· Feb 15, 2019

How to Set Query params while calling an API

I need to post data to an api which expects certain data in body, query, path and header. I am using Post method of %Net.HttpRequest class. I was able to set body and header values, but couldn't figure out how to set the query and path variables. Appreciate any assistance! Is it the SetParam method()?


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  Set ht = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
  Set ht.Server = "server"
  Do ht.SetParam("param1", "true")
  Do ht.SetHeader("myheader", "headervalue")
  Set tSC = ht.Get("/api/get", 1)

Look at the second parameter in the call of Get method, it is a test flag, helps to understand how your request will actually go

GET /api/get?param1=true HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; InterSystems IRIS;)
Host: server
Accept-Encoding: gzip
myheader: headervalue

Look at this code, it will do the same

  Set ht = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
  Set ht.Server = "server"
  Do ht.SetParam("param1", "true")
  Do ht.SetHeader("myheader", "headervalue")
  Set ht.Location = "/api/get"
  Set tSC = ht.Get(, 1)

Or even this code

  Set ht = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
  Do ht.SetHeader("myheader", "headervalue")
  Set tSC = ht.Get("http://server/api/get?param1=true", 1)