· Apr 22, 2021
Cache code conversion tool


I have a requirement to convert few screens having character based interface built in Cache to a web based interface in Java while still keeping Cache as the backend which means database will remain the same. Wanted to know if we have any tool in the market which can help doing that keeping in consideration that these screens in cache are using mumps code.

If we don't have any tool, would appreciate if someone shares their experience in the manual conversion as well.

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I'm getting thousands of errors like the ones below:

2021-05-03 14:11:44 [SQLCODE: <-400>:<Ocorreu um erro fatal>] [Cache Error: <<READ>Dispatch+14^%SYS.BINDSRV>] [Location: <ServerLoop>] [Client info: <Username: KIORAS, Node Name: 3IK0VLS5UU, IP Address:, Executable Name: EXTRService.exe, Internal Function: B0>] [%protocol: <52>] $Id: //ce/2018.1.2/kernel/common/src/aclass.c#1 $ 23468 104

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0 469
· May 14, 2021
Luhn Mod N in Cache?

Hi all

I'm trying to recreate this method below in Cache/IRIS. ISO-7812-1 (LUHN-10)

I've been following the javascript example. It seems simple in theory but i'm struggling with which cache methods to pick.

$LENGTH, $System.SQL.FLOOR() - seem ok

$EXTRACT - I think for .charAt (though may need to correct base)

$FIND - for .indexOf

Any suggestion which would be the best ones for the job?

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· Jun 22, 2021

I am using .net to connect to the cache database via ODBC, OdbcConnection connection = new OdbcConnection(dbConnection); connection.Open(); This error is reported when the link is opened, how should this be solved? Thank you very much!

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0 214


I am running InterSystems iris 2021.1 from the container and I have version 2020.1.1 is installed locally. While running studio locally I am getting below error message:

"Version mismatch. Studio version 2020.1.1 unable to connect to server version 2021.1
Upgrade to a later version of the client to resolve this error"

Looking Forward


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0 397

Is there a way to get a report of how many messages are passing through a production? I am trying to gauge how many messages we process weekly, monthly, and yearly. Also, over specific months.

Would appreciate if someone can guide me on this

We use Cache for Windows 2017.1.3

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0 227

I'm trying to save a list of AccessTokens a user for a specific user. This way I could present it together with other user-data.

I have tried calling ##class(OAuth2.Server.AccessToken).OpenByCode(authCode) from %OAuth2.Server.Authenticate's AfterAuthenticate() method. This only returns things like State and AuthorizationCode, but the AccessToken is empty at this point (afterwards it becomes filled out).

Is there a way to achieve storing the AccessToken as part of the login system?

0 1
0 244

So I am working with an inherited SQL query that queries 8 different tables. 5 of which have over a million records.
I have 3 different servers.

Server 1, Server 2 and Server 3. They all have the same data/tables/structure across all servers.
Server 3 has an Iris database engine and the other 2 are Cache 2015.1.4.

I have a problem with views and performance across the servers being inconsistent.

Thankfully Server 1 is the current live server that performs "fast enough".
Server 2 is being synced from Server 1 and acts as a report server.

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· Sep 30, 2021
Portal's category.


I’m looking for a way to find out which category of portal a connector belongs to.
I looked at the class ‘Ens.Config.Production’ and ‘Ens.Config.Item’ but without success.

An idea about the ‘ObjectScript’ code to design?

Best Regards.

0 11
0 268

Is there a way, for testing purposes at least, to change a CSP session over to a different user? We have a lot of things in our system that are allowed or restricted based on the user login, so it would be useful for me to be able to occasionally run as a different user to see how things look and work for them. I've tried using the %CSP.Session.Login function, but that still shows the CSP session as being from the original user, not the one I've switched to.

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0 297


Is there a way to find the median in Intersystems Cache SQL? I know it is not available as an aggregate function. Also in SQL Server I could try something like:

   (SELECT TOP 50 PERCENT Score FROM Posts ORDER BY Score) AS BottomHalf)
) / 2 AS Median

However, there is no PERCENT Keyword in Cache as well. Any suggestions?


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0 335

Hi Team,

I am working on data transformation ADT^A01 from ADT^A01 ,In both source and target MRG segment is not available. How can i create a new MRG segment in Target. Kindly share your ideas how to create a new segment in Data transformation.

Thanks in advance

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0 290

Hello! Need help...
Please tell a newbie how to connect to a remote database.
OS Centos 7, WebServer type Apache, version cache - cache-2014.1.5.851.1-lnxrhx64,
FileType=License 5.1

LicenseCapacity=Cache 5.0 Entree - Concurrent Users for Intel (Linux):40, Multi-Server

0 15
1 418

Hello All,

I have a class method on the DocRepo server that needs to query the data value of a global variable on the Edge server.

I have looked at the documentation for 'Global Structure,' but I didn't find anything that helped.

Global Structure | Using Globals | InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2022.1

I am able to access this global easily from the Edge server using the $Get function, but I need to access it from the DocRepo server.

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· Nov 18, 2022
Upgrade Caché version

Hi everybody!

I'm new to a Caché world and need some help! Where I work we are running Cache 2016.1 version in a server, and 2018.1 in another server. I want to upgrade the version 2016.1 to 2018.1, but I fear it can raise some errors tha I cant resolve yet. My doubt is, if I upgrade it will run ok?

Thanks in advance!

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1 441


I'm new to the system I'm working on, and I have a part of a statement that needs to grab the previous month.

....and MONTH(TX3.date_of_service)= MONTH(dateadd(mm,-1,GETDATE()))

However, when it hits January, I'm left with month 0.

Does anyone know a workaround to grab December of the previous year, while still functioning normally for the rest of the current year.

Thank you!

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0 155

Has anyone had success with passing in a collections property within a SOAP request to a Soap Service in Ensemble? Please reply with how you set up that collections property. I am able to successfully send a SOAP request correctly containing the elements of the collection property to Cache, as seen in a custom soap log file which I am using to troubleshoot. But the collection property in the Ensemble request is not getting serialized, meaning MyContainers has nothing.

My.Request consists of a property, MyContainers, which can have 0 or more Containers (My.Container)

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