I'm looking for a SQL function equivalent for SQL server STRING_SPLIT. I have records like this:

join_to_tx_history (key), ss_note_multi_dict_1_value (varchar)

64559.001 Assistant Principal, Case Worker, Client, Dad, Daughter, Mentor, Mom, Other, Principal, Psychiatrist, School Counselor, Teacher

and I like the field ss_note_multi_dict_1_value split to rows for each comma delimited value. So I can get this:

0 2
0 659
· May 14, 2021
SSLConfig with ECC

Hello everyone,
I can choose between RSA and DSA. ECC seems to be unsupported.
Is there any workarounds without using external binary like curl?

Best regards

0 5
0 350
· May 14, 2021
Luhn Mod N in Cache?

Hi all

I'm trying to recreate this method below in Cache/IRIS.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn_mod_N_algorithm ISO-7812-1 (LUHN-10)

I've been following the javascript example. It seems simple in theory but i'm struggling with which cache methods to pick.

$LENGTH, $System.SQL.FLOOR() - seem ok

$EXTRACT - I think for .charAt (though may need to correct base)

$FIND - for .indexOf

Any suggestion which would be the best ones for the job?

0 5
0 214
· May 12, 2021
$preprocess failure

There is an undocumented command, $preprocess, that can be called as below. In this case it takes the class name and converts its code into a text array. That includes comments as well. Two questions about it if you know:

0 8
0 223


I have a REST client that calls a REST service and as a response gets a stream containing a JSON structure. The service is placing some weird non-printable characters into some places in the JSON document that is throwing off parsing of a down-stream XML document.

What I would like to do is just remove the non-printable characters from the response stream that comes back from my call to the REST service.

Does anyone have a handy utility or method for removing all non-printable characters from a character stream?

0 10
0 2.3K
· May 12, 2021
Cache sql query

Hi ,

I am trying to retrieve the contact type column data of a patient based on the recent date as shown below.

for instance

contacttype Datefrom

contact 1. 24/03/2020

contact 2. 20/05/2021

i need to retrieve the second contact2 based on the recent date.

i tried like below but not working .

Case max(datefrom) >0 then contacttype

End as contacttype

Can anyone please tell me why this is not working.Any other options?



0 3
0 268

Hi Team,

A month ago, we purchased the cache license for a 10user limitation. We are a 6developers and using 3different development (internal)servers for this same license. All Developers aren't login at the same time. We have a limitation for login 2developers at a time in a server. But sometimes, we are facing a <LICENSE LIMIT EXCEEDED> issue. We don't know why we are facing this one. So anyone please guide me, why we are getting this type of issue. I have attached the errored screenshot.

0 2
0 734

I need to show the absence of data, so I have to join the list of predefined values with a result of a select statement.
However, it seems like Table Value Constructors in JOIN are either not supported, or I do not understand the syntax.
Basically, I am going for something like this:

Select v.valueId, m.name 
 From (values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)) v(valueId)
     left Join otherTable m
        on m.id = v.valueId

Is it supported in Cache SQL or not?

0 6
0 171

Hello Community,

We want to send ALL updates from our Cache server to a remote SQL Server instance that will be used as a reporting data warehouse.

Has anyone done this already and if so what is the best way to go about setting this up?




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0 229


I'm getting thousands of errors like the ones below:

2021-05-03 14:11:44 [SQLCODE: <-400>:<Ocorreu um erro fatal>] [Cache Error: <<READ>Dispatch+14^%SYS.BINDSRV>] [Location: <ServerLoop>] [Client info: <Username: KIORAS, Node Name: 3IK0VLS5UU, IP Address:, Executable Name: EXTRService.exe, Internal Function: B0>] [%protocol: <52>] $Id: //ce/2018.1.2/kernel/common/src/aclass.c#1 $ 23468 104

0 1
0 478

objects in javascript :

var oM = new Object;

var mMode=["down","up","click"] ;
var key,val ;
for (key in mMode)

val = mMode[key] ;
oM[val]={} ;
oM[val].id ="" ;
oM[val].type ="" ;



so I can access the .type directly as :




what is the syntax in CACHE or IRIS, to achieve such approach via class/key/property...?

acctually: class/object/key/property anlaogue to ^GLOBAL(key,"property")=val

0 9
0 229

Let's say I have a persistent class Sales.
I need to create a report that shows the amount of sales for each branch.
By simply using the class Sales for the source of the cube, I can show what I want with one little exception - the branches that did not have any sales are not shown.
Is there a way around that that does not involve creating a whole new table just for this cube or using a Data connector (they have horrible documentation and I am unable to figure out how to use them properly)?

