· Apr 23, 2018

I can insert a new record through the SMP but not through code


The following sql statement is working through the SMP but couldn't make it work through the code.

The table is a linked table to oracle db.

Tried to change the date property in the linked table class from %Date to %String and also tried using %SQL.Statement and %Library.ResultSet

this work through SMP:



VALUES (to_date ('2018-04-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),123,456,789)

In the code i'm using '?' in the statement for the parameters.

So in the code it's go something like this (where the to_date is in the sql statement):


s obj=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()

s status=obj.%Prepare(statement)

i status s result=obj.%Execute($zd($zdh(somedateYYYYMMDD,8),3),par2,par3,par4)

or this one (where the to_date is in the execute)


s obj=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()

s status=obj.%Prepare(statement)

i status s result=obj.%Execute("to_date ('"_$zd($zdh(somedateYYYYMMDD,8),3)_"','yyyy-mm-dd')",par2,par3,par4)

As you can see i tried putting the to_date in the Prepare statement and it didn't work and also in the execute (in the parameters) it didn't work.

Discussion (14)2
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The change from %Date to %String influences image of your target table
and may affect implicit ODBC Data transmission that converts eg. +$h to YYY-MM-DD format !

once your data is a %Date again this should do it:
...... VALUES (?,?,?,?)

If you test in SMP you have to check if you are in ODBC, Logical or Display mode.
with TO_DATE() you just overrule this as string are the same in any mode.

For ODBC the date is always 2018-04-25
For Display it's 04/23/2018 or 23.04.2018 depending on your local setting
For Logial it is always 64761 (+$h)

Still not working in the code, at the SMP it worked in every mode Display/Logical/ODBC. isn't the mode affect only on select statements? At the code i set the property back to %Date, and the sql statement and execute without the to_date, at the execute just converted to $h as you mentioned and i'm getting error [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01861: literal does not match format string.

At the Caché side it was generated as %Date using the link table wizard, through the SMP it worked with to_date when it was %Date and worked also after i changed it to %String.

Through terminal couldn't make it work no mater what i tried, not when it is %Date and using $h without to_date nor when it is %String and translating the date to yyyy-mm-dd with or without to_date (at prepare or at execute).

I also tried using ##class(Package.SomeClassName).%New() and %Save()  and it also return ORA-01861 error ($h when %Date and yyyy-mm-dd when %String).

Also %String with %New/Save with "to_string ('"_FormattedDate_"','yyyy-mm-dd')" as the field value returned ORA-01858 error.

Don't know the table/field definition/format at the oracle db - hope to get this info soon.

Through terminal couldn't make it work no mater what i tried, not when it is %Date and using $h without to_date nor when it is %String and translating the date to yyyy-mm-dd with or without to_date (at prepare or at execute).

Did you also try SQL shell from terminal ?  (it should act like SMP)
SAMPLES>Do $system.SQL.Shell()

Also: have you ever checked status  ?   to see if  %Prepare was OK ?


s status=obj.%Prepare(statement)

do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(status)

It's hidden in your example

doc for ORA-01861
describes the TO_Date issue very detailed

Your problem seems to be strictly related that the value you use and its description in TO_DATE don't match.

So TO_DATE(?,'YYYYMMDD') in Prepare
should work with 
    s result=obj.%Execute(20180425,par2,par3,par4)

It's a little bit less transformations