Apologies if this isn't the correct forum but here goes..

I'm accessing an Intersystems database from MS SQL Server using Intersystems ODBC driver and using OPENQUERY statement to read metadata of tables using


but I get an error message saying INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS cannot be found.

Intersystems SQL documentation does reference this table so is there some other way to access this table or is it maybe a permissions issue?

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0 634

Under the previous python binding method (Cache) it was possible to pass in parameters, execute a class query, and fetch the result sets. I have been unable to find a way to do this via PYODBC or the Native API (perhaps I am just missing something).

My work around is to create a SQLquery string and execute it through a cursor. I would much prefer to simply execute the debugged and more secure class queries that already exist and and have been precompiled.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated



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0 629
· Sep 8, 2021
Arabic Language

Good Day

I have http response comes with strange characters "ليس لديه الØ", but it's normal when i test in postman. Is there any method to read arabic.


0 9
0 622

Routing acks from one operation to another:

I was working on a scenario in which I wanted the acks and/nacks received from one downstream system to another interface which is not the source of the original message. Is there a way to achieve this scenario?

The reason being there's a separate interface handling the acks and will be used to manage the errors.

Thank you for the help!

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0 620
· Sep 26, 2021
Modifying %Stream contents

I have a %Stream that I want to insert some text into the middle of. I create a new stream called pNewContentStream from the original stream, then I do a MoveTo in pNewContentStream to get to the byte position I want to insert into but when I do my Write, my pNewContentStream gets obliterated with only the text that I wrote, the original content goes away and all I'm left with is my Write text.

0 17
0 618

The docbook chapter "Importing XML into Objects" has the following tip:

You can call the Correlate() method repeatedly to correlate more than one element, although the examples in this chapter show only one correlation.

Does anyone have a good example of multiple correlations? I've got code running that does multiple imports of the same file while changing the correlation and it's inelegant and not really what I want.

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0 616

Hi, I have VSCode on my Windows 10 notebook with intersystems-community.objectscript-pack installed. I'm successfully connected to remote IRIS (2021.1). I can export classes, change them, save and import back to IRIS.

But every time VSCode starts, the message "Request initialize failed with message: Dynamic Linking Error: Win32 error 126" is displayed and InterSystems Language Server does not start.

0 5
0 616

I have multiple projects that I utilize when debugging in Cache Studio. One of my projects suddenly lost the ability to step through commands with the yellow box and the cursor moving though code lines. The cursor just sits at the entry line while variables apparently do change. Interestingly enough, if I change the project and the debug target, the "yellow box" ability is still there. Apparently losing this functionality is by project/debug target/whatever. The goal is, of course to return it back but how?

0 24
0 611
· Aug 4, 2021
Azure Mirroring - VIP

Has anyone firstly got VIP working for mirroring in Azure? We are pretty sure that this won't work but I wanted to verify it.

Has anyone used the Azure Load balancer to act as a Virtual IP and if so was a application gateway required.

Interested to know your experiences in getting this working.

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0 600
· May 18, 2021
Trakcare using document

Hi, the hospital has deployed a set of TrakCare, but there is no document about TrakCare, including the implementation document of InterSystems installation of TrakCare and relevant management and maintenance documents. Could you please provide them?The hospital bought a complete set of products, should have relevant use documents.At the very least, there should be a relevant basic manual.

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0 598

So now that I have figured out how to send a Page via HTTP.OutboundAdapter, I have another question. I want to use a Function that all I have to do is pass two variables and it is sent to the HTTP.OutboundAdapter I created to send the Page.

So.. If I have a class file that Extends Ens.Rule.FunctionSet, how do I force it to send a Request to my HTTP Business Operation, without having to go through a DTL, or Business Process?



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0 595

Hello All,

I am receiving this error when attempting to place a file in a local SFTP server.

ERROR <Ens>ErrFTPPutFailed: FTP: Failed to Put file '101320210700.RAW' (msg='Error in SFTP Put('/healthshare/mgr/Temp/VPacx9a1eq0b5g.iostream','/SFTP/unmhsmcsa/OUT/101320210700.RAW') ERROR #7504: Timeout',code=0)

Any help is appreciated.

Below are my settings

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0 594
· Mar 9, 2021
BinaryStream to file

First of all thank you for your time in reading this question and writing a response,

We would need some help,

What is the best method for save a %CSP.BinaryStream to a file?

Thank you in advance!!

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0 593

I have an incoming data partner who occasionally passes a non-ASCII character in some free text fields which is causing some downstream systems to be unable to accept the message. Ideally I'm looking for some way to just process the entire message as a data transformation applied in the business rule, as we already have a pre-processor transform to remove the PD1 segment.

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1 589