· Oct 17, 2023
Debugging a SOAP web-client

Pointers please for debugging a SOAP web-client.

We have several clients in different productions all accessing a web-service. We are trying to add another client in a new production, and its not working. The messages between the relevant Process and the SOAP web-client Operation are the same in the working and the non-working productions. But the web-service is reporting an XML parsing error to the non-working production. Here's the error as reported in the SOAP web-client Operation...

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We are writing a custom Business Operation to interact with a downstream SOAP web-service. Classes for the SOAP operation were originally generated using the SOAP Wizard, then modified. This is functioning OK, but we'd now like to set the ReplyCodeActions setting on the operation and are struggling to make it visible via the management portal. How can we achieve this?

The classes are structured like this:

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Hi all,

We're in the process of creating several courses for creating custom business components for productions. This includes custom business operations, BPL processes, and custom business services. Custom Business Operations and Custom Business Services are both aimed at software developers while BPL processes can be also be created by business analysts. What are some gotchas or best practices you've learned that you wish you knew when first building these components?

We'd love to include what you've learned into these courses so others can learn from them as well!

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· Mar 20, 2019
Query Response from MSSQL

I am having an intermittent issue that when I make a call to MSSQL from a BPL that the response does not come back in the amount of time required. Since the call from the BPL is synchronous I tried changing the timeout to 60 but it has not helped (see below). Is there anyway to guarantee that the call waits long enough for a response before continuing on?


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I'm trying to establish a communication between my edge, which is in one server, with my HUB which is in another one.
In EDGE, when the HS.Gateway.HSWS.WebServices component sends a message to the HUB component, it receives the following error: "Cannot invoke method RegisterGateway; WebServiceClientClass 'HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServicesClient' could not be instantiated, or the WebServiceURL Location could not be determined".

May someone help me?

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· Mar 22, 2017
Unable to sFTP to vendor

We have many sFTP business operations that work successfully. I just modified an existing one to point to a new IP and Port, as well as use new credentials (username and password only). When I attempt to sFTP a file, I receive the following error.

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We have just completed a migration of a test environment from Ensemble 2012 to Ensemble 2017 on a new server. This is the last in a series of migrations but the first to encounter this particular issue. All web clients making SOAP requests to a particular external web service are receiving a fault that states:

The SOAP action specified on the message, '', does not match the HTTP SOAP Action, 'http://<expected target service action follows here>'.

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· Nov 7, 2019
Webservice Response Changes


I loaded a WSDL from a webservice into my project where executing it returns me a series of Orders related.

My problem is that the provider of this webservice sometimes adds new fields, which I don't even use, and from then on it starts giving Iris a bug, so I need to import the updated WSDL again so that it creates the new property that the provider added.

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Hi ,

Still a newbie for ensemble, I am trying to convert XML message to HL7 Message. I am using Custom schema for XML structure which includes MSH and PID segments from HL7 Message.

These are the service, process, Operation classes i am using

Business service-EnsLib.EDI.XML.Service.FileService

Business Process-EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine

Business operation -EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation

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maybe I am not looking in the correct spots, but how should one handle an Exception from a SOAP web service within the Business Process Language? For example I am sending a request to a Web Service to try to get information, but the response I am getting is an Exception like "Patient Not Found".

Is there a function I can call to check the response similar to what I do to check a SQL Snapshot to see if it is valued?


Scott Roth

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  • Take an HL7 message, parse some data from it
  • Call a web service to get an authorization key, comes back as a simple string
  • Create a request object with data from the HL7 message and send it to the Web Service

The main web method call requires that key I received as a Soap Header element. All I can pass to the SOAP Operation business class is the request object with the data I plucked from the HL7 payload. Nothing in that particular request message has anything in it that tells anything to send the header, too.

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0 1.1K

I just deployed my production from test to acceptance but I found that the deployment misses some Soap Webclient classes which are used by my business operation components. I have used the management portal to create the deployment (i.e. production settings -> Export) and I expected that all classes used by the production were automatically included. Apparantly, that is not the case. Is this default behaviour for Ensemble? And can I somehow force Ensemble to automatically include these classes?

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Hi All,

I have a line of mumps code that creates a folder on a network shared drive.


d ##class($Library.File).CreateDirectory("\\share\folder\newfolder")

If I run this line of code from a cache terminal window it works fine and creates the folder without problems.

However If I create a very simple business operation in a production in the same namespace that simply runs this one line of code then the code fails.

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I'm writing a SOAP client in Ensemble (2017.2.2) that is required to pass empty elements to the SOAP server in the form <xsi:type="ns:ResponsibleUser"/> where ResponsibleUser is a class that itself has no properties. I initially thought I'd found the answer with the XMLIGNORENULL parameter of XML enabled classes but this didn't make any difference for SOAP requests, only working when I wrote the XML to a file.

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We would need to know the Ens.Response SourceConfigName to identify which Operation has raised an exception.

We have tried:

$$$LOGINFO("..%Process.%PrimaryResponseHeader.SourceConfigName..: "_..%Process.%PrimaryResponseHeader.SourceConfigName) //It outputs an empty string
$$$LOGINFO("response.SourceConfigName: "_response.SourceConfigName) //It generates an exception

We would need to get from an Ens.Response which body is null, its SourceConfigName:

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· Jan 13, 2021
Handling Errors

I have a case where our EMR is sending data, but not all the values needed for the Ancillary are valued properly and causes that message to error/halt processing on the Ancillary system, not ideal but its what they do. I would expect them to still process the message except that 1 field, but they don't.

I want to add validation to make sure certain fields are valued correctly for the Vendor.

So I add some statements to take those items that don't pass this validation out to a batch file with headers.

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