I am having an issue with the output file format on a production where quotes (" ") around column values are being removed from the imported file. For example, my input file is a csv formatted as such: "123", " ", "ABC". The output file format that is being generated produces: 123, , ABC. I need the output file to retain the quotes around the data.

Is this something that can be corrected in the record map? Or is it an issue elsewhere?

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1 406

Requirement: Transform source XML message to target JSON.

step1: First create json equivalent xml from any online tool.

step2: use add in studio utility create persistent classes from json equivalent xml and compile it , now target persistent classes are ready

step3: Do the above step for source xml or xsd and generate persistent classes for source and compile it

step4: complete the DTL by selecting root node from source, target persistent classes and complete the mappings and compile it

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0 405


I have a problem attempting to store a base 64 encode stream into the OBX:5 field of a HL7 message, by using the StoreFieldStreamBase64 method.

I'm using a transformer to input the contents of a pdf within a stream container (Ens.StreamContainer). The output is a HL7 message (EnsLib.HL7.Message 2.5:ORU_R01).

The transformer is being used in a business process.

This is the code used in the transformer to encode the stream to base 64:

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0 405

- Currently we are receiving one NTE (See Below) from the source system

NTE|1|Result Comment|TESTING:\.br\\.br\This is a test results. \.br\\.br\This test is a Test.

- We would like to create multiple NTE segments and send to destination system by using ".\br\"(Line Break)



NTE|3||This is a test results.


NTE|5||This test is a Test.

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0 403
· Sep 17, 2020
modifying patient address in DTL


Newbie question. Could you please help me implement the following using DTL only - no programming.

We have a problem where our system sends longer addresses e.g. block of flats in an unexpected format

e.g. address below:

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0 393


I have a DTL to transform X12 Document 278 Request to 278 Response HIPAA 5010 schema. The DTL is called from BPL. I defined a class method that receives source, target, and context objects. How can I create 2000F loops in the response when there were none in the source object?

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0 382

Hello All.

In need of some help.

We are currently migrating Interfaces from JCAPS to HealthConnect 19.1 and have done a lot of work on our Dev server. I am looking to copy/export this work over to the Test server and have managed to export the production and Rules, HL7 custom Schemas etc. The only thing left now are the Data Transformations but so far I can only find ways of copying the transformations over individually. Is there some way to copy all of the transformations we have produced in our namespace to another server in one go?


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0 380


I have a PV1 repeating field that can contain multiple or a single value. I'd like to always pull the last value in the field but am not sure how to configure this in my DTL.

The repeating field is in PV1:50().1

Could somebody shed some light on this?






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0 380
· Jul 7, 2020
DTL vs. ObjectScript

As I've become a little more familiar with HealthShare, I'd like to start exploring different ways of doing things. To date, the bulk of my data transformations have been using DTL; only using ObjectScript for a few operations that write to external SQL tables that were largely based on examples provided by my sales engineer.

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0 378

I am having difficulties with using the ..Strip() function in my DTL to strip the slash ( / ) from the phone number portion of an x12 834. There are very few records that have the slash in the phone number, so I am trying to filter out any characters other than numbers so that all phone numbers are formatted 1112223333.

Here is the code portion of the strip:

Set HomePhone ..Strip(source.{loop2000(k1).loop2100A.PER:CommunicationNumber},"*AW","-()/").

I am then checking the length of HomePhone.

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0 374

Hi Team,

Can you please help me to develop EDI X12 to XML and XML to EDI X12 conversion in IRIS 2021.1 for EDI 204, also known as Motor Carrier Load Tender?

Also, suggest flow for how to achieve this kind of functionality in InterSystems IRIS. If you are able to provide some Videos/Documents on the EDI X12 interface for 204 then it would be very helpful for me.


Harshdeep Acharya

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0 373

Hi, guys,

I've written a DT for a partner which transfers a csv file into SDA3.

