
In all web services, i need to my get login and token. So with Postman, i tried to call a HTTP request where I put the login/token in the header :

I tried to get data from Http request header. The REST APi use %CSP.REST. I tried something like that :

But it didn't work..

Someone can give me some example or other method ?


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I'm getting mad trying to get data from an external REST service that uses Basic Authentication from Ensemble. The BO worked fine when I was using a test server without authentification, but as soon as we need to go to production I cannot have it working.

So far, I've created the username/password at the credentials page (Ensemble-Configure-Credentials). I've setup the BO to use this credentials. But nothing happens.

I've tried with the Rest Client (addon for Mozilla), and using the same address, port and user/pwd works just fine.

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I have a cache client with a list of several servers.

One of the server is working with an IIS server that is not the Cache DB server.

The connection to the IIS server is only through https (SSL)

I tried to define the Web Server IP Address to https://some.server.name but it didn't let me to specify the https

So I tried to define Web Server Port to 443 but when I chose the SMP it's trying to open http://some.server.name:443/csp/sys/UtilHome.csp

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Hi All,

I have a line of mumps code that creates a folder on a network shared drive.


d ##class($Library.File).CreateDirectory("\\share\folder\newfolder")

If I run this line of code from a cache terminal window it works fine and creates the folder without problems.

However If I create a very simple business operation in a production in the same namespace that simply runs this one line of code then the code fails.

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I'm running this code in our application, and in the terminal:

>set query="SELECT * FROM PMG_Data_Private.RemitInstance WHERE (VoucherNumber %INLIST ? SIZE ((10)))"

>set tRS = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("%DynamicQuery:SQL")

>set ok=tRS.Prepare(query)

>d $system.Status.DisplayError(ok)

ERROR #5540: SQLCODE: -76 Message: Cardinality mismatch between the SELECT-list and INTO-list
SQLTEXT: SELECT * FROM PMG_Data_Private.RemitInstance WHERE (VoucherNumber %INLIST ? SIZE ((10)))

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I followed the First Look instructions and tried to run a Docker container with the below command:

> docker run --name iris --detach --publish 52773:52773 --volume /Users/docker:/external --env ICM_SENTINEL_DIR=/external iris:latest --key /external/iris.key --before "/usr/irissys/dev/Cloud/ICM/changePassword.sh /external/password.txt"

It returned with a container ID and an error message:

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I am working with a client to try and export a set of tasks defined in the Task Manager from one system to another. I am not seeing any API for this. I can query this information in SQL. So I tried to use the Data Export Wizard from the System Management portal in the SQL window. Export was fine. Importing failed with a "can't insert into read only field" error. Looking at the class definition does not help since the implementation details are not visible.

So how would one accomplish this? Export scheduled tasks from one system to another?

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I am trying to fetch the data from cache database. But i got the error like "CSP application closed the connection before sending a responce".

Below is the query.

FROM SQ.CBPhoneResult_View Where PhoneDateODBC = '2018-04-09'

I have investigated and found that "CallbackComment" contains the special character single quotes " ' " for one result and due to this i got this error.

In this field data is enter by customer. so we cannot restrict them like Do Not use single quotes.

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I have a process which is passed a .rtf within a GlobalBinaryStream. I am trying to then output just the .rtf to a folder on a server, but not even sure where to start.

Is there a Built in Operation that I can pass the GlobalBinaryStream to which will then write the file to a folder, or do I need to use a custom class for the operation?


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I am setting up a new Caché instance and I have managed to configure it where Caché username/password is required to initiate the Caché session:

csdfalsdkfjf@fra23e234sco:/opt/labmed/test/test81/proc$ csession cache1

Node: frxxco, Instance: CACHE1


I cannot find the setting in the management console that allows for unauthenticated login to a Caché session. Any help is much appreciated.

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Hello Everyone,

I have a healthshare web application with production, I try to make a field in basic setting of business service, and I would like to set a string to DISPLAYLIST and VALUELIST of that Property (string maked by query to sql table). I code the same here but it's syntax incorrect in DISPLAYLIST = GetTypeDisplay(), VALUELIST = GetTypeValue(). Someone know a best way to solved my problem? Thanks so much!

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Has anyone called any outside Javascript code from inside their class files? I asked a long time ago if there was a way to manipulate an image within Cache Object Script, and since Cache doesn't have any image libraries its not really possible. However I have found Javascript to resize an image and wonder how hard it would be to mesh the two together.

Can anyone share any examples?



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· Feb 21, 2018
HL7 segment query using SQL

I'm trying to get a count of specific message type with a specific entry and thought I could build the query in Message Viewer but this does not provide counts (as far as I am aware). So when I take the SQL from 'Show Query' it omits the segment criteria as the code shows below.

I have attached the criteria that has been excluded. Is this possible?

Thank you

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We are trying to make an ODBC connection via our intersystems ensemble (2016.2 running on ubuntu). However, when I am testing the connection I receive a pop-up that: "Http object response incomplete or invalid.0,#R". Note that the iodbctrace.log remains empty (and it is working because on the first try it registered a 459 error that I should activate kerberos, which I did). Any advise where I should look?

I have taken the following actions:

1. Expand the cacheodbc.ini in the mgr directory as follows:

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