Hi everyone,

We are trying to verify a signature against a certificate without success.

Apologies in advanced if my post lack info.

I've added the cert under the X509 credentials under the management portal (alias Cert).

The code snippet that we are using to verify the cert:

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0 626

Hi Guys,

My Cache.dat has a expanded a lot and some globals occupy a lot of disc space with just junk data so I would like to kill some globals and shrink the cache.dat file because I'm running out of disk space?
So is there a way to do that without having to do it through the Truncate & Compact databases?


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0 73

We have to route messages in a Process Class by their source (using either the SourceConfigName from the Message Header or the Source in the Message Body.

The inputs are standard HL7 messages from different Services but need to be routed on to different Processes depending on where they come from (not my design & I can't change it now) does any one have any suggestions how I could do this?


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0 681

I was asked about using date-based criteria in the file spec for an inbound file adapter.

It looks like the file spec field only accepts simple wildcards (*, ?), so I'm wondering if someone knows of a clever way of doing this preferably without creating a custom adapter/service class.

An example of the use case:
An upstream system continually writes records to a file named with the current day's date. At midnight it opens a new file with the new day's date:

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0 535

I have an XML I am sending to an operation from a BPL. This is a query for Patient information from Epic using a web service. I created the operation using the add-in in Studio. I setup the BPL to do a Call and send whatever data I receive from the client. I get a response back from Epic with a list of matching Patients. In the BPL I am trying to use the Response Builder to pass the response ID, name, DOB, etc. to matching context items to then pass to the client as a response. I get the following error within the call:

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0 1K

Hi, community

i've a problem with my production , it works since two months ago , today i can't start it , i don't know where is the problem !!!!

I enclose here screenshots for my production configuration .


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0 514


I'm looking to find if there is a datatype convert equivalent in Object Script to SQL convert function. Have a VarBinary string coming in from source application (which is really performing a SQL dump). The source application uses the standard SQL convert function to convert from varchar to varbinary on their side.

I know &sql(Convert()) should work in Object Script, but am wondering if there is a better way of doing this.

Getting data in via flat file (Record Map), then using data transform to transpose this data to SDA3.

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0 693

I am trying to create a URL for Spoke Mobile to page users when our email system is down and we can't use the normal email alerts.

I was directed to http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=EHTTP_outbound and tried to create something. The best I got was a response from the webpage that told me there was an error.

I want to be able to have a default pager number when we don't have an oncall schedule and grab information from Ens.AlertMessage.

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0 441
· Jun 24, 2019
Try/Catch within BP

Hello everyone,

I'm facing an issue i would like to resolve :).

I have a BPL which throw a DTL. My DTL has many reasons to raise an Exception.

I would like to catch this exception within my BP with a SCOPE but it does not work.

The BP seems to catch its own Exception but does not care at all of my DTL Exception.

So, is it possible to use the SCOPE in my case ? Otherwise, how can I handle the exception in my DTL ?

Thanks a lot for your reply.


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0 513

Whenever the Windows SNMP Service restarts, the snmpdbg log says the following.

16:58:25 :Debug tracing enabled for SNMP agent
16:58:25 :SnmpExtensionInit called, pid=4432, tid=12276
16:58:25 :CreateEvent for CacheSNMPTrap suceeded
16:58:25 :register Cache OID
16:58:25 :Get all Cache configs ... 16:58:25 :found 1 configs
16:58:25 :Add ENSEMBLE config to list ...

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0 466

Hi, folks. I have an HL7 SIU message inbound that is missing a few fields, such as patient ID and provider ID. I insert this HL7 message and a few of the fields into a SQL database. My SQL team then runs a stored procedure to retrieve the patient ID and provider ID and insert the found values into fields in the table. I would like to then do a select from the table, load the HL7 message and add the fields that were found by the SQL stored procedure into the HL7 message. I'm attempting to use a DTL to accomplish this.

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0 858


I am using a standard EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation to create files based on HL7 messages but I just realised that lines in the output file only contain CR (Character Return) but no LF (Line Feed). It is really important to have both as another system picking those files will fail otherwise...

Is there any way to configure this?


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1 943

I am having difficulties with using the ..Strip() function in my DTL to strip the slash ( / ) from the phone number portion of an x12 834. There are very few records that have the slash in the phone number, so I am trying to filter out any characters other than numbers so that all phone numbers are formatted 1112223333.

Here is the code portion of the strip:

Set HomePhone ..Strip(source.{loop2000(k1).loop2100A.PER:CommunicationNumber},"*AW","-()/").

I am then checking the length of HomePhone.

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0 306


We would need some help,

Our aim is to send an image as binary data using a REST Service

Currently we do the following:

1 We get from the external system a binary image in our REST Operation

2 We encode it to Base64

set linea=""
    while (tResponse.Data.AtEnd = 0) {
        set linea = linea_$system.Encryption.Base64Encode(tResponse.Data.Read(57))

3 We send it to the Process in a Response Message:

1 4
0 875
Hello! I have a question how to parse Library.ListOfObjects to JSON

I send post data like this from client using rest and want parse "templates", after save "codeForm","codeName" in database

    "whoIs": "",
    "templates": [{
            "codeForm": "FORM_FIOGROUP",
            "codeName": "operationDate",
            "orderNumber": "1",
            "codeFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            "header": "DATE",
            "dbfFormatType": "Date",
            "dbfFormatLength": "8",
            "valueFrom": "Payment"
        }, {
            "codeForm": "FORM_FIOGROUP",
0 4
0 454

hi there,when object export to xml,i know that,it will call propertynameLogicalToXSD method,but i can`t find out that use %XML.Reader to parse XML to object witch method will be called before ,

simple code like this:

Class Samples.NewClass2 Extends (%Persistent,, %XML.Adaptor)
Property OPDT As %Library.DateTime;

my xml is

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0 171

Hi Guys,

After converting from Ensemble 2014 to 2018 and ran my application I get the below error message:

MSDS.ZEN.Component.imageclickbuttom exits and compiles fine and also compiled the Zen page extending the class successfully but still getting the error so not sure why I'm still getting the error!?


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0 74
· Jan 5, 2018
UPS - SOAP WebServices Not Working

Hi all,

I have started using the UPS in my application for shipment and cancellation.

I have the WSDL from the UPS.

I have imported the WSDL via Studio->Tools->addins and finish the process to get the Package implemeted in my studio.

Now the SOAP method contains a URL which is for their live system so i manually changed the URL with their Testing URL.

They are also providing the sample shipment numbers which we can use to test the cancellation process.

I am trying that shipment number to void(cancel) the shipment by call the method.

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0 4.5K

I am using the EnsLib.RecordMap.Operation.BatchFileOperation to write a batch to a file but for some reason this has been working fine as of yesterday I had a problem with the cache databases filling up running out of memory so had to compact my database and gain space now when I run the operation I get the above error .Of course in my batch table there is no batch record with ID 1.The message is passed with the correct header information but still get this error any suggestions why?

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