Thanks for all replies in advance. We have a security vulnerability that we have to get rid of. We use Putty software to connect to cache as a terminal allowing several users to do maintenance work in cache. this uses telnet Plain text. I know that we can configure telnet to be encrypted using the super server service and I'm looking for software that can work like Putty as a terminal using encryption compatible with cache telnet encryption. If I have cache installed on my PC and setup a connection to the server using Kerberos with encryption and use the terminal option to connect to

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· May 3, 2019
Extract string

Hi There

I created function to manage string as requirement extract the first two letter of each word after space for example:

Text = "Review symptoms to report with patient"

After passed function it will be return "Resytorewipa"


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0 483

I am still new to cache objectscript and am trying to figure out how I would go about removing the escape characters from my JSON below. When I call the $toJSON method it's adding the "\" character in the file path.


My Code:

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I have a process that takes data from a CSV file (actually a record mapper object) and creates a nicely formatted JSON string I would love to send this along to a RESTful business operation. However no matter what I try, I continually get <INVALID OREF> errors when trying to populate the object that extends Ens.Request to give it the JSON string.

I can add strings, other objects, you name it - but stuffing a JSON formatted variable/object into another object I want to send someplace is proving to be an impossibility.

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1 780

Hello everyone, I'm new to COS development. I'm trying to generate a simple XML file based on a query and save into my server. I'm looking for stuff to get it done, if anyone has a tutorial or a step-by-step post on how to do it. My difficulty is just in generating the XML file.

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I have problem with Cache installed on a colleague's Windows 10 laptop. On the laptop, Cache was automatically configured to use IIS and this has worked fine with csp applications configured in the Management Portal.

Now this seems to have stopped working, and I can't work out why. In IIS, the web application seems to be in the correct place.

I have manually mapped the various file extensions to CSPms, as per the documentation, but any attempt to navigate to a csp page produces an 500 error, which tells me precisely nothing about why this is happening.

For example,

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0 187
· Apr 22, 2019
Docker container error

Dear team,

I am trying to experiment the Docker container in our development environment. I have successfully build an image and running the container. When I access the CSP portal home page ( http://<host-ip>:57772/csp/sys/%25CSP.Portal.Home.zen?$NAMESPACE=%25SYS), I am getting the following error:

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Class ICT.Experiments.A Extends %Persistent
Property Name As %String;
Property Collection As list Of ICT.Experiments.B;
Property Collection2 As array Of ICT.Experiments.C;

Class ICT.Experiments.B Extends %Persistent
Property Name As %String;

Class ICT.Experiments.C Extends %Persistent
Property Name As %String;

I have the classes above and I can select columns from the array collection by using two joins as follows:

0 9
1 1.8K
· Apr 18, 2019
Importing a role

What is the process in importing a role from one server to another server?

Let's say Server A is our main server that we maintain all of our resources / roles / users. We would like to get these over to Server B, Server C, Server D, etc.

It looks like when we import, there are tables and resources left in the destination servers that are not in the source server. It looks like whatever was in the destination server that was not part of the source server was not deleted from the import.

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0 144

Hello All,

There are few tools for SQL optimization available and even query builder has Show Plan to give us an estimation of the resources needed to execute.

For Methods - Is there anything similar ??

I would like to see a similar approach as to the time taken for method to execute.

Is Studio Debugger only option ??

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0 280

I have a query that I would like to have refreshing at certain intervals lets say every 30 seconds with out refreshing the page content using the META TAGS

refreshes the whole page but I have a jquery function that will run at those intervals that I can use the problem is getting the jquery to call my COS function or is the way to do it with pure COS

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0 370
· Apr 9, 2019
SOAP Request Header

I have a wdsl soap request that now requires a header. Where do I modify the header to allow this new value to be sent?

    <Headers xmlns="urn:epic-com.2013.Interconnect.Headers"> 



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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to migrate the IDE for programming in COS, we normally use the Studio, but we want to use a more modern IDE. Our team has knowledge with Visual Studio plataform, but we couldn't configurate the compiler and terminal, I installed the extension InterSystems ObjectScript and tried to configurate to connect with my local machine, unfortunately the connection don't sucessed.

Someone has material for how i can connect and compile? Some material i saw show how to use the compiler, but not how can i do the configuration.

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0 961
· Apr 5, 2019
How to compare time

I am trying to get the time difference between two time stamps one is recorded earlier to the one happening current but the problem is sql expect string while I have the other stored in a variable and if I do the following I get errors any help please


please note that tx is a variable holding the time formatted the same way as the one being compared to

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0 503
· Apr 5, 2019
REST and CSP Sessions


We are using Rest Service with inheritance of %CSP.Rest, and we are having the following problem: when we receive 100 request from single IP adress - this creates 100 CSP sessions and takes 100 user licence for each request for few seconds. What can we do do about this? We've set this parameter:

Parameter UseSession As Integer = 1;

Thank you in advance!

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