· Nov 9, 2016
access php


How to post and get data using php. I'm using a php external url. In the body in parsing the request as xml and when i execute this using fiddler it response the result as xml but when i consume it in classmethod it fails. I don't have a wsdl file how can i work it out?

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· Nov 7, 2016
web service


I have created a asp web service and it is hosted in our internal server. How can i consume that web service in cache class method? It is a soap web service with xml input and xml output. It works fine in all the browser.

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I am using the &sql () tag to retrieve the value from the Cache DB.

below is the piece of code i am using:

script language="cache" method="retrieveDetail" arguments="pVariable" returntype="%String"
&sql( select columnA,
into :tempVariable1
from TABLE
where COLUMNC = pVariable

quit tempVariable1

i have to return the ColumnA value back to the calling procedure.

can i know how it can be done ? since i am getting an javascript error.

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0 378
· Nov 7, 2016
Monospace output from Zen


I have a problem which i think has a simple solution but which i and others haven't yet cracked. I want to display text output to a text box in monospaced font. At the moment the style sheet is shown below, I have tried various other options such as specifying a specific font such as Courier New. None of the browsers I have tried (Safari, Firefox on OSX, IE) display as monospace, although the last 2 come close. I wonder whether I need a <pre> tag, but I can't see how to do that in Zen.


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0 297

Here's an easy one for you; before I spend another hour looking for the answer, how do you convert %ArrayOfDataTypes to an array (that could, say, fit into the %session.Data array, or maybe just some array named info()), and of course back again?

NS>s aodt=##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New()

NS>w aodt.SetAt("lcavanaugh","username")
NS>w aodt.SetAt("organization","coolcompany")
NS>w ##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).BuildValueArray(aodt,.array)


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0 965
· Nov 4, 2016

Hi All,
when I ran the Command to make a folder in particular directory its not working in terminal,but when i run the same command in studio output block it create the folder.
Used command:
S cmd="mkdir E:\DIRECTORY"
O cmd:"QR":10
Suggest Please.

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0 541


I have created a class that extends %Persistent and %Populate and have set the various POPSPEC attributes of my properties to control how the properties are populated. However, when I compile the class and try to run the Populate() method it tells me the method isnt defined.

Here is the class definition:

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0 944
· Nov 1, 2016
File size.

Hi everybody,

My name is Sérgio Fernandes and I'm from Brazil.

I need to get the size of file that the user wants to upload in my application.

I'm getting it name with %request.GetMineData("fileName").FileName, but not found it at Ensemble documentation how would i get the size of file.

My version is Ensemble 2013.1.6.950.0 and I'm doing it at csp.


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I try to run the cmd command in the studio terminal, but i am getting the <NOTOPEN> Error.

Even ZF(-1) also not working. Any help, Please!!!

Note: i restart the Cache instance service with full privilege


Set Path="mkdir E:\Sample\New"

Open Path:"QR":10


This command working on my PC, but on server throws error.

Many Thanks

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0 1K
· Nov 3, 2016
Simple Arithmetics

Can somebody explain this behaviour of Cache (and many other calculating machine as well) :

WRITE 1/3*12


WRITE 1/3*5


W 1/3*18


W 1/3*21


W 1/3*24


How can we make more occurate caculations in Cache ?

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0 644
· Oct 31, 2016
Zen Excel Report

Hello Everyone.

Sorry if it is a dumb question, but I'm new.

First: I have to create a Excel MultipleSheet Report. That I'm fine with doing.. but they want me to give every Workbook that is created it's unique reportName, that is generated with the user input on the page. Is it possible to do so?

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0 522

I am using OAuth2 Cache framework, acting as a client to an authorization server. My setup is based on this excellent previous post [Caché Open Authorization Framework (OAuth 2.0) implementation – part 1].

I'm facing ‘Authorization Server Error: Error Processing Response - No match between server name '' and SSL certificate values…’

It looks like I should set SSLCheckServerIdentity to false but I can’t figure out how. Has anyone had the same issue?

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0 1.2K
· Nov 1, 2016
Cache Studio - Find in Files


In Cache Studio under the View/Find in Files. Anyone knows how to search multiple words in the string? For example,

In my routines 1, it has "Patient Name Test Name Provider Address Status " and

In my routine 2 , it has "Patient Name Test Name Provider Address "

In my routines 3, it has "Patient Name Address "

When I search, I want to search all the routines, it has the words Provider and Status which I want it returns only routine 1 because it has both words "Provider and Status". Thank you very much for your help.

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0 735


I'm new with writing Caché Objectscript so I need some assistance. I have XML which contains information like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

I have a class representing this object as follows:

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1. Created a class(test) and added a classmethod(checkdata).

2. Assigned a object with xml.

3. Created a new class for response and initialized in classmethod(checkdata).

4. Created a new class for request parsing with list of object parameter.

5. While parsing xml in request for list of object, the result count is "0". But the xml has value for "2" object list.

6. XML has follow:

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0 828

We are finally planning to migrate some ancient Caché applications that are run on Caché 5.0.21 to a new server with Caché 2016.2.0 or so.

I wonder if we could use Shadowing between those to keep the data on the new server up to date?

We would copy the Caché backup from the old environment to the new and do a RESTORE there and then start shadowing.

I know than 5.0.21 is no more officially supported by ISC.

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