The following class method "test" contains code that can create a new class, create new properties for classes, or create new methods for classes. "test" runs all three of these processes once, and the code that performs each action is labelled by comments in the method:
ClassMethod test() As %Status
set sc = $$$OK
// Create a class
set class = ##class(%ClassDefinition).%New("MyClass")
set class.Description = "This is my test class"_$c(13,10)_"testing %ClassDefinition"
set class.Super = "%Persistent"
// Create a property and add it
set property = ##class(%PropertyDefinition).%New("MyClass.MyProperty")
set property.Type = "%String"
set property.Description="This is a property"
set sc1 = class.Properties.Insert(property)
do:$$$ISERR(sc1) $system.Status.DisplayError(sc1)
set sc = $$$ADDSC(sc, sc1)
// Create a method and add it
set method = ##class(%MethodDefinition).%New("MyClass.MyMethod")
set method.ReturnType = "%Integer"
set method.FormalSpec = "x:%Integer,y:%Integer=10"
set method.Description = "Return product of x and y"
set method.CodeMode = "code"
set method.Code = " new result"_$c(13,10)_" set result=x*y"_$c(13,10)_" quit result"
set sc2 = class.Methods.Insert(method)
do:$$$ISERR(sc2) $system.Status.DisplayError(sc2)
set sc = $$$ADDSC(sc, sc2)
// Save the class definition
set sc3 = class.%Save()
do:$$$ISERR(sc3) $system.Status.DisplayError(sc3)
set sc = $$$ADDSC(sc, sc3)
return sc
Here's a link to the code on GitHub