverts to a Service.

Any pointers would be appreciated,

Thank you.

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I have a service that takes a file and pass it through to the production .While I am passing the file through I get the file stream and set it to a variable within my message and the variable is of type %Ens.StreamContainer. But after all processing and I need to write out my file to a pdf format The file gets written but is a corrupt file since I can not read it I have tried this with asimple pass through everything is fine .But here I do not know what I am doing wrong here is the operation code

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I want to convert a json, which passed on in the a REST call, into a request message.

I use method %ConvertJSONToObject of the %ZEN.Auxiliary.altJSONProvider class.

Set sc = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.altJSONProvider).%ConvertJSONToObject(%request.Content, "TestRequest", .request)

Is there an alternative for this? I want to avoid to use the %ZEN library.

Best Regards

Roger de Coninck

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I've set up a Ens.Alert routing rule and would like to route alerts to different email groups based on business partner or alert group instead of relying on source config using Document.SourceConfigName. Is there a way to reference the business partner or alert group property in a routing rule?

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· Jun 14, 2018
Single Row SQL.Snapshot

I have several stored procedures that when I execute them they will only return a single snapshot. In my BP I have been setting this to a Snapshot variable then looping using a WHILE through the snapshot variable just to get that single value.

Since it is only a single row, is there an easier way where I don't have to do a WHILE loop to pull the values out of that row? Can I call First Row or something like that to get me just the row into the Snapshot variable?

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Without installing Kerberos has anyone Authenticated a SQL JDBC connection? Currently we are using local SQL Accounts to sign onto External SQL Databases, but we are being told that we need to switch to Service accounts that live on a Active Directory Domain.

I wrote with a little help a ZAUTHENICATE to do the Authentication for Ensemble, can I use something like that to connect to an External SQL Database using a Service Account on a Active Directory Domain?



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