· Aug 28, 2018
Replace elements in $lb

Let's say I have a list structure:

set list = $lb("stri,ng", $c(0), 2)

I want to replace all $c(0) elements with empty elements, so my list would look like:

set list = $lb("stri,ng", , 2)

What's the fastest way to do that?

0 13
0 572

I have a list

set list=$lb(1,$c(0),2)

How do I replace $c(0) with an empty element?

My list should look like this:

set list=$lb(1,,2)

I tried using $list but it either replaces the element with an empty string:

set $list(list,2)=""
zw list

Resulting in:


Or removes the element altogether:

set $list(list,2,2)=""
zw list

Resulting in:

2 2
0 365

Is there a way to lock at the record level? I know that you can lock at the table level:


but am unable to find a way to lock just at the record/row level.

Would this also affect a SELECT statement done on the record?

0 1
0 371

Hello Everyone,

I was wondering about the best way to initialize several variables, or several lists of variables.

Would it be better to write it like:

set (var1, var2, var3) = "value1"
set (var4, var5) = "value2"
set (var6,var7,var8) = "value3"


set var1="value1", var2="value1", var3="value1", var4="value2", var5="value2", var6="value3", var7="value3", var8="value3"


0 6
0 465

We are running old VB code on a Windows 2012 R2 server.

In the last month the following error has been happening.

Failure to create CacheObjectConnection.
Failure in GetClassInfo for CacheObjectConnection

Factory not connected to server
Send to Cache' failed

Neither the the code or Cache instance has not changed.

Cache 2017.

The code:

Dim bRtn As Boolean
Dim objCacheObject As Object
cntr = 1

0 7
0 882
· Aug 17, 2018
%VID Question

I'm Trying to create a "Windowing Function" In Cache similar to SQL Server. I'm trying to create a Row Number for every account number (Example Below). I know I can use the %Vid function to create the Row Number but I need the row number to reset with every new account number. In SQL Server it would be Row_Number over (Partition by account number order by account number). and Example of what I am trying to create is below.

Row Number Account Number

1 1

2 1

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0 755


we are moving an existing ZEN-Application to a new version of Caché (2017.2.2). It is a rather old application and we need to do some modifications due to the thightend security of ZEN in this and prior release (we came from 2013.1). One of the changes required is to alter a table Name of a ZEN-Table on the server-side. Anyway this gives us a problem, since we receive an error

ERROR #5001: Client modification of protected property ( tableName) disallowed for security reasons.
SOURCELEMENT: %ZEN.Component.tablePane (tpSimilarity)

0 2
0 428

Traditional Caché Objectscript has the multi-dimensional array as its main form of complex data structure and the $order command as the main means of traversing said data structures. But newer versions of Caché ObjectScript also have data structures that are direct parallels of what languages such as JavaScript provide, in the form of %DynamicObject and %DynamicArray. These have an easy to use iterator feature via the %GetIterator method, and even a handy built-in literal syntax for constructing new objects.

0 3
0 950
· Aug 2, 2018
Invalid precision value


I'm trying to execute a function in a loop using studio but I'm having an error; "ODBC driver for sql server Invalid precision value"

Any help please?

Example :

for i=1:1:2{


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0 505
· Jul 9, 2018
Caché SQL Queries

I have finished my 4th book about Caché and MUMPS. This will probably be my last.

I am deeply grateful and humbled for all the help I have received from this group and the WW Response Center.

You all have something very special going here.

13 1
0 1.3K
· Aug 7, 2018
Speeding up $listget


I'm trying to find the faster way to get the data from a class, and I find it very slow compared to traditional globals. So, I hope some of you can bring some light to me :-)

I have thousands of registers in a class, and to access it quickly I'm going with $o at the index. From there, I get the values using $listget(). Something like that:

0 10
0 553

Hi everyone

I am new to the bpl diagram. I would like to add an if statement that checks whatever an object is null or not.

I guess that: condition='response.Content != null' would not be ok...

<if name='CheckObj' condition='response.Content != null' xpos='200' ypos='1700' xend='277' yend='2197' >

I tried to search for this information in the documentation but I didn't find any help.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks and best regards


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0 258

Hi I am getting below error while upgrading cache instance. Please suggest.

Error: ERROR #70: *** Error while formatting volume because
ERROR #18: failed creating a new volume initializing CACHETEMP, /*****/databases/cachetemp/ - Shutting down the system
An error was detected during Cache startup.
** Startup aborted **

1 3
0 541

Hello there,

I have some problem with inserting date to table using dynamic sql.

I have Country class. This table has relationship with class Continent as parent and child. In addition I have another statistic class where property Country has type of Country class. I get ID such as "1||1" next I execute dynamic sql INSERT INTO Stats(Country) VALUES("_CountryId_"). Then I select Stats table and see that value of Country column is "11") As a result a can't get Country object.

Please advice solution of this problem

Thank you

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