I', using record map to gather data from a folder storing csv files and using the DT to tranfer the records into sda3 entities.

The followings are the codes of that DT:

Class POC.DT.CSV2SDA3 Extends Ens.DataTransformDTL [ DependsOn = (User.PhysicalExam.Record, POC.SDA.Container) ]



Parameter REPORTERRORS = 1;


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0 362

I'm required to do a transformation around patient physical addresses. If (for whatever reason) a patient has multiple addresses, I want to move the home address to the first iteration of PID:11 and remove all other iterations. I've accomplished the first bit using DTL, but for patients who have multiple addresses they are left with empty trailing iterations. Here is an example I mocked up:

How can I remove those trailing iterations?

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0 361
· Dec 1, 2022 1m read
My First FHIR app

I participated in InterSystems Women’s Health FHIR contest, because I loved the challenge to learn a new-to-me technology. I wanted to develop an app that receives data from a mobile device like my Fitbit or a Smart Watch. I did not get access to such data except when I downloaded a spreadsheet (CSV file) showing my daily steps and sleep data. I saw in iris-fhir-template it imported some patient data to a FHIR server.

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0 357

I noticed today that when we are creating a message from one doc type to another doc type, that the message type categories are not necessarily set. This is causing some issues with routing rules when we try to reference the Message Type Categories. Is there a way to make sure the Message Type Categories are being set within a DTL to make sure this doesn't cause problems down the road?



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0 357
· Sep 28, 2015 1m read

Ensemble is based on message flow, and a data transformation is a way to convert from one message type to another. DTL (Data Transformation Language) adds a layer to this - it provides a graphical way to do the conversion. This is really helpful because most of the time, people with domain-specific knowledge may not have extensive coding skills. However, you always have the ability to do some coding, so if you need or want to, this is available.

DTL has several components: the data transformation engine, the language itself, and the DTL editor.

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0 346
· Dec 5, 2019


I've heard from two different sources the SMP (or parts of it) and for sure the DTL front end (in studio? via SMP?) have been rewritten to be more modern. But on a latest IRIS Community download everything looks the same to me. Am I missing something or is this Marketting Spin?

Hopefully I won't get banned for this post aswell......

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0 336

In specifying a "WHEN" condition statement, I don't seem to be able call a function directly from this declaration, as the generator seems to get confused

In the graphical editor:



In the DTL directly:

<when condition="(%request.GetValue(&quot;MRN&quot;))=123453)">

<when condition="(%request.GetValue&#40;&quot;MRN&quot;&#41;)=123453)">

0 2
1 334

I have a case where I need to look up the NPI provider against an External MS SQL database to retrieve our Provider Identifier to send to a downstream system. In the past I would use a Business Process (BPL) to connect to the outside MS SQL via JDBC and get that information for me. But I was thinking instead of creating a BPL process to do this, would it be better just to link to the outside MS SQL database table to retrieve the information in a SQL statement within a DTL?

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0 318

Hi, I am glad to announce another submission to OpenExchange and the current contest, the FHIR Pseudonymization Proxy. The FHIR Pseudonymization Proxy adds a transparent pseudonymization layer to any existing FHIR server, enabling clients to perform queries on the FHIR server – which may contain personal identifying information – and receive an on-the-fly pseudonymized version of the data.

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2 316


I have an a Ens.Request subclass (Invoice) that has a relationship property to another persistent class (InvoiceItems), with properties of its own and the inverse relationship defined referring back to Invoice.

When building a DTL with these classes, the Relationship’s inverse relationship (Invoice, within InvoiceDetails) is displayed.

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0 315
· Aug 9, 2022
Comparisons in DTLs

Is there a way to compare the value in a source field against all of the values in a repeating field? For example, we have multiple DG1 target segments populated. Is there an easy way to check a source DG1 segments against all of the target DG1 segments? I didn't know if there is a wild card I can use for the comparison.

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Transaltion for the question:

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