
When i click on the menu to run the Data import wizard from MP, i receive following CSP error

<UNDEFINED>zOnPageHEAD+229^%cspapp.exp.utilsqleximwizardcontent.1 *schemaname : CSP Error

It is happening for all the namespaces. Looks like some permission issue. Same issue with Data Export wizard. Help to resolve this will be appreciated.

I am using

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.2 (Build 865_0_18763U)


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Hi guys,

I have never used regular expressions with caché object script before, so I've read through the documentation, but I am struggling with things that I'd like some help on.

My need is to identify specific html tags and transform them out to something else. Example:

I need to identify those guys in a wider string:
"<span style=\""font-family: '';font-weight: bold;\"" >BOLD TEXT</span>"
"<span font-style:italic;\" >ITALIC TEXT</span>"

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0 464


I try to open an existing log file and append to it. In Windows I use Open file:(NRW):1. I would expect it to append to the file, but each time I execute the code I get only the new entries, the prior file content is lost.

What is the proper syntax top open a file in "Append" mode?

I will deploy this code in Linux. Is there a different syntax to open a file in Linux versus Windows?


Oliver Wilms

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0 695


I've got a csp page that has successfully set up a websocket connection to a Cache class. When the websocket object's close function is triggered at the browser I was expecting one of the class' methods to fire at the server. The onclose method is triggered at the browser but nothing at the server. Is a method supposed to fire at the server?



Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2015.1.4 (Build 803_6) Tue May 15 2018 12:08:36 EDT

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0 1.1K
· Aug 14, 2019
upload file to FTP


I am trying to upload a file to a ftp site using following code.
Problem is file is getting upload but there is no data. Can you plz advise where I am getting lost.
Also my files are with big data, 2+ GB, as far as know this ftp upload will not effect on my cache.dat size. Plz correct if my understanding is not correct.

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0 566
· Sep 14, 2019
Replacing character groups

What's the best way to replace character groups?

I want not to remove character groups as $zstrip does but to replace them with whitespaces.

$translate needs explicit character list.

Effectively I want to remove any characters besides letters, numbers and a small (known) subset of punctuation characters, replacing everything else with whitespaces.

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0 560

I used the Activate wizard to create a package for Excel (Activate.Excel). There is a class in there that seems to be what we need to open a file:


There is a method that has an Open() command. I tried using it but getting an invalid pointer error.

The parameters are as follows:

0 10
0 377

I am currently trying to create a namespace and I keep receiving error #197 when I try to create the database for it. My OS is Coentos 7.7, my cache version is 2016.2.3.903.6.18300 and here is a screenshot of the error.

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0 265
· Oct 30, 2019
SQL query index using

Hi guys,
I ran into a strange (for me) situation, when I run same query but change the WHERE clause the plan is different and is not connected to the additional condition.
Query that doesn't use the necessary index:

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0 530

Hello community!

I have a question about the %OnSave method of a class. We have a class that has two properties that are classes.

Class A

Class B

Class C

Class A.PropertyB as Class B

ClassA.PropertyC as Class C

Classes B and C also need to point back to Class A - it's just the way it is. We need to be able to use any one of these classes and get to the others (it's actually even more complicated than this, as Classes B and C also have a PropertyC and PropertyB as well, respectively) :

0 3
0 776

I am generating the DDL from a modeling tool - ERStudio. But the DDL has 2 issues right now.

The Constraints is not supported but works with the statement - DROP TABLE Study_Definition.EVENT_STORE CASCADE;

Second if there is no object to drop, it throws an error, so is there a check like in sql server If_Exists that we can use in CacheDB?

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0 217

cache 2017.2.1 (Build 801_3)

when I look into the "sql statements" ( sql page of the management portal ) I have lots of old statements with a lot of them frozen. many of them are %sqlcq routines (I believe these are the SLQ's I run when testing/running random SQL queries in the sql page. )

I can clearly see where I can click on an individual query and untick an individual query to unfreeze it. or delete it. but thats a painful slow process. I can't see anywhere to delete/change multiple queries

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0 214


I'm trying to export a XML stream containing some files that are supposed to have been written using UTF-8, but I'm facing some broken encoding issues.
You can see below that I'm indeed viewing a UTF-8 encoded and which is inside the CSP folder and encoded correctly (although displaying it on Studio would not display it correctly as the file is not using BOM and that's intentional).

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0 737


Forgive me if this is a rather low-level question - I am a physician informaticist who is learning cache/mumps for the first time. I am sure this probably relates to some setting but I can't find a similar issue anywhere.

When I create a list, and then try and return that list - I get a bunch of symbols back along with my results, or sometimes I just get symbols.

I pasted a screenshot below. Thank is advance for the help!


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0 245

Dear All,

I'm looping through a list with characters (Parenthesis, square brackets etc) and I wish to remove these from the list.

The for loop and IF logic are effectively removing these items from a list.

However the variable I use for the maximum number of loops carries on beyond the number of items of the list after removal.

In the output value for these I get the integer of the for loop instead of a null for the empty list fields.

I can see in the documentation that the end variable is not editable once the loop is started.

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· May 13, 2020
How could we install zpm?


We have read the installation guide to get started with zpm package manager:


We wonder what means the second step:

"Import the zpm.xml into IRIS and compile via any desired way (Management Portal, Studio or Terminal)"

We have thought that it means to place the zpm-0.2.2.xml file inside "C:\InterSystems\HealthShare_2\opt\contenedor"

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1 1.2K
· Jun 9, 2020
Cache SQL question

I have a table with 4 column: MRN (primary key), Name, DOB, and Gender. I want to bring in the values on all of the columns into a DTL. Currently, I declare variables for each of the columns and using 3 select statements.

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