· Aug 20, 2024

Using Parameters in RuleDefinition

I've been trying unsuccessfully to use a parameter function within a routing rule. I can see the function %GetParameter available in the WYSIWIG rule editor, but I cannot seem to get the inputs for it correct, e.g.

Which gives the error


I have also tried unsuccessfully in code

Is what I am doing possible, and I have a syntax issue? Or is getting a parameter like this not something that can be done in a class of type Ens.Rule.Definition


Product version: IRIS 2024.1
Discussion (4)2
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I can see the function %GetParameter available in the WYSIWIG rule editor

There is no %GetParameter function available in default functions provided by IRIS, to list available functions you need to press the "fx" button, it looks you have typed in %GetParameter.

Maybe you have developed a custom function called %GetParameter?

What parameter are you looking for within an HL7 routing rule?

The idea was the Parameter was in the routing rule itself, this way the function getFunctionValue would be run at compile time (as it's value won't change) rather than running it each time within the rule definition.


Class MyRoutingRule Extends RuleDefinition {

Parameter myClassParameter = {#class(FunctionSet).GetFunctionValue()}

XData RuleDefinition {
  //use myClassParameter in here


I thought I'd also tried using the $parameter function as well, but perhaps I have to specify the class name as the first argument, even if the class is itself?
