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Hi there,

I'm discovering IRIS and I need to POC the solution, with a constraint: containerization.
I'm used to deploy my apps in a Swarm cluster, and all my bind volumes are written on a GlusterFS volume.

The problem here, when I start my stack, the first log is:

[WARN] ISC_DATA_DIRECTORY is located on a mount of type 'fuse.glusterfs' which is not supported, consider a named volume for '/iris_conf'

And of course the deployment fails.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,121 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

when doing ETL process from cache database to mysql database(ods) and to another mysql database(dwd).

There are lots of DR columns in one table.

In the first step we need two databases to be totally consistent(ods=cache database)

However, the DR column in another database lost its meaning and become to normal number.

In the last step we do the data governance in ODS to DWD. My question is how to write sql without many `join` in this step.

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I'm trying to leverage the workflow from this repo so I can create an online demo for my project:

I saw that we need to ask for the service account token because I mistakenly tried to obtain my own and obviously was getting permission errors.

So how should I go about getting the token? Thanks!

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I am trying to use IRIS for Health as a Facade for an external FHIR Server, where IRIS provides the proper authentication.
The client authenticates using a bearer token obtained from the IRIS OAuth2 server via a jwt client assertion.
The IRIS endpoint, however, returns a 401 as soon as I remove the Unauthenticated access

Is there w way to make this work through configuration?

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Hi Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Large Language Model Use Cases in Healthcare @ Global Summit 2024
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Hello community

I sent a http post message with a large message body (approx. 200 kB) to a standard EnsLib.REST.GenericService using a standard EnsLib.HTTP.InboundAdapter.

When inspecting the message in the message viewer I expected to see a HTTPMessage XML in the Contents preview, but I found a GenericMessage with no HTTPHeaders section. After a while, I found out that the display in the message's Visual Trace differs from what is shown, when going to the View Full Contents view in the Contents tab of the message viewer.

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I just installed IRIS 2022.1 onto a new VM in the MAG (Azure Government) cloud. The install was successful. Everything looked fine.

When attempting to stop this instance of IRIS, the system hangs at "Withdrawing from License Domain". Eventually, my session is disconnected. The instance then has a status of "sign-on inhibited". To stop this instance, I need to force it.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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I'm fairly new to InterSystems and I've been tasked with building a portal that can show DataCheck States among other details, the GetStateBySystem seems to be fit the bill but I don't see a why to call directly from the .Net SDK. I tried sql and can get data from the table but does include "state" information ("starting, stopping, running etc..."). I did find github example around .Net but none fit the bill. If anyone can point me to the right example or documentation it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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If you are using the client-side development paradigm (i.e. editing code in local files that get imported and compiled onto the IRIS server your `objectscript.conn` settings point to) you can now use IPM in VS Code to manage the packages in your IRIS target by launching it from the Explorer view.

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Hi Guys,

I've created a webservice where a third party web application that can communicate with Ensemble via webservices to post and get data in from of JSON, first call is a post call to login with user/password and Ensemble responds with success or failure than the following get calls, but I've been advised that I also need to return a Cookie to control the exchange and the session for a specific user, I'm not familiar with Cookie so any suggestions, how can I create a an authentication cookie and do i need to add it to my next Get calls ?


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Hi Community,

🔐 Make sure your data is secure! Learn some strategies for enhancing security in InterSystems IRIS® data platform:

Navigating SQL Privileges and Security in InterSystems IRIS
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Hi Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Deployment Considerations for Your AI Solution @ Global Summit 2024
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I want to try out iris-DataViz app to visualize my own data. I cloned the repo and docker-compose up -d in AWS. IRIS portal works, but on port 8051 I get nothing. I checked my AWS security groups. I reversed IRIS webserver port and 8051 and I can connect to Management portal using port 8051. I don't understand what is refusing connection on port 8051 running in iris-DataViz container.

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Hey Community,

Watch this video to learn about AI Co-Pilot, which simplifies DTL coding and offers personalized assistance which makes it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise:

Accelerate DTL Coding with AI Cloud Service @ Global Summit 2024
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In the modern world, the most valuable asset for companies is their data. Everything from business processes and applications to transactions is based on data which defines the success of the organization's operations, analysis, and decisions. In this scenario, the data structures need to be ready for frequent changes, yet in a managed and governed way. Otherwise, we will inevitably lose money, time, and quality of corporate solutions.

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