· Aug 18, 2021

How to get updates to upgrade cache


We need to upgrade our cache instance from 2016.2 to the latest version.

I find the documentation about the "Upgrade Path" but I cant  find where I can get the files to upgrade in the documentation.

Also I cant find how to make this upgrade, they talk about strategies but dont talk how to perform the task to upgrade.

Is there any documentation of how to make and upgrade and where I can get the files?

We have the instance installed on RedHat unix. 


Product version: Caché 2016.1
$ZV: Cache for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2016.2.1 (Build 806_0_17136U) Tue Mar 7 2017 12:32:06 EST [HealthShare Modules:Core:15.02.9912 + Linkage Engine:15.02.9912 + Patient Index:15.02.9912]
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Hello Augusto,

I think you're at the right part of the documentation. I'm not sure what specifically you are asking about. The actual "upgrade" on Unix involves running cinstall as if you were installing a fresh instance, and you can target the existing instance. The docs cover what else needs to be done before/after that.

I hope that helps? I would definitely recommend testing the procedure to familiarize yourself.