· Nov 8, 2024

Debugging %Net.SMTP Requests

I'm having an issue with sending SMTP requests from a specific Microsoft 365 account to Gmail accounts. We can use other Microsoft 365 accounts, but something about this one specific account sending to Gmail fails. The error we get is just telling us that sending to the user failed. In order to troubleshoot that, I'm looking for more detail than that.

I see %Net.SMTP objects have a Debug property, but when I set it to 1, I can't see anything happening differently. What does that debug value do? And is there any way to see a more fully detailed SMTP response that I'm just overlooking?

Product version: IRIS 2022.1
$ZV: IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2022.1.2 (Build 574U) Fri Jan 13 2023 14:58:02 EST
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