
posted some weeks ago in the "old" ZEN Google Group, maybe someone here can help to understand how to properly setting up a csp applications and contributing from the build-in caché security mechanism.

I´ve created a webapplication and wan´t to add further security to it using the smp. But... first things first.

I have two Databases let´s say DB1-LOGIN and DB2-Application. Each of this DBs has a resource assigned. DB1-LOGIN has a resource %DB1-LOGIN which has a public permission of 'read'. DB2 has a resource as well %DB2-Application with no public access.

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>/tmp/compilew.log &>/tmp/compilew.log ; tail /tmp/compilew.log

to redirect the output to the stdout. Somehow the javac has wierd behavior with the output on errors and verbose information.


i want the JAVA-Projections and wrappers to compile after Caché created the files. The creation of the files works 100%.

My addition to createProjection in our Projectionclass is following:

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In the documenations at this location http://docs.intersystems.com/enscomm20152/csp/documatic/%25CSP.Documatic..., the normalize method applies normalizaion for text using the defined manguage and dictionary.

I want to normalize my iFind queries. How can I use the normalize method ? any code sample ?

I want also to delete properly the iFind index. Deleting all the rows in the table is sufficient ?

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I have a tablepane in my Zen page that is tied to a class query. When the page first loads, the table is empty. A button onclick event causes the tablepane query to execute and load query results into the table. I want an onchange event from a datalistbox to clear the tablepane so that it looks empty as it was when the page first loaded. I have had no luck fiddling with javascript in the datalistbox's onchange.

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I would like to know how to get the key value from a dropdownmenuitem placed on a navbar.

I have tried to get from onselect and onchange events of the template class, but it didn´t work.

According to the snapshot attached I am trying to retrieve the values from 'action-1' and 'action-2'.

I have attached a ZIP file with a snapshot which value I am trying to retrieve and example classes.


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Can a Cache Mirror be used in the cloud ? (ie stand up a Primary and Backup member instances in a High Availability Cache Mirroring configuration)

I'm investigating the validity of this configuration, because I was of the understanding that this may not possible due to these cloud servers not (typically) having fixed ip addresses, which interferes with the Virtual IP settings for the mirror set.

Is this correct, and if there are workarounds (like Load Balancing ?) can I have details on how this should be configured ?

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If you've got more than one developer on a project, do you each work in your own namespace? Or do you all use a common namespace?

Through my work at George James Software I have encountered many different Caché and Ensemble development setups. At risk of over-generalizing, the older and more established users of InterSystems technologies seem more likely to have all their developers working in a common namespace, whereas the newer 'converts' tend to favour giving each developer their own namespace.

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Good morning people.
The use of TDD is currently being reference for software delivery more confiabilitade and quality.

At the company I work developing web applications , we create tests for method class in a deteminado package and running the steps that the documentation recommends:

1 export the tests classes to a predefined folder.
2- And running the test ( D ## class (% UnitTest.Manager ) .RunTest (,"/nodelete" )

It is a lot of work to do the export and run these tests would have a resource that we could only run the tests without the need for export ?

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· Feb 26, 2016
No Namespaces found


I'm trying to use iKnow but I get the following error "No iKnow-enabled namespaces found" in the Management Portal.

It was working on the 2015.2.2 version but now on 2016.2.0 it doesn't. I very new to Caché and iKnow so it's probably a simple problem.

I was able to create a iKnow domain using the terminal and I can view it in the learning portal (http://localhost:57772/csp/sys/exp/_iKnow.UI.IndexingResults.zen).

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Is the default language (i.e., $$$DefaultLanguage, which is used as the basis for localization with $$$Text/etc. at compile time) always "en" for new Caché installations, or could it be different? How is this determined? I don't see an option to select a language during Caché installation.

Also, is there a supported/preferred API for setting the default language? Looking at %occMessages.inc, one option would be:

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I'm working on a proposal for a deployment tool development project and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with such a thing.

We use Healthshare and implementations for new clients are tedius and lengthy. Lots of ensemble service, registry value, lookup tables, namespaces and other things have to be created and configured.

I would like to create a Zen or CSP page based deployment tool that can do all this with a few parameters and some custom code.

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Hi all,

I was wondering, what is your favourite public cloud provider?

What is your level of engagement with the cloud provider? Are you testing their infrastructure? In which case I'd expect you being progressing a parallel test with at least a second provider ;-) Or, are you already running a production environment?


OK, so, let me be the first one to share my experience with one specific cloud provider.

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I'm curious to know what InterSystems clients are using for csp based web development methodology.

Are you doing tag based development, or class based development?

If you are using tag based development, what tools are you using to create the look and feel of your web pages? Are you using tools like Adobe Dreamweaver, or do your developers sit down and code HTML using plain editors like Notepad and Notepad++

Are you doing prototyping of web pages and then adding CSP tags, or are you just developing the finished csp page with no prototype?

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This morning on the old Caché Google Group, someone posed the following question, which I've decided to answer here, because it's interesting!

Is there a way to iterate ClassMethod's params, and get param's names and values?

The first answer I can come up with is: it's not easy! In any method, you could try to write code like this (where methodName is the name of your method):

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· Feb 18, 2016
Message Error - CSP.Page

The cache has error messages default, for example , " -139 SQLCODE : Competition impairment on the update: row versions are not the same. "

How i can exchange it for a more friendly to the user's message? I use the CSP.Page and form_save ( ).

What is best practice for this situation?

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0 1K

In preparation for a presentation I need a real-world LDAP schema that has been customized a bit beyond the basics. Perferably this would be based on an OpenLDAP system which would make it easier to merge into this presentation.

If you have such a schema you would be willing to share please respond or contact my directly at Rich.Taylor@InterSystems.com

Thanks in advance.

Rich Taylor

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I'm revisiting some older projects that can benefit from the new JSON support and dynamic object capabilities in 2016.1 FT / 2016.2 FT. (Particularly, some of the really new features in the latest 2016.2 FT.)
For the particular thing I'm working on, it would be very handy to be able to merge objects, similarly to https://api.jquery.com/jquery.extend/. The closest thing I've found so far (in 2016.2 only) is:

Set o1 = {"a":1,"c":2}, o2 = {"b":1,"c":1}
Write "o1: ",o1.$toJSON(),!

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