Hi Team,

I am converting xml message into HL7 message but the input XML message contains pdf which is converting into base 64 and getting mapped to OBX:5.5 in HL7 message and sending it to downstream

In Downstream service i am using normal HL7 TCP class EnsLib.HL7.Service.TCPService but the message looks like below i am not sure why stream is taking as another segment in HL7 message,

Any thoughts on this?



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· Sep 28, 2022

Hi ,

I am Converting HL7 message into SDA3 format by using Ens.DataTransform Class but transformation is not happening while using this class and throwing the below error

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <UNDEFINED>zTransform+1^Hosiptal.SDA3.DataTrans.1 *target -- logged as '-' number - @' Set target.Patient.Name=source.GetValueAt("PID:5")'

Let me know if any mistake please refer the below code

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· Jun 19, 2017
Date Filtering Functionality

I have come across several cases where I need to set a Date filter to send only send any admit/scheduled date past a certain point. We have a couple different date comparison functions but none looking at the true date. Most of them are date + 15 or etc. Does anyone have a good date function they have written to say if x > 20170102 ?



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I usually receive complains from our customers about the BPL and DTL web pages automatic refreshes, it's a common problem among newbies users but for veteran developers too, they forget to save the changes regularly and automatically the web page is reloaded, losing all the work done.

Maybe an autosave would fix this problem that produces a deep feeling of hate and resentment against InterSystems technology among our customers. I've added an idea in our portal, so feel free to vote it!

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0 275

I need to set and use some context variables in a transformation (written in DTL), but the code is manually written.

When writing the same as BPL I define context variables and they are visible in transformations called by that process.

In something like this my.DTLtransform sets HL7 message fields to values in context variables:

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I've got a Service that get ACK Messages originated by another system.

I want to get the details of a Message when the ACK is CE (Failed Message).

I don't know whether this is the best approach but, at the moment, I have a DTL and I would like to search the Cache Database for a Message with the Control ID on the ACK in the MSA segment.

Any help with this would be great.


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Hello Community,

I'm a beginner and currently working on a project to convert CCDA files to FHIR using InterSystems IRIS. I have developed a web form to upload CCDA files, and I'm attempting to convert the uploaded CCDA files to FHIR. However, I am encountering an issue where the conversion process results in an empty entry.
Here's the Output it displays on HTML page:

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· Jan 13, 2021
Handling Errors

I have a case where our EMR is sending data, but not all the values needed for the Ancillary are valued properly and causes that message to error/halt processing on the Ancillary system, not ideal but its what they do. I would expect them to still process the message except that 1 field, but they don't.

I want to add validation to make sure certain fields are valued correctly for the Vendor.

So I add some statements to take those items that don't pass this validation out to a batch file with headers.

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0 926

Hi ,

Still a newbie for ensemble, I am trying to convert XML message to HL7 Message. I am using Custom schema for XML structure which includes MSH and PID segments from HL7 Message.

These are the service, process, Operation classes i am using

Business service-EnsLib.EDI.XML.Service.FileService

Business Process-EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine

Business operation -EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation

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Does anyone know how to disable the auto-refresh in Healthshare, especially for Message viewer , Business process designer, DTL editor pages?

These pages in management portal refresh every 15min( i.e. as per the session time out setting) . I tried to set the following two configs to disable the auto refresh but both had no impact.

set ^EnsPortal("DisableInactivityTimeout","Portal") = 1
set ^%SYS("Portal","EnableAutoRefresh") = 1

Thank you for your help.


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0 756

I created a DTL to do HL7 mapping. The test function in the tools works the DTL perfectly but when used by the rule in my business process, the OBX segments are stripped and the MRN is gone. The assigning authority and ID type are added into the PID but the actual patient MRN is blank (3.1 value).

Here is the source code.

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0 767

I installed Atelier on Windows in order to take a look at how the BPL and DTL graphical editors accessible via the "Open diagram editor" action work. The diagram editor is opened but I get the following error:

Message from webpage
Unable to load SVG diagram. Please ensure your browser is supported for portal access.

It looks like Atelier uses IE in order to display the editor even though my Windows default browser is Chrome.

1 8
0 603

Consider the below scenario:

1. HL7 Service -> Process

2. DTL makes a call to a webservice (Post) via a REST operation via SendRequestSync call.

a. if the post is successful, end the DTL

b. if the server that hosts the webservice is down, i would like to keep retrying with the same message and not lose any messages in the queue.

does a simple "quit 0" at the DTL will rollback the message and will retry? please let me know how not to lose any messages if the webservice server is down.

Appreciate it.

1 8
1 539

I am trying to transform an Enlib.EDI.XML.Document through aXLT I know how to trans form the xml document through a xlt stylesheet but been trying to get an Enlib.EDI.XML. Document from a procees by creating aoperation that will do the transformation of this to file if this can be done in a process all ideas welcome so far I have come to this and I keep getting an error

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0 902

Way back when during our Siemens LCR days we had to limit the number of characters in OBX.5 to a length of 75. That was back when we had eGate.

Now I need to do the reversal of that and take loop through a string length and split the string up into multiple OBX or NTE based on a certain length. In reading documentation $EXTRACT can do this if you know the exact length, but in this case we don't.

So how would one loop through a string and say every 75 characters create a new OBX or NTE segment?



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· Oct 17, 2024 2m read
ORU to MDM with large HL7 v2 messages.

I was working on a DTL but kept getting ERROR #5002... MAXSTRING errors. The problem was that most of the DTL GUI action steps only support the string data type when working with the segments. A %String has a limit of 3,641,144 characters and my OBX5.1 was 5,242,952 characters long as the example provided. Of course PACS admin stated ultra high quality up to and including 4K resolution files were needed, so we could not get the vendor to compress or reformat these files to compressed jpg or something similar.

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I noticed today that when we are creating a message from one doc type to another doc type, that the message type categories are not necessarily set. This is causing some issues with routing rules when we try to reference the Message Type Categories. Is there a way to make sure the Message Type Categories are being set within a DTL to make sure this doesn't cause problems down the road?



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Hello Community,

I am trying to create a simple Ensemble DTL transform using the GUI. In order to test something very simple, I have created a transform that does nothing.

I'm using test data from here: https://www.emedny.org/HIPAA/5010/5010_sample_files/835%20Sample%20(Institutional%20Claims%20only).2014.txt

It's a very small test 835 file.

My transform looks like this in the compiled class:

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So this may sound trivial, but I'm seeing conflicting information on this topic and hoping to get clarification.

According to Enslib.HL7.Message class definition, the maxlength of RawContent is 10,000 characters. So when using encoding like UTF-8, that is 10KB. When using Unicode, that should then be 20KB.

But then also coming across some forums and documents where 32KB is maximum size before HL7 fields are truncated.

What is the sure way to determine and modify an interface's maximum supported message size?

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