0 3
0 152

The boss (reasonable intelligent ;-) wants to connect to the cache database through Excel, but unless I explain what he's looking for (field names DB names etc) then I can see him continually coming back for "what's the link here and how do I get the delivery company name etc etc"

is there a SAFE way I can give him access to our database using an intelligent visual user interface.

I had thought about the SQL Query Builder within the management portal, but the thought of giving him access to all of the other functionality of the management portal.

0 3
0 230

I want to consume external websocket api, URL looks like this:


Checked with external tool (Simple WebSocket Client) that websocket works and I can consume the data.

In Cache the relevant functionality is offered by %IO.Socket class.

set sock = ##class(%IO.Socket).%New()
set sock.SSLConfig = "MyEmptySSLConfig"
set sock.TranslationTable="UTF8"
do sock.Open("site.com/ws/v2/?&token=<token>","443", 10,.sc)

However I get this error:

0 17
0 1.3K
· Mar 1, 2018
Cucumber / Gherkin integration

Are there any BDD testing automation implementations within Mumps/Cache Objects already in existence?

We are looking at using Cucumber for our Java regression test automation and would like to use similar feature file testing with the Cache code.

Looking to use something existing before building it.


2 5
1 903

Hello everyone!

Some time ago, I changed the configuration in SQL Runtime Statistic to "Turn on Stats code generation to gather stats at the Open and Close of a query". With this change, the CACHE base (cache/mgr/cache/) has grown a lot to reach 198GB.

Yesterday, I returned the configuration of SQL Runtime Statistic to the default which is "Turn off Stats code generation" and the cache base is no longer growing.

My question is?

0 3
0 176


I have a quick question regarding TSTART, however not certain if there is an answer.

If I am inside the transaction and I loose connection - I always assumed that transaction would TROLLBACK, however it does not.

Is there anything special I need to set up with my TSTART, in order for this transaction to safely rollback?


As example: Let's say I am inside the TSTART and setting up / altering some data and my VPN connection got disconnected. I kind of expect all the data to be rolled back.

Thank you,


0 6
0 212

Hello everyone,

I don't want to believe that Intersystems didn't add a method/process/rule to sort alphabetically a list of names (in array, $ LB or whatever)

I haven't found any documentation about this. I've even tried comparing two strings but have not found a solution.

My cry for help is...

Does exists any command to compare two strings and check if one of them is lower or upper according to aphabet?

Please, give me a light in this dark

Best regards.
Kurro Lopez

1 7
0 837

httpRequest POST file Upload multipart

1. is there a code example step-by-step, how to build each part ?

I tried the demo from intersystems doc's,

I checked it in .Net response, that didnot recognize the File-data part

2. I noticed, there is :

SET BinaryMIMEPart.ContentType="application/octet-stream"

but missing :

SET BinaryMIMEPart.ContentDisposition (as analogue, let say for VBA EXCEL )

or I do it via the:

Do BinaryMIMEPart.SetHeader("Content-Disposition",...) ?

that is not analouge for VBA

2 11
1 1.8K
· Apr 23, 2021
Log (Journal) shipping

I am new to Cache, we are trying to move a 4 TB database over the internet, but this will be take too long to copy the single backup file. In Oracle and MS-SQL Server there is an option of doing log shipping. Is there such an option in Cache?

I want to copy the initial backup file one weekend, then keep sending the Journals (logs) the new location.

Thank you,


0 5
0 253
· Apr 22, 2021
Cache code conversion tool


I have a requirement to convert few screens having character based interface built in Cache to a web based interface in Java while still keeping Cache as the backend which means database will remain the same. Wanted to know if we have any tool in the market which can help doing that keeping in consideration that these screens in cache are using mumps code.

If we don't have any tool, would appreciate if someone shares their experience in the manual conversion as well.

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