· Aug 4, 2023

New Organization Dashboard launched within CCR!

There is an exciting new Organizational Dashboard feature available within CCR.  This new functionality allows users to get a wholistic view of the CCR usage within their organization, allowing things like:

  • See warnings for when organizational usage patterns need to be adjusted
  • View total CCR volume
  • Explore the most active CCR Systems
  • Identify DB version of various Environments
  • Discover which Systems are no longer active and are candidates for Depreciation
  • List the CCR Client Tool update dates to see what is out of date (to be released shortly)
  • Examine number of active CCR users, their CCR activity volume and which of them are Perforce users
  • Correct ItemSets which are troubled across all Systems

To get to the new Org Dashboard, select the side menu and then pick “Organizations”, and explore the tabs on the second half of the page:

Make sure to pay special attention to any Warnings which are listed in the Overview tab and point to deviations from CCR usage best practices:

Like what you see?  Have questions? Have ideas on how to make improvements?  Please let us know in the comments below!

Discussion (8)1
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Merely you have to "open" the article to get those tags into top position. If you just browse (see the screenshot) over the articles: (a) you have to scroll down and (b) a tag name could have but must not have the same meaning as an acronym. In my opinion, an acronym should always be explained after the first usage - either you write it out or you insert a link or whatever...  

Thank you for the feedback @Julius Kavay - I added a hyperlink to the first use of CCR for those that don't scroll down far enough to see the tags.  I would however suggest that if an acronym is used 8 times in a post and it is tagged with an acronym of the same spelling, then the balance of probably makes it most probable that the acronym in the article has the same meaning as the acronym in the tag ;)