Hello All,

InterSystems Certification has designed another certification exam and we need input from our community to help validate the exam topics. Here's your chance to have your say in the knowledge, skills, and abilities that a certified InterSystems CCR Technical Implementation Specialist should possess.

Here's the exam title and the definition:

InterSystems CCR Technical Implementation Specialist

A development professional who:

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As of today, the Angular Create CCR page is now live for CCR Beta Users. Beta testers will be sent to the Angular create page from anywhere you would normally create a CCR. No existing functionality will be lost.

Any issues or feedback can be reported here or in your regular support channels.

Many thanks to our CCR UI beta testers! If you would like to join the beta tester program, you can enable the checkbox on your CCR user page here.

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Dear All CCR Users

Please note that All Perforce Systems will be unavailable from 6:00 p.m. EST on Friday, April 9th, 2021 to 3:00 p.m. EST on Sunday, April 11th, 2021.
During this time users will be impacted when trying to perform Perforce Activities when using the CCR Application.

CCR actions you can do while the InterSystems Perforce Server is unavailable:

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· Jan 13, 2021
CCR Tier 1 Training March 1-5, 2021


I'm happy to announce that there will be a training for CCR Tier 1 users soon!

Register now!

Course Name: InterSystems Change Control: Tier 1 Basics

When: March 1 - 5, 2021, 9am-1:30pm US Eastern Time (ET).

Where: Virtual Classroom. You will receive connection details shortly before class.

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I am very pleased to announce that tomorrow (Dec 3) at 9 AM Cambridge time we plan to enable the new CCR UI for all users. No downtime should be required for the go-live. Existing beta testers will not see any change, but for non-beta testers the new Frost-based Angular UI will replace the legacy CSP-based application for the home page, navigation, System Details, and several other parts of the application.

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