
Can I get "Window Size" from terminal? By command line.

Terminal > Edit > Window Size

I already tried to use 'do CURRENT^%IS', but without success. It does not return the change, for example, when the column is 132.

Is there any routine or method for this?

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0 882

What is difference between using a command $classmethod rather than just invoking them straight away?

For example if i need to call a class and its method i can just use like

do ##class(circle).radius()

rather than using

do $classmethod("circle",radius)

(I suppose both of them doing the same function i am not aware of it)

Please help me understand what is different and is there any specific usage.

Correct me if i have made mistake.

0 7
0 419

Hi everyone

How can I connect using the Terminal to a remote server?

I changed the server indication on the Healthshare icon on the Windows toolbar.

The management portal works but not the Terminal. When I open the terminal it displays only some information about the server ("SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.2"), but it doesn't give the possibility to log in.

Do you have any suggestions how I could fix it?

Thanks a lot and best regards


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0 1.2K
· Dec 26, 2017
API resources acces

Hi community ,

i worked this last time on the access token generate method , now it's ok, i want use the received access token to have access for asking the resources server.

i found the [%SYS.OAuth2.AccessToken] class which describes how add access token in the http request header , but i don't know how use it in my project.

Do me take only this class or the full package %SYS.OAuth2.

Thank you for helping .

0 1
0 489

Let's say I have Macro.Parent class:

Include Parent
Class Macro.Parent

ClassMethod Test()
    write "Class: " _ $classname() _ $c(10,13) _ "Value: " _ $$$name


which references Parent.inc macro name:

#define name "Parent"

Now, I want in my subclass Macro.Child to have Test method with the same code, but to redefine value of name macro.

0 6
0 365

With the release of Cache 2016.1, JSON support was re-architected and made part of the core object model with the creation of %Object and %Array classes, which allow you to create dynamic JSON enabled objects and arrays.

On a recent demonstration I was working on, I had the need to create a REST web service that returned a JSON representation of a persistent object. After searching for methods that would allow me to accomplish this, ultimately I found none, until now.

3 20
0 2.8K
· Dec 15, 2017
cache operator

In if condition what is the difference between specifying the single operator and double operator? For example, what is the difference between (&& and &) or (|| and !)

0 9
0 736

I am trying to read an xml document using %XML.TextReader and that's is all well and l can get my elements values but would like to determine where the next record start on the xml without referring to the document path in essence would like to use the same method to read different xml docs. I would like to know if is there a way or a function that I can use to get the start and end of a record in xml as I would to get the start and end element.

0 6
0 738

Hi all,

I have a database with 140 million records containing financial transactions. When I do a query to calculate the sum of those records spanning a number of months it takes around 4 seconds on my database server which seems reasonable. However if I run the same query on an application server it takes around 40 seconds to do the same query.

In just this instance I would like to run that piece of code on the database server instead of the application server. It's a query that is only run a few times a day so I would prefer to have a fast result and don't mind putting a bit more stress on my database server for that.

0 4
0 752

Today %SYS.Namespace.ListAll started to report one namespace, for example USER, two times: once as "USER" and once as USER's database "^^c:\databases\user".

Details: my Cache instance has 50+ local namespaces. Today I have "touched" 3 of them (imported new classes), and now ListAll reports each of these 3 twice. Looks like ListAll is the only one who sees those strange duplicates, in all other places (Portal, Studio) only USER is shown.

Can someone explain what is happening?

0 9
0 332

I would like to write some code to parse a set of HTML pages from the internet in order to gather information from each web page.

All of the web pages are generated using a template, so the format of each of the web-pages is consistent with one-another and the information that I want to gather is always located in the same logical place within the page.

What is the best way to parse an html page in order to gather information at a specific place?

Can XML XPATH be used here? Does anyone have any examples of parsing HTML content?

2 6
0 1.5K
· Dec 5, 2017
Client description Oauth2

Hi community ,

i come back to you , i've a problem with Client description in Oauth2, when i tick the Supported grant types and i save , there are not registred on the OAuth2_Client.Metadata table .

can you tell me where is the problem please.

you will find attached a screenshot.


0 2
0 524
· Dec 13, 2017
Cyclic Redudancy Error


We are using Cache 5.0.15 version. We are facing error. I tried to copy the dat file, I am getting cyclic redudancy error.
I did run the integrity check and repair utility . Nothing works.
Now My question is how to recover the dat file with data.

Thanks in Advance!

0 1
0 135

Hello Community,

I recently encountered a issue with Caché and I can't figure out where the problem is coming from.

I noticed that the license limit (200) was reached whenever I was opening my Studio (so it seems). When this occurs, I restart Caché (with the Cube in the Taskbar), and the number of license used is back to 1%, but grows back after. The time taken before the number of license grows back again looks pretty random.

Here is a couple of screenshots :

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0 1.8K
· Dec 7, 2017 3m read
Asynchronous REST

In this article I'd like to discuss asynchronous REST and approaches to implementing it.

Why do we need asynchronous REST? Simply put - answering the request takes too much time. While most requests usually can be satisfied immediately, some can't. The reasons are varied:

  • You need to perform time-consuming calculations
  • Performing action actually takes time (for example container creation)
  • etc.

The solution to these problems is asynchronous REST. Asynchronous REST works by separating request and real response. Here's an example, let's consider the following simple async REST broker:

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0 1.6K