· Nov 7, 2017
Custom Schema


Please excuse my rather limited knowledge of HL7.

In Ensemble, I have a HL7 message that contains several Z segments. I have created a custom schema to represent the new Z segments along with the new DocType Structure and Message Structure

How does Ensemble/Health Connect know which custom schema to use? I believe it has to be indicated in the MSH segment somewhere, but not sure where exactly that would be. Is the version simply updated with the new schema name or is there some other field?



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Hi, Community!

If you want to become an Atelier power user for back end development, this video is exactly for you:

Atelier for Server-Side Development
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

1 0
0 254

Hi Community. I have a vendor sending us X12 837 claims, they are sending a mixture of 4010 and 5010 formatted claims. Is there a way I can examine the file contents and determine the message format and route to two separate folders based on format (4010 vs 5010). I've tried setting up a record map, stream container and vdoc services and processes with no luck. Any help would be appreciated.

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0 1.1K

I am a newbie to Cache and we are using dBeaver product to query against Cache tables.
I have the following query which does a GROUP BY to aggregate the columns:

SELECT PtNumber,cpt4_OVR,CollDateODBC, COUNT(*)
FROM site.MGBILL_View 
  WHERE cpt4_OVR IN ('36415', '36416')
     --AND ChargeFlags = '0'
  GROUP BY PtNumber,cpt4_OVR, CollDateODBC
  HAVING count(*) > 2

-This returns a count of 3 for each patient (aggregated)

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0 1.1K

Hi I've created a word macro in order to convert doc to txt via the command line, this works fine via the command line by myself or another user but when I try as an the intersystems user which runs under LocalSystem it doesn't work.

So can I change the user, or set the $ZF to run as a different user?

Or do I have to try another way to convert doc to txt - it's looking like libreOffice?

I just wanted to stick with word because I could be guaranteed on the result being accurate.




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0 1.3K

If you want to dynamically serve images as a property of JSON then there is no perfect encoding solution. One method used frequently is to Base64 encode the image. Whilst there are some negatives to doing this, such as data inflation, there are some positives to working with Base64 images inside the browser.

Let's say you have an image placeholder on a web page...

6 4
1 1.8K

I have an Ensemble installation with an FTP business operation which I would like to connect to a server over SSL in explicit mode (see also: I keep running into timeouts while attempting to do this via Ensemble. Does Ensemble actually support SSL in explicit mode??? Because I can't seem to find any setting where to switch it on.

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0 566
· Nov 6, 2017

Hello, evrybody, I'm writing one project using CSP("OnPreHTTP"), and also REST angular. At the beginning I wrote purely on csp, then I decided to use angular for the flexibility of the client part. Now I can not design logging, I created a table App.Log with properties

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0 632
· Nov 5, 2017
TPC-E in Caché

I work in a small development company that uses Caché as a database. In some support cases I have doubts about whether the client's infrastructure environment is not affecting Caché's response time. Reading a bit about comparing installations in different environments, both in production as testing and homologation environments , I understood that the TPC-E is a benchmarking method accepted in the market.

0 4
0 396

Hello; We are managing several Ensemble instances on several servers. One server has 4 instances, and two other servers have one instance each (those are production servers). We encrypt all instances using the Caché encryption in the management portal.

Currently we are using two different encryption keys: 1 key on the server with 4 instances, which is used for all 4 instances, and a second key on single-instance server. ( I'm installing the newest production server now.)

1 1
0 661
· May 2, 2017 1m read
Atelier Tutorial Videos - Introduction

Greetings fellow Atelier users! To help new users get started, we are planning to make a list of video tutorials (e.g., how to create an Atelier project). The first one is "Introduction to Atelier", which is a brief tour of the Atelier user interface. We'd appreciate it if you could watch this video and let us know your comments. We'll be relying on your feedback to create more video tutorials to make it easier for new users to learn Atelier.

Please feel free to post your comments below. We look forward to hearing from you!

4 1
0 804
· Nov 5, 2017
How to avoid dirty read

I get two methods below: I would run both methods concurrently.

However, the "testRead" would always read the uncommitted results from "testInsert".

Anyway to avoid that? Thanks.

ClassMethod testInsert()
  &sql(insert into Test.Table(AttrA,AttrB,AttrC,AttrD) values(1,2,3,4))
  hang 15

ClassMethod testRead()
  &sql(select count(*) into :ans from Test.Table)
  w !,ans
0 5
0 704

Is it possible to make the cache terminal available over a mirrored vip address for a healthshare mirrored environment? So that connecting to a terminal for a mirrored environment will always connect to the Live Node?

I'm looking to write a Powershell script to run against the system and need to connect to the Live Node in a mirrored setup. Is this possible or am I going to have to log onto each node to establish which is Live. Or does this even matter?

0 4
0 481

Learning Services Live Webinars are back!

At this year’s Global Summit, InterSystems debuted InterSystems IRIS Data Platform™, a single, comprehensive product that provides capabilities spanning data management, interoperability, transaction processing, and analytics. InterSystems IRIS sets a new level of performance for the rapid development and deployment of data-rich and mission-critical applications. Now is your chance to learn more!

3 1
0 586

Hi guys,

I am trying to run a command line code using $zf(-1) in cache terminal. it is returning access denied error.

I have tried to run the code in cmd itself it is also throwing Access denied error. But if opened cmd as administrator and run the same code it is working perfectly. I am using windows system.

Hence i need to know how can i run the cmd line code as administrator using our terminal or studio. Please help me out.



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0 2.2K

Advent of Code is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : look at article

In this challenge, you need to find a password using instructions to move on a keypad.
Instructions can be U(p), D(own), L(eft) and R(ight).

You start at button 5 on a keypad like

3 0
0 361
· Oct 27, 2017
Recordmap within a BPL

I have a text file that is fixed width delimited and am using a BPL to process this file, ultimately performing a transform from the text file to an HL7 message. I created a DTL, mapping from the recordmap to the HL7. In my BPL, I am performing some loops and other logic (that all is working). My issue is what to do when I perform the Transform.

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0 711
· Oct 30, 2017
Oauth 2.0 framework

Hi Team

i want to implement an Oauth 2.0 framework in my application , i define my connexion IHM, i want to check if the login and password are right when a user connect

do you've any idea ?


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0 549

Greetings to all! Faced with such a problem, I ask for help, someone with great practical skills I think has already implemented this. The task was not to delete any objects from the database, but somehow mark this data deleted by client, because of this, I added Property Deleted As% Boolean [InitialExpression = 0]; in the class. And in the redefined method %OnDelete:

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